لغات مهم و کاربردی و مورد استفاده در اخبار


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
41: The court found Collins guilty in absentia.​
در غیاب کالینز، دادگاه او را مقصر دانست.​
absentia: when you are not at a court or an official meeting where a decision is made about you​
عدم حضور در دادگاه، عدم حضور در ملاقاتهای رسمی​
42- The issue has polarized the country.​
وضعیت مزبور کشور را به دو قطب مخالف تبدیل کرد​
polarize: to divide into clearly separate groups with opposite beliefs, ideas, or opinions, or to make people do this​
بصورت متضاد در اوردن، به دو قطب مخالف تبدیل ساختن​
43- Hamilton spent the company's money with reckless abandon.​
همیلتون پول شرکت را با بی خیالی تمام بالا کشید.​
(reckless / wild) abandon: if someone does something with abandon, they behave in a careless or uncontrolled way, without thinking or caring about what they are doing​
بی خیالی، بی دقتی​
44- Public anger does not appear to be abating.​
دیگر به نظر نمی آید که خشم عمومی فروکش کند​
abate: to become less strong or decrease​
فروکش کردن، کاهش یافتن.​
45- 46- Selikoff persisted in his campaign against asbestos, aided and abetted by labor unions and environmental groups.​
سلیکاف در فعالیت خودش بر علیه (تولید) پنبۀ نسوز پافشاری کرد و واحد کارگران و گروههای طرفدار محیط زیست نیز با او معاونت داشتند.​
asbestos: a grey mineral that does not burn easily​
مادۀ نسوز، پنبۀ نسوز​
To aid and abet: to help someone do something illegal​
در جرم معاونت کردن، برای انجام کار غیر قانونی کمک کردن.​
47- 48- However, many people are living in abject poverty because of the poll tax.​
بسیاری از مردم به خاطر مالیات سرانه دولت در فقر ذلت باری زندگی میکنند.​
abject: the state of being extremely poor, unhappy, unsuccessful etc​
خوار، پست، ذلیل​
poll tax: a tax of a particular amount that is collected from every citizen of a country​
مالیات سرانه، مالیاتی که در یک کشور از مردم گرفته میشود.​
49- The administration seems to have done a complete about-face on gun-control.​
به نظر می آید که قوۀ مجریه در مورد مسئله کنترل سلاح کاملا تغییر عقیده داده است.​
about-face: a complete change in the way someone thinks or behaves​
تغییر عقیده.​
50- His plans for opening a company are completely above board.​
طرح او برای گشایش یک شرکت کاملا قانونی است.​
above board: an activity or a way of doing business that is above board is done legally, even if it may seem slightly dishonest​
قانونی، مشروع​
51 – Civil service union throws down the gauntlet to the company​
اتحادیۀ خدمات اجتماعی، شرکت را به مبارزه می طلبد (با او مخالف خود را ابراز میکند).​
throw down the gauntlet: to invite someone to fight or compete over a disagreement​
به مبارزه طلبیدن​
52- It's important to keep abreast of the latest developments in computers​
این نکته خیلی مهمه از آخرین پیشرفتهای کامپیوتری باخبر باشی.​
keep abreast of: to make sure that you know all the most recent facts or information about a particular subject or situation.​
به روز بودن، از آخرین تحولات نسبت به چیزی خبر داشتن.​
53- We run a management service which is essential for the absentee landlord.​
ما یک سرویس مدیریتی که برای مالکین غایب ضروری است را اداره میکنیم.​
absentee landlord: someone who lives a long way away from a house or apartment which they rent to other people, and who rarely or never visits it​
مالکین غائب، کسانی که خانه اشان را اجاره دادند و خود از ملکشان دورند.​
54- 55- 56- He had provided a father-confessor figure to absolve the youngster's sins and absorb his phobias.​
father-confessor: the priest who someone regularly makes their confession to​
پدر روحانی که اعترافات مردم را میشنود تا برایشان مغفرت کند.​
absolve: if someone is absolved by the Christian Church or a priest for something they have done wrong, they are formally forgiven​
بخشیدن، آمرزیدن.​
phobia: a strong unreasonable fear of something​
ترس، وحشت، بیم​
57- The president abused of confidence. So no one trust him any more.​
رئیس جمهور از اعتماد مردم سوء استفاده کرده به این دلیل دیگر کسی به او اعتماد نخواهد کرد.​
abuse of confidence: taking advantage of trust, abusing trust​
از اعتماد مردم سوء استفاده کردن​
58- She has been accused of being an accomplice in the kidnapping.​
او متهم است به اینکه در یک آدم ربائی شریک جرم بوده است (با متخلفین همکاری کرده است).​
accomplice: a person who helps someone such as a criminal to do something wrong​
همدست، شریک در جرم.​
59- Health services have been overburdened and are unable to care for many older people.​
سرویسهای ارائۀ بهداشت کارشان از حد معمول زیاد شده است و قادر نیستند از بسیاری از افراد مسن حمایت کنند.​
overburdened: to give an organization, person, or system more work or problems than they can deal with​
زیاده از حد زیر بار رفته، کسی یا چیزی که بار زیاد بر دوش دارد.​
60- Eight people were arrested after a melee broke out at the conference.​
بعد از آنکه در کنفرانس ناگهان شورش بوجود آمد هشت نفر دستگیر شدند.​
melee: a situation in which a lot of people rush around in a confused way:​
شورش، غوغا.​


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
61-62- The deserters were stuck in mangrove swamp.​
سربازان فراری در مرداب های مانگرو (اسم نوعی درخت است) گیر افتادند.​
deserter: a soldier who leaves the army, navy etc without permission​
سرباز فراری.​
mangrove: a tropical tree that grows in or near water or muddy place and grows new roots from its branches.​
نوعی درخت که در کنار دریا یا باتلاق و مرداب میروید.​
63- The place was occupied by marauding soldiers.​
آن محل توسط سربازان غارت گر اشغال شد.​
marauding: a marauding person or animal moves around looking for something to destroy or kill.​
غارت گر، چپاول کر، خرابکار.​
64- Outbreaks of fighting and lawlessness marred the New Year celebrations.​
شورش، جنگ و بی قانونی، زیبائی جشنهای نیویورک را از بین برده است.​
mar: to make something less attractive or enjoyable​
از قیافه انداختن، خراب کردن، رونق و زیبائی چیزی را از بین بردن، آسیب زدن.​
65- Nigeria's Nobel laureate, Wole Soyinka​
وول سوینکا، برندۀ جایزۀ نوبل نیاگارا.​
laureate: someone who has been given an important prize or honor, especially the Nobel Prize​
کسی که جایزه ای مهمی را برنده میشود (مخصوصا جایزه نوبل)​
66- The troops were forbidden to fraternize with the enemy.​
ممنوع شد که سربازان با دشمنان از راه دوستی درآیند.​
fraternize: to be friendly with someone, especially if you have been ordered not to be friendly with them​
دوست بودن، برادری کردن.​
67- And really it was a boom town.​
و واقعا آن یک شهر پررونق بود.​
boom town: a town or city that suddenly becomes very successful because there is a lot of new industry​
شهر پر رونق، شهر رشد یافته.​
68- An estimated 250,000 cars traverse the bridge daily.​
هر روز حدود 250 هزار ماشین از پل عبور میکنند.​
traverse: to move across, over, or through something, especially an area of land or water:​
از یک طرف به طرف دیگر رفتن، از این سو به آن سو رفتن، رد شدن​
69- She was arrested for trespassing on government property.​
او به سبب ورود غیر مجاز در دارائی دولت دستگیر شد.​
trespass: to go onto someone's private land without their permission​
بدون اجازه وارد شدن، بدون مجوز داخل چیزی شدن.​
70- Spain's claim of sovereignty over the territory​
ادعای اسپانیا در مورد حق حاکمیتش بر آن سرزمین.​
sovereignty: complete freedom and power to govern​
حق حاکمیت، سلطه.​
71- Protection against radioactive fallout​
محافظت در برابر بارش ذرات رادیو اکتیو​
fallout: the dangerous radioactive dust which is left in the air after a nuclear explosion and which slowly falls to earth​
گرد و غبار اتمی، بارش ذرات رادیواکتیو​
72- The study encompasses the social, political, and economic aspects of the situation.​
این مطالعه جنبه های اجتماعی، سیاسی، و اقتصادی موقعیت مزبور را در بر میگیرد.​
encompass: to include a wide range of ideas, subjects, etc​
شامل شدن، در بر گرفتن​
73- The mayor was greeted with rapturous applause.​
از شهردار با تشویق پر شوری استقبال شد.​
rapturous: expressing great happiness or admiration - used especially in news reports​
دارای شور شعف، هیجان انگیز​
74- The Chancellor's entrance was greeted with a standing ovation​
مردم در حالیکه ایستاده بودند و کف میزند از ورود صدر اعظم استقبال کردند.​
standing ovation: if a group of people give someone an ovation, they clap to show approval and here everyone stood up.​
ایستاده کف زدن.​
75-76- Will computers render books obsolete?​
آیا کامپیوترها موجب میشوند که کتابها دیگر غیر قابل استفاده شوند.​
render: to cause someone or something to be in a particular condition​
موجب شدن، کشاندن به، انداختن به، تبدیل کردن به.​
obsolete: no longer useful, because something newer and better has been invented​
غیر قابل استفاده، منسوخ، از رده خارج​
77- Some nearby buildings sustained minor damage.​
چند ساختمان نزدیک متحمل خسارات مختصری شدند.​
sustain: to suffer damage, an injury, or loss of money:​
متحمل شدن، آسیب دیدن​
78-79- The obituary in the New York Times had the sweep of history.​
آگهی فوت در روزنامه نیویورک تایمز خود تاریخ مفصلی داشت.​
obituary: an article in a newspaper about the life of someone who has just died​
آگهی فوت، آگهی در گذشت.​
the sweep of some thing: the many different and important ideas, events, or qualities of something​
شکلهای مختلف، گسترۀ وسیع، حوزه وسیع.​
80- Crowds of shoppers sweltered in the summer heat.​
جمعیت خریدارها در گرمای تابستان از گرما بیحال شدند.​
swelter: to feel extremely hot and uncomfortable:​
از گرما بیحال شدن،​


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Challenges remain after Sandy

Challenges remain after Sandy

5 November 2012
It's a week since superstorm Sandy hit the US East Coast and the day before the general election around a million people are still without power. Temperatures have been dropping and tens of thousands of people need to find new homes.
Alastair Leithead


The clean-up is still going on across New York and New Jersey a week after superstorm Sandy smashed into the East Coast. Hundreds of thousands of people are still without power, tens of thousands will have to find accommodation as their houses are ruined and temperatures are dropping fast.

There's an urgency to the clean-up operation as another storm is forecast to hit the region later in the week. Officials say they hope there'll be the minimum amount of disruption on election day.Polling stations are being moved, generators brought in for the electronic voting machines, but turnout is expected to be lower in places where there's still no power, or people have been driven from their homes.



مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Government app

Government app

9 November 2012
Many of us have grown used to using apps or applications on smartphones for little tasks like checking the latest weather, catching up on the news or playing games. But how about running a country?
Mark Gregory


Clip from Apple advertisment:
“What’s great about the iPhone, is that if you want to check snow conditions on the mountain, there’s an app for that.”
And if you want to govern an island nation of 60m people in the North Atlantic there's an app that can help with that - only so far it's available to only one man - British prime minister David Cameron. The app has been developed by an 18-month-old small company in South London.

It crawls the web and other sources providing live data on the jobs market, housing and other key indicators relevant to government. It also tracks social media sources such as Facebook and Twitter, providing insight on what voters are thinking.
The app is provisionally known as the Number 10 Dashboard, a reference to the address of the prime minister's official residence at 10 Downing Street in London. The plan is to make the app more widely available within government once it is perfected. The prime minister is said to have it loaded on his iPad.

Clip from Apple advertisment:
“Yep, there’s an app for just about anything.”



مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
China's economic targets

China's economic targets



12 November 2012
The economy will be one of the biggest challenges for the new Chinese leadership emerging from the Communist Party Congress, which continues in Beijing. The outgoing President Hu Jintao has already set a target for his successor of doubling income per person by the end of the decade.
Andrew Walker


Judging by China's recent performance, Hu Jintao's target might be seen as easily achievable. It implies economic growth of about 9.6% a year, which is rather less than the average over the last three decades. But that growth was based on some elements that can't last indefinitely.
In common with many emerging countries, China's economic success has involved a rapid increase in the number of industrial workers, many of them moving from rural to urban areas. There is a limit to that process, and China might be close to it already. Very high levels of investment have also been important, but they are not seen as sustainable.
There is also the central role that exports have played in China's growth. The uncertain outlook in many rich country markets casts a shadow over that too. Most economists think the transition that's needed is to an economy driven much more by spending by China's own consumers. As incomes have risen, so has consumer spending, but its share in economic activity remains unusually low.
The World Bank has set out reforms that might help change that, by reducing incentives to focus on exports, and industrial investment. The Bank also suggests a wider reform effort to make China more of a market economy. If that analysis is right, the prize could be many more years of strong economic performance and rising Chinese living standards


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Iran's approaching medical crisis

Iran's approaching medical crisis

To take away:

16 November 2012
Iran says its medical supplies are due to run out in two months’ time. The Iranian authorities say drug prices have gone up by 350% since this time last year. Western imposed sanctions on Iran have affected the lives of those who live there.
Karen Zarindast

Manuchehr was only 15. He was a haemophiliac who lived with his family among nomadic tribes outside the city of Dezful in the south. Earlier this week he was out with his friends for a walk when he hurt himself falling. His friends rushed him back home for urgent medication, but there were no drugs left. His parents couldn't afford to pay for his prescriptions. He died on the way to the hospital.
As a result of his death, the authorities have for the first time saidon the record that Iran is on the verge of a medical disaster. Ninety crucial drugs are in short supply, among them medication for cancer, diabetes and haemophilia.

The Iranian currency, the rial, has reportedly lost 80% of its value since the end of last year. It is thought that Iran lost $32bn in oil revenues in 2011. Dollar reserves are running out and even though some sanctions were eased in October to allow in some drugs, the currency crisis has made it near impossible for Iran to buy them.



مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Italian writer warns of English invasion

Italian writer warns of English invasion

19 November 2012
A leading Italian author has warned that his native language is being dangerously undermined by the increasing use of English in everyday life. Crime writer Andrea Camilleri suggested that Italian was being subjected to a "devastating colonisation", with Prime Minister Mario Monti particularly guilty.
Alan Johnston


Andrea Camilleri is a literary celebrity in Italy. And he's best known abroad for his novels featuring his brilliant fictional creation, the Sicilian detective, Inspector Montalbano.

But the author is worried about the health of the language in which he works. Speaking earlier this week he took issue with the country's politicians for peppering their speeches with English words and phrases. Terms like 'welfare', 'governance', 'devolution', and even 'election day'.

The author said that Prime Minister Mario Monti was a leading offender. And it's true that Mr Monti does indeed frequently reach for English terminology. Here's an example from his first speech to Parliament. Listen to how he just drops in the English phrase 'best practices':

Clip of Mario Monti speaking Italian

And in the very next breath, he's at it again, sliding in that grimEnglish term 'spending review':

Clip of Mario Monti speaking Italian

Mr Camilleri said Mr Monti's habit was just part of what he called an "awful tradition" in Italian public life. Not enough, he said, was being done to take care of the national language.

And he gave a classic example. He said that when he served on a jury for a prize given by the Italian state broadcaster at the Venice Film Festival he was dismayed to find that the official language of the judging would be English.



مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Sarkozy questioned over donations

Sarkozy questioned over donations

23 November 2012
Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been questioned over claims his 2007 election campaign received illegal donations from France's richest woman. It is the first time that Sarkozy has been questioned since losing presidential immunity. He denies any wrongdoing.
Christian Fraser


He was the mayor of the wealthiest suburb in Paris. It gave him access to the country's richest woman. And, over the years, Mr Sarkozy had forged a close friendship with Liliane Bettencourt. He was, said staff, a regular visitor to the family home in Neuilly.

But the allegation is that in the final few months of the 2007 election, Mr Sarkozy took advantage of the ageing L'Oreal heiress, persuading her to part with huge amounts of money to help bankrollhis bid for the presidency. An accountant who worked for Ms Bettencourt claims tens of thousands of euros were handed over to his campaign manager Eric Woerth; and, on a separate occasion, Mr Sarkozy came in person, she said, to "receive his envelope" stuffedwith cash.

The former President has repeatedly denied the allegations, but, on the orders of the judge, his office and home were raided in July. Today, one poll suggested the majority of French people would prefer Mr Sarkozy to return and lead his fractured party. Certainly, he harbours those ambitions, but his chances of a return could yet be poisoned by the inquiry he's facing.



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مدیر تالار
Britain's Olympic legacy

Britain's Olympic legacy

21 December 2012

The body which funds elite sport in Britain has announced an increase of 11% across Olympic and Paralympic sports. But some sports which underperformed in London 2012 have been given less money.

Alex Capstick


Britain finished third in the gold medal table at the London Olympics. The target is for the country to become the first host nation to improve on its tally at the following Games. And so UK Sport, which divides up the cash available to individual sports, has increased its funding to five hundred and sixty two million dollars, a rise of eleven per cent. But those sports which underperformed in 2012 have seen their allowance go down. Liz Nichol is the Chief Executive of UK Sport:

"We're very confident that the system can be even better in Rio. We're very confident there is more medal-winning potential to come. And so we're setting out with a very ambitious goal, we want to be the first nation in recent history to be more successful in both the Olympics and the Paralympics post hosting."

In this century Australia, Greece and even China failed to match their medal count in the years after they staged the summer Olympics. Britain has a no-compromise approach to investment. It means the likes of cycling, rowing and boxing, which delivered in London, get a financial windfall. But the amount set aside for swimming, which failed to meet expectations, has been slashed by six and a half million dollars. And there are four sports - basketball, handball, wrestling and table tennis - which will receive no money at all. Meanwhile, Paralympic sports were given a huge boost; their pot of cash has been swollen by 43%.



مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Clever spider

Clever spider

24 December 2012
Researchers in the Amazon have found a spider which builds a web that looks like a bigger spider.

The scientists have yet to establish if it is a new species or a new behaviour of an already discovered spider.

Karen Zarindast


With the help of small pieces of leaf, dead insects and other debris, a spider in the Amazon rainforest has created a detailed replica of a spider larger than itself.
The crafty spider is thought to be a new member of the genusCyclosa, a family of spiders which has created decoys before using spare egg sacs. But this new spider's sculpture is the first to haveleg-like appendages.
Phil Torres, a biologist from the Rainforest Expeditions, thinks they might have discovered a completely new species:

When you first see it, it just looks like a spider hanging in a web. It's about an inch and an half long.

As you approach, it kind of looks like a dead spider as well but as you approach it starts to move back and forth. There's a little spider hanging on the back of it so you'll see little pieces of leaf, little pieces of twig. There's even a dead insect in there.
There must be very heavy predatory influence that it would evolve to have such an intriguing defence.

Mr Torres will be returning to the Amazon rainforest in January next year to investigate further as this masterful spider is yet to be recognised as a new species.

Mr Torres' discovery will be registered, verified and his findingspublished if this spider proves to be biologically different from the known species of Cyclosa.



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مدیر تالار
Half of all food wasted

Half of all food wasted

11 January 2013

Up to half of the world's food is wasted due to inefficient production in poorer countries and over-fussy consumers in the rich world, says a new report from the UK-based Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

Mark Doyle


The world has limited resources and a growing population. By the end of this century there could be three billion extra mouths to feed. So wasting food, this new report says, is a tragedy that should not continue. The study says changing the way consumers in the rich world reject less-than-perfect-looking vegetables in the shops, and eat large quantities of meat - which requires a lot of resources to bring to market - could have an impact.

But the engineers who wrote this report also recommend better use of scarce land and water around the whole world. They say that putting more land to agriculture will be difficult without damaging the environment, so improving the efficiency of farming is vital. The report says better irrigation is the key here, because water used in agriculture is often sourced badly: from aquifers which are poorly managed. In some cases, the engineers say, governments and aid agencies have exacerbated this problem by sinking boreholes in the wrong places.

The report also says that irrigating crops through spraying or flooding fields is wasteful because so much of the waterevaporates. It says that drip or trickle methods of irrigation, while more expensive to install, can be as much as a third more efficient.



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مدیر تالار
What does Europe want from Obama?

What does Europe want from Obama?

21 January 2013

According to one survey, 75% of Europeans would have voted for President Obama if they could, compared to only 8% who would have chosen the Republican Mitt Romney. But what does Europe want from Obama's second term?

Christian Fraser


In President Obama's second term there are two longer-term developments that will affect the relationship with Europe. The first is the US budget deficit, the second the so-called "pivot" - or the rebalancing of focus towards Asia.

America's finances will mean, now even more than in the first term, the US will be what some have called a "frugal superpower" -leading from behind as they did in Libya, and as they look to bedoing in Mali.

But then that frugal nature is not altogether bad news. The US remains by far the biggest customer for European exporters.

Generally the Europeans are content with the status quo. The last thing they need at a time when Europe is so embroiled in its own internal debates, is the external distraction of a change in guard across the pond.



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مدیر تالار
Ceremony for new Archbishop of Canterbury

Ceremony for new Archbishop of Canterbury


Even by the standards of Church ritual, the confirmation of an Archbishop of Canterbury's election is an extraordinary event. Senior bishops will sit in St Paul's Cathedral as a court of law, using elaborate language and flowery titles to certify Justin Welby in his new post.
The ceremony, little changed over centuries, was originally intended to prevent false claimants being appointed to what were lucrative posts as bishop. Bishop Welby's enthronement, amid colourful ritual and soaring music, is next month in Canterbury Cathedral, and the event has usually eclipsed this legal ceremony.
However, Justin Welby requested that today's event be set in a full church service - including hymns and a sermon - to reflect theessentially religious nature of his new post. As the Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, reads and signs a 'final proclamation', Bishop Welby will become archbishop, and spiritual leader of some 80 millionAnglicans across the world.



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مدیر تالار
Meteor hits Russia

Meteor hits Russia

15 February 2013
More than 400 people have been injured in Russia by an explosion caused by what seems to have been a meteor.
Daniel Sandford


Eyewitnesses describe seeing a fireball curving through the clear sky, and an extremely intense light as it passed overhead.

It seems to have been a meteor, and left a white condensation trail behind it. A couple of minutes later there was a loud bang.

The shock wave from the blast blew out windows across the region round Chelyabinsk in the Ural mountains.

People who'd rushed to look out and see what was happening were injured by flying glass.

Everyone went outside to check their neighbours were OK, and the mobile phone network collapsed, briefly overwhelmed by the volume of calls.



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مدیر تالار
Sri Lankan religious tensions

Sri Lankan religious tensions

18 February 2013
A new Sinhalese Buddhist group in Sri Lanka has called for the abolition of Muslim laws about how certain foods should be prepared.
This comes at a time of rising religious tension in the country.
Charles Haviland


Not only at the grounds where thousands of Sinhalese gathered, but throughout the surrounding streets too, the hardline nationalistic speeches resounded.

The Buddhist Strength Force, founded nine months ago, usedexplicitly racial rhetoric. One monk, its leader, told the crowd that "only monks can save this race", meaning the Sinhalese, who are about three-quarters of Sri Lanka's population.

A poster depicted a lion, symbol of the Sinhalese, telling its cub: "This land belongs to you and its soil is red with the blood of your people".

The group denies being anti-minority. But its youth activists wore T-shirts denouncing the halal system whereby the Muslim minority certifies which goods are acceptable to consume.

Referring to Muslim clerics in derogatory language, the monk said what he called Christian and Muslim extremists were threatening Buddhists. He said there were 400 such Christian organisations and ahostile army of 12,000 Muslims allegedly trained in the Middle East.

But hundreds of monks were ready to fight: "Our country is a Sinhalese one and we are its unofficial police", he added. Both Muslims and Christians deny promoting extremism in Sri Lanka.



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UN rejects claims from cholera victims

UN rejects claims from cholera victims

22 February 2013
The United Nations has formally rejected damage claims from lawyers working on behalf of the victims of the cholera epidemic in Haiti. UN peacekeepers have been accused of introducing the disease to the country, which has infected more than 600,000 people and killed around 8,000 since 2010.
Barbara Plett


In a terse statement, the spokesman for the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said the damages claim was 'not receivable', under aconvention that grants the United Nations immunity for its actions.

Families of the victims are demanding millions of dollars incompensation, accusing the UN of introducing the disease to Haiti. The UN has never admitted responsibility, despite mountingevidence that the epidemic was caused by poor sanitation at a peacekeeping camp.

A lawyer for the cholera victims told the BBC that UN immunity could not mean impunity, and said the case would now be pursued in a national court. The lawyer, Brian Concannon, said the victims' legal team would challenge the UN's right to immunity from Haitian courts, on the grounds that it hadn't established an alternative mechanismfor dealing with accountability issues, as stipulated in its agreement with the government.

He also said lifting immunity would not challenge UN policy, which is protected by the convention, but its practice, such as how to test troops for disease and properly dispose of sewage.

There's evidence that infected Nepalese peacekeepers caused the epidemic by dumping untreated waste into a key river system, but the UN insists it's impossible to pinpoint blame definitively. Late last year it launched an initiative to eliminate cholera in Haiti by investing in clean drinking water and sanitation systems, a move Mr Concannon said he considered an unofficial response to the victims' claims.



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آموزش زبان انگلیسی از طریق اخبار

آموزش زبان انگلیسی از طریق اخبار

[h=1]درس اول: جار و جنجال موزه آکروپولیس[/h]

نویسنده: استاد حامد رفیعی

اشاره: درس اول: جار و جنجال موزه آکروپولیس

درس اول: جار و جنجال موزه آکروپولیس

در آتن، کارگران در حال آخرین دستکاری ها برای آماده کردن موزه جدید آکروپولیس هستند که قرار است در این هفته افتتاح شود. در طراحی این موزه، محلی هم برای قرار دادن نقش برجسته مرمرین الگین، در نظر گرفته شده است. این نقشه برجسته مرمر در حال حاضر در موزه بریتانیا در لندن نگاهداری می شود.

This is going to be a very uncomfortable week for Britain. Greeces Culture Minister, Antonis Samaras, has stoked up the pressure by rejecting what he claimed was an offer by the British Museum to loan some of the sculptures that were hacked from the Parthenon at the turn of the 19th Century.
The British Museum said it would consider a three or four month long loan, but only if Greece acknowledged that London was the rightful owner. Mr Samaras said Greece could do no such thing as it would legitimise Lord Elgins theft and vandalism.
For years, the unsuccessful efforts to secure the return of the long sculpted frieze have been conducted in polite terms by diplomats and academics. Many Greeks have become tired of what one new movement has described as the Athens governments wishy-washy tactics. Over the past four months 100,000 people have signed up for what promises to be a more dynamic campaign. Some of them will demonstrate outside the new museum the night before the inauguration.
The groups leader, Alexis Mantheakis, said that if London could hand back India it should be capable of emptying a room at the British Museum.
Malcolm Brabant, Athens

stoked up
در اینجا: افزایش داد، فشار بیشتری وارد کرد
to loan
امانت دادن، وام دادن
at the turn of
این اصطلاح برای زمان پایان یک قرن و شروع قرن بعدی به کار برده می شود
was the rightful owner
مالک قانونی بود
مشروعیت بخشیدن
sculpted frieze
نقش برجسته
شل و ول، مردد، دو دل
signed up for
در اینجا: تصمیم گرفتند در.......شرکت کنند، تصمیم گرفتند به.....ملحق شوند
مراسم افتتاح رسمی
hand back
در اینجا: اگر بریتانیا توانسته از کنترل استعماری هند دست بردارد......( باید بتواند یک اطاق موزه بریتانیا را هم خالی کند)
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[h=1]درس دوم: اولین اردوی تابستانی خداناباوری در بریتانیا[/h]

نویسنده: استاد حامد رفیعی

اشاره: درس دوم: اولین اردوی تابستانی خداناباوری در بریتانیا

UKs first atheist summer camp
ظرفیت اولین اردوی تابستانی خداناباوری برای کودکان در بریتانیا، هم اکنون تکمیل یافته است. برای هر جای خالی چهار متقاضی وجود داشت. این اردو که Camp Quest نام دارد، با کمک ریچارد دوکینز، خداناباور سرشناس بریتانیایی، از آمریکا به بریتانیا آورده شده است.
Its beyond belief! is the motto of the organisation, which was set up in the United States to counter the influence of faith-based summer camps run by the Scouts and church groups. But the Director of the camp in the UK, Samantha Stein, says its purpose is not to spread atheism - rather to encourage thinking:
The idea of Camp Quest is really to let the children decide what they think. So were going to run some activities on philosophy for children. And well run activities on logical fallacies. So its really a way of getting the kids interested in thinking, interested in philosophy and questions of religion and all sorts of scientific and critical thinking.
One of the games played at Camp Quest is called the Invisible Unicorn Challenge. Campers are told that unicorns live in the area around their tents, and are then asked to prove that they dont exist. The aim is to illustrate the difficulty of proving a negative. But any children who manage the feat will win a ten pound note signed by the author of The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins, whose money also helps fund the camp.

set up
was set up تاسیس شد، دایر شد
to counter the influence of
برای مقابله با نفوذ....
to spread atheism
اشاعه خداناباوری، گسترش ایده انکار خداوند
logical fallacies
افکار غلط و سفسطه هایی که در ظاهر منطقی و معقول به نظر می رسد
(اسب اسطوره ای) تک شاخ
proving a negative
اثبات چیزی که حقیقت ندارد
manage the feat
در اینجا: ( کودکی که ) توانایی به پایان رساندن این ماموریت دشوار را دارد

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[h=1]درس سوم: کارمندان شرکت ریو تینتو در چین بازداشت شدند[/h]

نویسنده: استاد حامد رفیعی

اشاره: درس سوم: کارمندان شرکت ریو تینتو در چین بازداشت شدند

عنوان درس: کارمندان شرکت ریو تینتو در چین بازداشت شدند

چهار کارمند ارشد شرکت بین المللی ریو تینتو، که در زمینه کشف و بهره برداری از معادن فعال است، در چین بازداشت شده اند. بنا به گزارش رسانه های دولتی در چین آنها متهم شده اند که اسرار دولت چین را دزدیده اند و به کارمندان شرکت های چینی فعال در صنعت فولاد رشوه داده اند.
Stern Hu, an Australian who runs Rio Tintos operations in Shanghai was the lead negotatiorin the mining companys annual talks with Chinese steel makers over iron ore prices. China is the worlds largest consumer of iron ore.
This year the negotiators failed to meet a deadline on June 30th to agree whats known as the benchmark price for supplies from Rio Tinto and the other big companies. The statementfrom the Shanghai office of the National Security Agency says Mr Hu and his colleagues usedimproper methods, including bribery,to obtain material from Chinese negotiators during the talks, according to media reports here.
Rio Tinto has denied that its employees were involved in spying. Australian diplomats say theyve now been given permission to visit Mr Hu for the first time since he was detained on Monday. The countrys foreign minister, Stephen Smith, says hes been given assurances by the Chinese the mining executive is being treated well.

lead negotiator
رئیس مذاکره کنندگان
iron ore
سنگ آهن
ضرب الاجل
benchmark price
بهای استاندارد
improper methods
روش های نادرست
given assurances
قول داده است، اطمینان داده است

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[h=1]درس چهارم: آغاز حرکت کشتی ها از استورنوی، در روز یکشنبه[/h]

نویسنده: استاد حامد رفیعی

اشاره: درس چهارم: آغاز حرکت کشتی ها از استورنوی، در روز یکشنبه

اولین کشتی مسافربری که طبق برنامه روزهای یکشنبه از جزیره لوئیس، به مقصد خاک اصلی اسکاتلند، مسافر حمل و نقل می کند به راه افتاده است. طرفداران این برنامه می گویند حمل و نقل مسافر و بار در روز یکشنبه موجب رونق اقتصاد این جزیره خواهد شد ولی یک گروه کوچک از معترضین به این برنامه می گویند روز یکشنبه باید همچنان یک روز مقدس باقی بماند.​
As cars lined up in the ferry terminal car park, protestors gathered in silence behind abanner. It read: "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy".​
And as the vehicles rolled on to the boat the group of around a dozen joined in singing a psalm, and in prayer.​
(Man speaking)​
There are many throughout these islands who still hold thy day holy.​
They see Sunday sailings as a breach of Gods commandments. But the ferry company, Caledonian MacBrayne, says it could be accused of breaking equality and human rights laws if it didnt run ferries seven days a week. Campaigners for the service say it will be good for tourism and the development of the island and offer local people freedom to choose when they travel. Passengers boarding the vessel explained why they support the service.​
(Male passenger speaking)​
People who object to it dont have to use the ferry service on a Sunday, do they?​
(Female passenger speaking)​
Well I think people have to move with the times, you know.​
(Crowd cheering)​
As the ferry left Stornoway a crowd of several hundred gathered to cheer and clap and wave to those on board. Almost everyone agrees that seven day a week sailings will change Lewis. The question is whether the gains will be worth the loss of a distinctiveness which may now be gone forever.​
a banner
پلاکارد، قطعه پارچه یا کاغذی که شعار بر روی آن نوشته شده
Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy
(نقل از کتاب مقدس) فراموش نکن که حرمت روز مقدس را نگاه داری ( روز مقدس برای مسیحیان یکشنبه، برای مسلمانان جمعه و برای یهودیان شنبه است)
a psalm
مزمور، سرود مذهبی
a breach
نقض، زیر پا گذاشتن قانون
ده فرمان مقدس از بخش اول انجیل عهد عتیق
run ferries
اداره کشتی های مسافربری را به عهده دارد
در اینجا: کشتی مسافربری
move with the times
با زمان پیش رفتن
the gains will be worth the loss
مزایایش بیشتر از ضررهایش خواهد بود، ارزشش را دارد
تمایز، وجه مشخص


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آموزش زبان انگلیسی از طریق اخبار

آموزش زبان انگلیسی از طریق اخبار

[h=1]نمونه آموزش انگلیسی VOA درس اول[/h]

استاد حامد رفیعی فوق لیسانس زبان انگلیسی و دارنده مدرک Delta و Celta از دانشگاه کمبریج انگلستان

اشاره: در این بخش شما با گوش دادن به فایل صوتی و خواندن متن موجود زبان خود را تقویت خواهید کرد.

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[h=1]نمونه آموزش انگلیسی VOA درس دوم[/h]

استاد حامد رفیعی فوق لیسانس زبان انگلیسی و دارنده مدرک Delta و Celta از دانشگاه کمبریج انگلستان

اشاره: این بخش از آموزش خبری در مورد داستان کوتاهی درباره شهردار یک شهر می باشد.

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استاد حامد رفیعی فوق لیسانس زبان انگلیسی و دارنده مدرک Delta و Celta از دانشگاه کمبریج انگلستان

اشاره: این بخش از اخبار مربوط به معرفی برخی جاهای دیدنی در کشور آمریکا می باشد.

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نمونه آموزش انگلیسی VOA درس چهارم

اشاره: این بخش از اخبار مربوط به اصطلاحات بسیار کاربردی در تجارت می باشد.

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[h=1]نمونه آموزش انگلیسی VOA درس پنجم[/h]

اشاره: این درس مربوط به آمریکای مرکزی می باشد که در آن سیل خانه های مردم را ویران کرده و خرابی های بسیاری به بار آورده است.

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نمونه آموزش انگلیسی VOA درس ششم

اشاره: این بخش از اخبار مربوط به اسامی است که معنای خاصی دارند و در مکالمات عامیانه به کار می روند.

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[h=1]نمونه آموزش انگلیسی VOA درس هفتم[/h]

اشاره: این بخش از اخبار مربوط به عضو جدید فدرال آمریکا می باشد. این تمرین به شما کمک می کند تا هم مهارت شنیداری خود را تقویت کنید و هم با لغات سیاسی آشنا شوید.

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نمونه آموزش انگلیسی VOA درس هشتم

اشاره: این قسمت مربوط به بودجه سالانه کشور آمریکا می باشد که با گوش دادن به آن لغات جدیدی را فرا خواهید گرفت.

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[h=1]نمونه آموزش انگلیسی VOA درس دهم[/h]

اشاره: این قسمت از اخبار مربوط به کاهش پذیرفته شدگان در دانشگاه های آمریکا می باشد.

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