fiction and short story


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
داستان شنل قرمزي - قسمت دوم

Suddenly, the wolf appeared beside her.
"What are you doing out here, little girl?" the wolf asked in a voice as friendly as he could muster.

"I'm on my way to see my Grandma who lives through the forest, near the brook," Little Red Riding Hood replied.

Then she realized how late she was and quickly excused herself, rushing down the path to her Grandma's house.

The wolf, in the meantime, took a shortcut...

ناگهان يك گرگ جلوي او ظاهر شد
گرگ با لحن مهرباني گفت : دختر كوچولو ، چيكار مي كني ؟
شنل قرمزي گفت : مي خواهم به ديدن مادر بزرگم بروم . او در ميان جنگل ، نزديك نهر زندگي مي كند
شنل قرمزي متوجه شد كه خيلي دير كرده است و از گشتن صرف نظر كرد و با عجله بطرف خانه مادربزرگ براه افتاد .
در همان وقت ، گرگ از راه ميان بر ...

The wolf, a little out of breath from running, arrived at Grandma's and knocked lightly at the door.
"Oh thank goodness dear! Come in, come in! I was worried sick that something had happened to you in the forest," said Grandma thinking that the knock was her granddaughter.

The wolf let himself in. Poor Granny did not have time to say another word, before the wolf gobbled her up!

گرگ دويد و به منزل مادر بزرگ رسيد و آهسته در زد
مادربزرگ تصور كرد ، كسي كه در مي زند ، نوه اش است . گفت : اوه عزيزم ! بيا تو . بيا تو . من نگران بودم كه اتفاقي در جنگل برايت رخ داده باشد
گرگ داخل شدو بطرف مادر بزرگ دويد .

مادربزرگ بيچاره دويد و داخل يك كمد شد و درش را بست . گرگ هركار كرد نتواست در كمد را باز كند .

The wolf let out a satisfied burp, and then poked through Granny's wardrobe to find a nightgown that he liked. He added a frilly sleeping cap, and for good measure, dabbed some of Granny's perfume behind his pointy ears.
A few minutes later, Red Riding Hood knocked on the door. The wolf jumped into bed and pulled the covers over his nose. "Who is it?" he called in a cackly voice.

"It's me, Little Red Riding Hood."

"Oh how lovely! Do come in, my dear," croaked the wolf.

When Little Red Riding Hood entered the little cottage, she could scarcely recognize her Grandmother.

گرگ صداي پاي شنل قرمزي را شنيد , به سمت تخت مادر بزرگ دويد لباس خواب مادربزرگ را بر تن كرد و كلاه خواب چين داري را به سر كرد
چند لحظه بعد ، شنل قرمزي در زد .
گرگ به رختخواب پريد و پتو را تا نوك دماغش بالا كشيد و با صدايي لرزان پرسيد : كيه ؟
شنل قرمزي گفت : منم
گرگ گفت : اوه چطوري عزيزم . بيا تو
وقتي شنل قرمزي وارد كلبه شد ، از ديدن مادربرزگش تعجب كرد

"Grandmother! Your voice sounds so odd. Is something the matter?" she asked.

"Oh, I just have touch of a cold," squeaked the wolf adding a cough at the end to prove the point.

"But Grandmother! What big ears you have," said Little Red Riding Hood as she edged closer to the bed.
"The better to hear you with, my dear," replied the wolf.

"But Grandmother! What big eyes you have," said Little Red Riding Hood.

"The better to see you with, my dear," replied the wolf.

"But Grandmother! What big teeth you have," said Little Red Riding Hood her voice quivering slightly.

"The better to eat you with, my dear," roared the wolf and he leapt out of the bed and began to chase the little girl.

شنل قرمزي پرسيد : مادر بزرگ چرا صداتون اينقدر كلفت شده آيا مشكلي پيش آمده ؟
گرگ ناقلا گفت : من كمي سرما خورده ام و در آخر حرفهايش چند سرفه كرد تا شنل قرمزي شك نكند
شنل قرمزي به تخت نزديكتر شد و گفت : اما مادربزرگ ! چه گوشهاي بزرگي داريد .
گرگ گفت : عزيزم با آن بهتر صداي تو را مي شنوم
شنل قرمزي گفت : اما مادربزرگ ! چه چشمهاي بزرگي داريد .
گرگ گفت : چه بهتر عزيزم با آن بهتر تو را مي بينيم
در حاليكه شنل قرمزي صدايش مي لرزيد گفت : اما مادربرزگ چه دندانهاي بزرگي داريد ؟
گرگ گفت : براي اينكه تو را بهتر بخورم عزيزم . گرگ از تخت بيرون پريد و دنبال شنل قرمزي دويد

Almost too late, Little Red Riding Hood realized that the person in the bed was not her Grandmother, but a hungry wolf.
She ran across the room and through the door, shouting, "Help! Wolf!" as loudly as she could.

A woodsman who was chopping logs nearby heard her cry and ran towards the cottage as fast as he could.

He grabbed the wolf and made him spit out the poor Grandmother who was a bit frazzled by the whole experience, but still in one piece.

شنل قرمزي خيلي دير متوجه شده بود ، آن شخصي كه در تخت بود مادربرزگش نيست بلكه يك گرگ گرسنه است .
او بطرف در دويد و با صداي بلند فرياد كشيد : كمك ! گرگ !
مرد جنگلباني كه آن نزديكي ها هيزم مي شكست صداي او را شنيد و تا آنجاي كه در توان داشت با سرعت بطرف كلبه دويد .
مادربزرگ وقتي صداي نوه اش را شنيد و فهميد او در خطر است از كمد بيرون آمد و ملحفه تخت را روي گرگ انداخت با يك چتر كه در داخل كمد گير آورده بود به سر گرگ كوبيد
در همين موقع جنگلبان رسيد و به مادر بزرگ كمك كرد و گرگ را اسير كردند

"Oh Grandma, I was so scared!" sobbed Little Red Riding Hood, "I'll never speak to strangers or dawdle in the forest again."
"There, there, child. You've learned an important lesson. Thank goodness you shouted loud enough for this kind woodsman to hear you!"

The woodsman knocked out the wolf and carried him deep into the forest where he wouldn't bother people any longer.

Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother had a nice lunch and a long chat.

شنل قرمزي بغل مادر بزرگش پريد و در حاليكه خوشحال بود گفت : اوه مادربزرگ من اشتباه كردم ديگر با هيچ غريبه اي صحبت نمي كنم .
جنگلبان گفت : شما بچه ها بايد اين نكته مهم را هيچوقت فراموش نكنيد .
مرد جنگلبان گرگ را از خانه بيرون آورد و به قسمتهاي دور جنگل برد ، جائيكه ديگر او نتواند كسي را اذيت كند .
شنل قرمزي و مادربزرگش يك ناهار خوشمزه خوردند و با هم حرف زدند .

منبع : انگليش سنتر


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
A Little Boy s Temper

There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence.

The first day, the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down.

He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence.

Finally the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.

The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, “You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one.

You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won’t matter how many times you say I’m sorry the wound is still there. A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one.”

منبعزمانی ،پسربچه ای بود که رفتار بدی داشت.پدرش به او کیفی پر از میخ داد و گفت هرگاه رفتار بدی انجام داد،باید میخی را به دیوار فروکند.

روز اول پسربچه،37 میخ وارد دیوارکرد.در طول هفته های بعد،وقتی یادگرفت بر رفتارش کنترل کند،تعداد میخ هایی که به دیوار میکوبید به تدریج کمتر شد.

او فهمید که کنترل رفتار، از کوبیدن میخ به دیوار آسانتر است.

سرانجام روزی رسید که پسر رفتارش را به کلی کنترل کرد. این موضوع را به پدرش گفت و پدر پیشنهاد کرد اکنون هر روزی که رفتارش را کنترل کند، میخی را بیرون بکشد.روزها گذشت و پسرک سرانجام به پدرش گفت که تمام میخ ها را بیرون کشیده.پدر دست پسرش را گرفت و سمت دیوار برد.پدر گفت: تو خوب شده ای اما به این سوراخهای دیوار نگاه کن.دیوار شبیه اولش نیست.وقتی چیزی را با عصبانیت بیان می کنی،آنها سوراخی مثل این ایجاد می کنند. تو میتوانی فردی را چاقو بزنی و آنرا دربیاوری . مهم نیست که چقدر از این کار ،اظهار تاسف کنی.آن جراحت همچنان باقی می ماند.ایجاد یک زخم بیانی(رفتار بد)،به بدی یک زخم و جراحت فیزیکی است.

منبع : انگليش سينتر


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
مرد و پيله كرم ابريشم

small crack appeared on a cocoon. A man sat for hours and watched carefully the struggle of the butterfly to get out of that small crack of cocoon.

Then the butterfly stopped striving. It seemed that she was exhausted and couldn’t go on trying. The man decided to help the poor creature. He widened the crack by scissors. The butterfly came out of cocoon easily, but her body was tiny and her wings were wrinkled.

The ma continued watching the butterfly. He expected to see her wings become expanded to protect her body. But it didn’t happen! As a matter of fact, the butterfly had to crawl on the ground for the rest of her life, for she could never fly.

The kind man didn’t realize that God had arranged the limitation of cocoon and also the struggle for butterfly to get out of it, so that a certain fluid could be discharged from her body to enable her to fly afterward.

Sometimes struggling is the only thing we need to do. If God had provided us with an easy to live without any difficulties then we become paralyzed, couldn’t become strong and could not fly.

شكاف كوچكي بر روي پيله كرم ابريشمي ظلاهر شد. مردي ساعت ها با دقت به تلاش پروانه براي خارج شدن از پيله نگاه كرد. پروانه دست از تلاش برداشت. به نظر مي رسيد خسته شده و نمي تواند به تلاش هايش ادامه دهد. او تصميم گرفت به اين مخلوق كوچك كمك كند. با استفاده از قيچي شكاف را پهن تر كرد. پروانه به راحتي از پيله خارج شد ، اما بدنش كوچك و بال هايش چروكيده بود.مرد به پروانه همچنان زل زده بود . انتظار داشت پروانه براي محافظت از بدنش بال هايش را باز كند. اما اين طور نشد. در حقيقت پروانه مجبور بود باقي عمرش را روي زمين بخزد، و نمي توانست پرواز كند.

مرد مهربان پي نبرد كه خدا محدوديت را براي پيله و تلاش براي خروج را براي پروانه بوجود آورده. به اين صورت كه مايع خاصي از بدنش ترشح مي شود كه او را قادر به پرواز مي كند.

بعضي اوقات تلاش و كوشش تنها چيزي است كه بايد انجام دهيم. اگر خدا آسودگي بدون هيچگونه سختي را براي ما مهيا كرده بود در اين صورت فلج مي شديم و نمي توانستيم نيرومند شويم و پرواز كنيم.

منبع :انگليش سنتر


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
دستكش آبي

was a teacher, and there were thirty small children in her class. They were nice children, and Miss Williams liked all of them, but they often lost clothes

It was winter, and the weather was very cold. The children's mothers always sent them to school with warm coats and hats and gloves. The children came into the classroom in the morning and took off their coats, hats and gloves. They put their coats and hats on hooks on the wall, and they put their gloves in the pockets of their coats

Last Tuesday Miss Williams found two small blue gloves on the floor in the evening, and in the morning she said to the children, 'Whose gloves are these?', but no one answered

Then she looked at Dick. 'Haven't you got blue gloves, Dick?' she asked him

'Yes, miss,' he answered, 'but those can't be mine. I've lost mine'

خانم ويليامز يك معلم بود، و سی كودك در كلاسش بودند. آنها بچههای خوبی بودند، و خانم ويليامز همهی آنها را دوست داشت، اما آن ها اغلب لباس های خود را گم می كردند.

زمستان بود، و هوا خيلی سرد بود. مادر بچه ها هميشه آنها را با كت گرم و كلاه و دستكش به مدرسه می فرستادند. بچه ها صبح داخل كلاس مي آمدند و كت، كلاه و دستكش هايشان در مي آوردند. آن ها كت و كلاهشان را روي چوب لباسی كه بر روی ديوار بود میگذاشتند، و دستكش ها را نيز در جيب كتشان می گذاشتند.

سه شنبه گذشته هنگام غروب خانم ويليامز يك جفت دستكش كوچك آبی بر روی زمين پيدا كرد، و صبح روز بعد به بچه ها گفت، اين دستكش چه كسی است؟ اما كسی جوابی نداد.

در آن هنگام به ديك نگاه كرد و از او پرسيد. ديك، دستكش هاي تو آبی نيستند؟

او پاسخ داد, بله، خانم, ولی آن ها نمي تونند مال من باشند. چون من مال خودمو گم كردم.

منبع :انگليش سنتر


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
طاووس و لاک پشت

ONCE upon a time a peacock and a tortoise became great friends. The peacock lived on a tree by the banks of the stream in which the tortoise had his home. Everyday, after he had a drink of water, the peacock will dance near the stream to the amusement of his tortoise friend.
One unfortunate day, a bird-catcher caught the peacock and was about to take him away to the market. The unhappy bird begged his captor to allow him to bid his friend, the tortoise good-bye.
The bird-catcher allowed him his request and took him to the tortoise. The tortoise was greatly disturbed to see his friend a captive.
The tortoise asked the bird-catcher to let the peacock go in return for an expensive present. The bird-catcher agreed. The tortoise then, dived into the water and in a few seconds came up with a handsome pearl, to the great astonishment of the bird-catcher. As this was beyond his exceptions, he let the peacock go immediately.
A short time after, the greedy man came back and told the tortoise that he had not paid enough for the release of his friend, and threatened to catch the peacock again unless an exact match of the pearl is given to him. The tortoise, who had already advised his friend, the peacock, to leave the place to a distant jungle upon being set free, was greatly enraged at the greed of this man.
“Well,” said the tortoise, “if you insist on having another pearl like it, give it to me and I will fish you out an exact match for it.” Due to his greed, the bird-catcher gave the pearl to the tortoise, who swam away with it saying, “I am no fool to take one and give two!” The tortoise then disappeared into the water, leaving the bird-catcher without a single pearl.

روزی روزگاری،طاووس و لاک پشتی بودن که دوستای خوبی برای هم بودن.طاووس نزدیک درخت کنار رودی که لاک پشت زندگی می کرد، خونه داشت.. هر روز پس از اینکه طاووس نزدیک رودخانه آبی می خورد ، برای سرگرم کردن دوستش می رقصید.
یک روز بدشانس، یک شکارچی پرنده، طاووس را به دام انداخت و خواست که اونو به بازار ببره. پرنده غمگین، از شکارچی اش خواهش کرد که بهش اجازه بده از لاک پشت خداحافظی کنه.
شکارچی خواهش طاووس رو قبول کرد و اونو پیش لاک پشت برد. لاک پشت از این که میدید دوستش اسیر شده خیلی ناراحت شد.اون از شکارچی خواهش کرد که طاووس رو در عوض دادن هدیه ای باارزش رها کنه. شکارچی قبول کرد.بعد، لاکپشت داخل آب شیرجه زد و بعد از لحظه ای با مرواریدی زیبا بیرون اومد. شکارچی که از دیدن این کار لاک پشت متحیر شده بود فوری اجازه داد که طاووس بره. مدت کوتاهی بعد از این ماجرا، مرد حریص برگشت و به لاک پشت گفت که برای آزادی پرنده ، چیز کمی گرفته و تهدید کرد که دوباره طاووس رو اسیر میکنه مگه اینکه مروارید دیگه ای شبیه مروارید قبلی بگیره. لاک پشت که قبلا به دوستش نصیحت کرده بود برای آزاد بودن ، به جنگل دوردستی بره ،خیلی از دست مرد حریص، عصبانی شد.
لاک پشت گفت:بسیار خوب، اگه اصرار داری مروارید دیگه ای شبیه قبلی داشته باشی، مروارید رو به من بده تا عین اونو برات پیدا کنم. شکارچی به خاطر طمعش ،مروارید رو به لاک پشت داد. لاک پشت درحالیکه با شنا کردن از مرد دور می شد گفت: من نادان نیستم که یکی بگیرم و دوتا بدم. بعد بدون اینکه حتی یه مروارید به شکارجی بده، در آب ناپدید شد.

منبع : مجله ایرانیان مالزی


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
داستان نسخه دكتر

A woman accompanied her husband to the doctor's office. After the check-up, the doctor took the wife aside and said, "If you don't do the following, your husband will surely die."
"1-Each morning, makes him a healthy breakfast and sends him off to work in a good mood."
"2-At lunchtime, make him a warm, nutritious meal and put him in a good form of mind before he goes back to work."
"3-For dinner, make an especially nice meal and don't burden him with household chores."
At home, the husband asked his wife what the doctor had told her. "You're going to die." She replied.

خانمی شوهرش را به مطب دکتر برد. بعد از معاینه؛ دکتر، خانم را به طرفی برد و گفت: اگر شما این کارها را انجام ندهید، به طور حتم شوهرتان خواهد مرد.
1- هر صبح، برایش یک صبحانه ی مقوی درست کنید و با روحیه ی خوب او را به سرکار بفرستید.
2- هنگام ناهار، غذای مغذی و گرم درست کنید و قبل از اینکه به سرکار برود او را در یک محیط خوب مورد توجه قرار بدهید.
3- برای شام، یک غذای خوب و مخصوص درست کنید و او در کارهای خانه كمك نکند.
در خانه، شوهر از همسرش پرسید دکتر به او چه گفت: او (خانم) گفت: شما خواهید مرد.

منبع : بيرجند پرتال


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
گاو چران

A cowboy rode into town and stopped at a saloon for a drink. Unfortunately, the locals always had a habit of picking on strangers. When he finished his drink, he found his horse had been stolen.
He went back into the bar, handily flipped his gun into the air, caught it above his head without even looking and fired a shot into the ceiling. "Which one of you sidewinders stole my horse?!?!? " he yelled with surprising forcefulness. No one answered. "Alright, I’m gonna have another beer, and if my horse ain’t back outside by the time I finish, I’m gonna do what I dun in Texas! And I don’t like to have to do what I dun in Texas! “. Some of the locals shifted restlessly. The man, true to his word, had another beer, walked outside, and his horse had been returned to the post. He saddled up and started to ride out of town. The bartender wandered out of the bar and asked, “Say partner, before you go... what happened in Texas?” The cowboy turned back and said, “I had to walk home.”

ترجمه فارسي

گاوچرانی وارد شهر شد و برای نوشیدن چیزی، کنار یک مهمانخانه ایستاد. بدبختانه، کسانی که در آن شهر زندگی میکردند عادت بدی داشتند که سر به سر غریبهها میگذاشتند. وقتی او (گاوچران) نوشیدنیاش را تمام کرد، متوجه شد که اسبش دزدیده شده است.
او به کافه برگشت، و ماهرانه اسلحهاش را در آورد و سمت بالا گرفت و بالای سرش گرفت بدون هیچ نگاهی به سقف یه گلوله شلیک کرد. او با تعجب و خیلی مقتدرانه فریاد زد: «کدام یک از شما آدمهای بد اسب منو دزدیده؟!؟!» کسی پاسخی نداد. «بسیار خوب، من یک آب جو دیگه میخورم، و تا وقتی آن را تمام میکنم اسبم برنگردد، کاری را که در تگزاس انجام دادم انجام میدهم! و دوست ندارم آن کاری رو که در تگزاس انجام دادم رو انجام بدم!» بعضی از افراد خودشون جمع و جور کردن. آن مرد، بر طبق حرفش، آب جو دیگری نوشید، بیرون رفت، و اسبش به سرجایش برگشته بود. اسبش رو زین کرد و به سمت خارج از شهر رفت. کافه چی به آرامی از کافه بیرون آمد و پرسید: هی رفیق قبل از اینکه بری بگو، در تگزاس چه اتفاقی افتاد؟ گاوچران برگشت و گفت: مجبور شدم برم خونه.

منبع : بيرجند پرتال


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
قورباغه سخنگو

An older gentleman was playing a round of golf. Suddenly his ball sliced and landed in a shallow pond. As he was attempting to retrieve the ball he discovered a frog that, to his great surprise, started to speak! "Kiss me, and I will change into a beautiful princess, and I will be yours for a week." He picked up the frog and placed it in his pocket.

As he continued to play golf, the frog repeated its message. "Kiss me, and I will change into a beautiful princess, and I will be yours for a whole month!" The man continued to play his golf game and once again the frog spoke out. "Kiss me, and I will change into a beautiful princess, and I will be yours for a whole year!" Finally, the old man turned to the frog and exclaimed, "At my age, I’d rather have a talking frog!"

ترجمه فارسي

پيرمردي، در حال بازي كردن گلف بود. ناگهان توپش به خارج از زمين و داخل بركهي كمآبي رفت. همانطور كه در حال براي پيدا كردن مجدد توپ تلاش ميكرد با نهايت تعجب متوجه شد كه يك قورباغه شروع به حرف زدن كرد: مرا ببوس، و من به شاهزادهي زيبا تبديل شوم، و براي يك هفته براي شما خواهم بود. او قورباغه را برداشت و در جيبش گذاشت.

همانطور كه داشت به بازي گلف ادامه ميداد، قورباغه همين پيغام را تكرار كرد «مرا ببوس، و من به شاهزادهي زيبا تبديل شوم، و براي يك ماه براي شما خواهم بود». آن مرد همچنان به بازي گلفش ادامه داد و يك بار ديگر قورباغه گفت: مرا ببوس، و من به شاهزادهي زيبا تبديل شوم، و براي يك سال براي شما خواهم بود. سرانجام، پيرمرد رو به قورباغه كرد و بانگ زد: با اين سن، ترجیح ميدم يه قورباغه سخنگو داشته باشم.

منبع : بيرجند پرتال


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
من ندارم، اما تو كه داري

Mrs Harris lives in a small village. Her husband is dead, but she has one son. He is twenty-one,
and his name is Geoff. He worked in the shop in the village and lived with his mother, but then he got work in a town and went and lived there. Its name was Greensea. It was quite a long way from his mother's village, and she was not happy about this, but Geoff said, 'There isn't any good work for me in the country, Mother, and I can get a lot of money in Greensea and send you some every week.'

Mrs Harris was very angry last Sunday. She got in a train and went to her son's house in Grcensea. Then she said to him, 'Geoff, why do you never phone me?'

Geoff laughed. 'But, Mother,' he said, 'you haven't got a phone.'

'No,' she answered, 'I haven't, but you've got one!'

ترجمه فارسي

خانم هريس در روستاي كوچكي زندگي ميكند. شوهرش مرده است، اما يك پسر دارد. او (پسرش) بيست و يك ساله است و نامش جف است. او در يك فروشگاه در داخل روستا كار و با مادرش زندگي ميكرد، اما پس از آن در شهر كاري به دست آورد و رفت و در آنجا زندگي ميكرد. نام آن (شهر) گرينسي بود. آنجا كاملا از روستاي مادرش دور بود. و او (مادرش) از اين وضع خوشحال نبود، اما جف ميگفت: مادر، در روستا كار خوبي براي من وجود ندارد، و من ميتوانم پول خوبي در گرينسي به دست بياورم و مقداري از آن را هر هفته براي شما بفرستم.

يكشنبهي قبل خانم هريس خيلي عصباني بود. او سوار قطار شد و به سمت خانهي پسرش در گرينسي رفت. سپس به او گفت: جف، چرا تو هرگز به من زنگ نميزني؟

جف خنديد و گفت: اما مادر، شما كه تلفن نداريد.

او (مادرش) پاسخ داد: نه، من ندارم، اما تو كه داري!.

منبع : بيرجند پرتال


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
داستان سيب

A teacher teaching Maths to five-year-old student asked him, "If I give you one apple and one apple and one apple, how many apples will you have? "Within a few seconds the student replied confidently, "Four!"

The dismayed teacher was expecting an effortless correct answer (three). She was disappointed. "Maybe the child did not listen properly," she thought. She repeated, "My boy, listen carefully. If I give you one apple and one apple and one apple, how many apples will you have?"

The student had seen the disappointment on his teacher's face. He calculated again on his fingers. But within him he was also searching for the answer that will make the teacher happy. His search for the answer was not for the correct one, but the one that will make his teacher happy. This time hesitatingly he replied, "Four…"

The disappointment stayed on the teacher's face. She remembered that this student liked strawberries. She thought maybe he doesn't like apples and that is making him loose focus. This time with an exaggerated excitement and twinkling in her eyes she asked, "If I give you one strawberry and one strawberry and one strawberry, then how many you will have?"

Seeing the teacher happy, the boy calculated on his fingers again. There was no pressure on him, but a little on the teacher. She wanted her new approach to succeed. With a hesitating smile the student enquired, "Three?"

The teacher now had a victorious smile. Her approach had succeeded. She wanted to congratulate herself. But one last thing remained. Once again she asked him, "Now if I give you one apple and one apple and one more apple how many will you have?"
Promptly the student answered, "Four!"

The teacher was aghast. "How my boy, how?" she demanded in a little stern and irritated voice. In a voice that was low and hesitating young student replied, "Because I already have one apple in my bag."

Moral of the Story:

When someone gives you an answer that is different from what you expect, don't think they are wrong. There maybe an angle that you have not understood at all. You will have to listen and understand, but never listen with a predetermined notion.

يك معلم رياضي که به يك پسر پنج ساله رياضي ياد ميداد ازش پرسيد: اگر من بهت يك سيب و يك سيب و يكي بيشتر سيب بدهم تو چند تا سيب خواهي داشت؟ پسر بعد از چند ثانيه با اطمينان گفت: ۴ تا!

معلم نگران شده انتظار يك جواب صحيح آسان رو داشت (۳). او نا اميد شده بود. او فكر كرد “شايد بچه خوب گوش نكرده است” تكرار كرد: پسرم، خوب گوش كن. اگر من به تو يك سيب و يك سيب ديگه و يكي بيشتر سيب بدهم تو چند تا سيب خواهي داشت؟

پسر كه در قيافه معلمش نوميدي ميديد دوباره شروع كرد به حساب كردن با انگشتانش در حاليكه او دنبال جوابي بود كه معلمش رو خوشحال كند تلاش او براي يافتن جواب صحيح نبود تلاشش براي يافتن جوابي بود كه معلمش را خوشحال كند. براي همين با تامل پاسخ داد “۴..″

نوميدي در صورت معلم باقي ماند. به يادش اومد كه این دانش آموز توت فرنگي رو دوست دارد. او فكر كرد شايد پسرك سيب رو دوست ندارد و براي همين نميتونه تمركز داشته باشه. در اين موقع او با هيجان فوق العاده و چشمهاي برقزده پرسيد: اگر من به تو يك توت فرنگي و يكي ديگه و يكي بيشتر توت فرنگي بدهم تو چند تا توت فرنگي خواهي داشت؟

معلم خوشحال بنظر ميرسيد و پسرك با انگشتانش دوباره حساب كرد. هیچ فشاری روی او نبود اما روی معلم کمی وجود داشت. او می خواست رویکرد جدیدش به موفقیت بیانجامد. دانش آموز با لبخندی توام با تامل جواب داد “۳؟″

حالا خانم معلم تبسم پيروزمندانه داشت. رویکردش موفق شده بود. او می خواست به خودش تبريك بگه ولي يه چيزي مونده بود او دوباره از پسر پرسيد: اگر من به تو يك سيب و يك سيب ديگه و يكي ديگه بيشتر سيب بدهم تو چند تا سيب خواهي داشت؟ پسرك فوري جواب داد “۴″!

خانم معلم مبهوت شده بود و با صداي گرفته و خشمگين پرسيد چطور ؟ آخه چطور؟ پسرك با صداي پايين و با تامل پاسخ داد “براي اينكه من قبلا يك سيب در كيفم داشتم”

نتیجه اخلاقی داستان :

وقتی کسی به شما جوابی را می دهد که با آن چیزی که انتظار دارید متفاوت است، فکر نکنید که آنها در اشتباه هستند. شاید زاویه ای است که شما به هیچ وجه درک نکرده اید. باید گوش دهید و درک کنید، اما هرگز با یک تصور از پیش تعیین شده گوش ندهید.

منبع : انگليس سنتر


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Shopping for a Husband

A "Husband Shopping Center" was opened where a woman could go to choose from among many men to be her husband. It was laid out in five floors, with the men increasing in positive attributes as you ascended up the floors.

The only rule was that once you opened the door to any floor, you must choose a man from that floor, and if you went up a floor, you couldn't go back down except to leave the place.

So, a couple of girlfriends go to the place to find men.

First floor, the door had a sign saying: "These men have jobs and love kids." The women read the sign and say: "Well that's better than not having jobs, or not loving kids, but I wonder what's further up?" So up they go.

Second floor says: "These men have high paying jobs, love kids, and are extremely good looking." "Hmmm," say the girls, "But, I wonder what's further up?"

Third floor: "These men have high paying jobs, are extremely good looking, love kids and help with the housework." "Wow!" say the women."Very tempting, BUT, there's more further up!" And so again, they go up.

Fourth floor: "These men have high paying jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking, help with the housework, and have a strong romantic streak."

"Oh, mercy me. But just think?! What must be awaiting us further on?!" So up to the fifth floor they go.

The sign on that door said: "This floor is just to prove that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping and have a nice day!"

ترجمه فارسي

يك مركز خريد وجود داشت كه زنان مي توانستند به آنجا بروند و مردي را انتخاب كنند كه شوهر آنان باشد.

اين مركز، پنج طبقه داشت و هر چه كه به طبقات بالاتر مي رفتند خصوصيات مثبت مردان بيشتر ميشد. اما اگر در طبقه اي دري را باز مي كردند بايد حتما آن مرد را انتخاب مي كردند و اگر به طبقه ي بالاتر مي رفتند ديگر اجازه ي برگشت نداشتند و هركس فقط يك بار مي توانست از اين مركز استفاده كند.

روزي دو دختر كه با هم دوست بودند به اين مركز خريد رفتند تا شوهر مورد نظر خود را پيدا كنند.

در اولين طبقه، بر روي دري نوشته بود: “اين مردان، شغل و بچه هاي دوست داشتني دارند.”

دختري كه تابلو را خوانده بود گفت: “خوب، بهتر از كار داشتن يا بچه نداشتن است ولي دوست دارم ببينيم بالاتري ها چگونه اند؟”

پس به طبقه ي بالايي رفتند…

در طبقه ي دوم نوشته بود: “اين مردان، شغلي با حقوق زياد، بچه هاي دوست داشتني و چهره ي زيبا دارند.”

دختر گفت: “هوووومممم… طبقه بالاتر چه جوريه…؟”

طبقه ي سوم: “اين مردان شغلي با حقوق زياد، بچه هاي دوست داشتني و چهره ي زيبا دارند و در كارهاي خانه نيز به شما كمك مي كنند.”

دختر: “واي…. چقدر وسوسه انگير… ولي بريم بالاتر.” و دوباره رفتند…

طبقه ي چهارم: “اين مردان شغلي با حقوق زياد و بچه هاي دوست داشتني دارند. داراي چهره اي زيبا هستند. همچنين در كارهاي خانه نيز به شما كمك مي كنند و اهداف عالي در زندگي دارند”

آن دو واقعا به وجد آمده بودند…

دختر: “واي چقدر خوب. پس چه چيزي ممكنه در طبقه ي آخر باشه؟”

پس به طبقه ي پنجم رفتند…

آنجا نوشته بود: “اين طبقه فقط براي اين است كه ثابت كند زنان راضي شدني نيستند! از اين كه به مركز ما آمديد متشكريم و روز خوبي را براي شما آرزومنديم!”

منبع : بيرجند پرتال


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز
SOMETHING IN IT by: Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894)

SOMETHING IN IT by: Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894)

[SIZE=-1]THE natives told him many tales. In particular, they warned him of [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]the house of yellow reeds tied with black sinnet, how any one who [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]touched it became instantly the prey of Akaanga, and was handed on [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]to him by Miru the ruddy, and hocussed with the kava of the dead, [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]and baked in the ovens and eaten by the eaters of the dead.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]"There is nothing in it," said the missionary.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]There was a bay upon that island, a very fair bay to look upon; [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]but, by the native saying, it was death to bathe there. "There is [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]nothing in that," said the missionary; and he came to the bay, and [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]went swimming. Presently an eddy took him and bore him towards the [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]reef. "Oho!" thought the missionary, "it seems there is something [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]in it after all." And he swam the harder, but the eddy carried him [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]away. "I do not care about this eddy," said the missionary; and [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]even as he said it, he was aware of a house raised on piles above [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]the sea; it was built of yellow reeds, one reed joined with [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]another, and the whole bound with black sinnet; a ladder led to the [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]door, and all about the house hung calabashes. He had never seen [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]such a house, nor yet such calabashes; and the eddy set for the [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]ladder. "This is singular," said the missionary, "but there can be [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]nothing in it." And he laid hold of the ladder and went up. It [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]was a fine house; but there was no man there; and when the [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]missionary looked back he saw no island, only the heaving of the [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]sea. "It is strange about the island," said the missionary, "but [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]who's afraid? my stories are the true ones." And he laid hold of a [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]calabash, for he was one that loved curiosities. Now he had no [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]sooner laid hand upon the calabash than that which he handled, and [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]that which he saw and stood on, burst like a bubble and was gone; [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]and night closed upon him, and the waters, and the meshes of the [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]net; and he wallowed there like a fish.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]"A body would think there was something in this," said the [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]missionary. "But if these tales are true, I wonder what about my [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]tales!"[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Now the flaming of Akaanga's torch drew near in the night; and the [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]misshapen hands groped in the meshes of the net; and they took the [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]missionary between the finger and the thumb, and bore him dripping [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]in the night and silence to the place of the ovens of Miru. And [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]there was Miru, ruddy in the glow of the ovens; and there sat her [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]four daughters, and made the kava of the dead; and there sat the [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]comers out of the islands of the living, dripping and lamenting.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]This was a dread place to reach for any of the sons of men. But of [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]all who ever came there, the missionary was the most concerned; [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]and, to make things worse, the person next him was a convert of his [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]own.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]"Aha," said the convert, "so you are here like your neighbours? [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]And how about all your stories?"[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]"It seems," said the missionary, with bursting tears, "that there [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]was nothing in them."[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]By this the kava of the dead was ready, and the daughters of Miru [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]began to intone in the old manner of singing. "Gone are the green [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]islands and the bright sea, the sun and the moon and the forty [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]million stars, and life and love and hope. Henceforth is no more, [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]only to sit in the night and silence, and see your friends [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]devoured; for life is a deceit, and the bandage is taken from your [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]eyes."[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Now when the singing was done, one of the daughters came with the [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]bowl. Desire of that kava rose in the missionary's bosom; he [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]lusted for it like a swimmer for the land, or a bridegroom for his [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]bride; and he reached out his hand, and took the bowl, and would [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]have drunk. And then he remembered, and put it back.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]"Drink!" sang the daughter of Miru.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]"There is no kava like the kava of the dead, and to drink of it [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]once is the reward of living."[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]"I thank you. It smells excellent," said the missionary. "But I [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]am a blue-ribbon man myself; and though I am aware there is a [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]difference of opinion even in our own confession, I have always [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]held kava to be excluded."[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]"What!" cried the convert. "Are you going to respect a taboo at a [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]time like this? And you were always so opposed to taboos when you [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]were alive!"[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]"To other people's," said the missionary. "Never to my own."[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]"But yours have all proved wrong," said the convert.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]"It looks like it," said the missionary, "and I can't help that. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]No reason why I should break my word."[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]"I never heard the like of this!" cried the daughter of Miru. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]"Pray, what do you expect to gain?"[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]"That is not the point," said the missionary. "I took this pledge [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]for others, I am not going to break it for myself."[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]The daughter of Miru was puzzled; she came and told her mother, and [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Miru was vexed; and they went and told Akaanga. "I don't know what [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]to do about this," said Akaanga; and he came and reasoned with the [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]missionary.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]"But there IS such a thing as right and wrong," said the [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]missionary; "and your ovens cannot alter that."[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]"Give the kava to the rest," said Akaanga to the daughters of Miru. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]"I must get rid of this sea-lawyer instantly, or worse will come of [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]it."[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]The next moment the missionary came up in the midst of the sea, and [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]there before him were the palm trees of the island. He swam to the [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]shore gladly, and landed. Much matter of thought was in that [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]missionary's mind.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]"I seem to have been misinformed upon some points," said he. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]"Perhaps there is not much in it, as I supposed; but there is [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]something in it after all. Let me be glad of that."[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]And he rang the bell for service.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]The sticks break, the stones crumble,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]The eternal altars tilt and tumble,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Sanctions and tales dislimn like mist[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]About the amazed evangelist.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]He stands unshook from age to youth[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Upon one pin-point of the truth.[/SIZE]
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