نسل جديد شبکه هاي قدرت


عضو جدید

در تاريخ 12 شهريور سميناري با موضوع "نسل جديد شبکه هاي قدرت" در دانشکده برق وکامپيوتر دانشگاه صنعتي اصفهان برگزار مي شود.
درمورد اين نسل از ژنراتورها فقط در کشورهاي آمريکا،انگليس و ژاپن تحقيقاتي صورت گرفته و براي کشورهاي درحال توسعه نيز بسيار کاربرد دارد.
این هم abstract:


The objective of this seminar is to encourage university scholars, including professors and graduate and undergraduate students, to team-up with industry experts and develop a demonstration microgrid in the country. The technical, economical and environmental benefits of microgrids are so transparent that most of the developed countries, including USA, Japan, Canada and Europe, have built demonstration microgrid projects which are under extensive research and experimental studies. It is strongly believed that with the existing expertese and available technologies in our country, we have the potential to be among the first several countries who will lead the up-coming technology of electric power industry.


Distributed Energy Resources (DER) are an important asset to traditional power systems since they enhance the system reliability and power quality and provide an alternative for a greater use of renewable energy. DER power systems play an important role in future electric power industry for a more efficient use of energy which is the most critical index for national growth of both the developed and developing countries.
A small network of DER that can operate in parallel to the grid or as a stand-alone system is called microgrid. A practical challenge is to obtain a uniform response for all DER of a microgrid regardless of their type of prime mover and its dynamic response. A compatible power electronic interface will be introduced that provides a uniform response for all DER of the real-world AEP CERTS microgrid (http://certs.aeptechlab.com). Principles of operation and control of the interface and its performance when used for a generator unit of the AEP CERTS microgrid will be presented.


Dr. Hassan Nikkhajoei is a Research Associate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and provides technical lead and expertise for development of the real-world CERTS microgrid, a $16 M demonstration project that is currently under field tests at the American Electric Power (AEP) Dolan Technology Center. He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from Isfahan University of Technology and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Toronto all in electrical engineering. He was as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto and a faculty member at Isfahan University of Technology. He has more than 30 publications and holds 4 U.S. patents pending. His areas of interest include distributed generation power systems and power electronics.


[1] N. Hatziargyriou, H. Asano, R. Iravani, and C. Marnay, ``Microgrids,’’ IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 78-94, July-August 2007.

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