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عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
Grammer in use

Grammer in use

Hi dear all,
I think one of the most important subject in English is Grammar.
I attached link of the "grammar in use" book for all of you. I hope it will help you.
If you have any problem please let me know.
:gol:Have a nice one

آخرین ویرایش:


عضو جدید
air change : تعویض هوا
air conditioning : تهویه مطبوع
building elements : عناصر ساختمانی
building occupancy : کاربری ساختمان
change of occupancy : تغییر کاربری


عضو جدید
renovation : بازسازی
residential unit : واحد مسکونی
thermal bridge : پل حرارتی
thermal insulation : عایق کاری حرارتی ( گرما بندی )
translucent layer : جدار نورگذر


عضو جدید
دیکشنری معماری

دیکشنری معماری

A, a 1.​
Abbreviation for acre. The more common
abbreviation for acre is
ac. 2. Abbreviation
ampere(s). 3. Abbreviation for area. In landscape
applications, area is often expressed in

square feet​
, square yards, or square meters. 4. In
botanical terms, a prefix meaning not; different
from; away from; without.

A1 horizon​
A soil layer that is a subhorizon of
A horizon, distinguishable by its darker color
from the rest of the
A horizon due to a higher
content of organic matter.

A2 horizon​
A soil layer that is a subhorizon of
A horizon, distinguishable by its lighter
color from the rest of the
A horizon due to a lack
of organic matter because of leaching or eluviation.

A3 horizon​
A soil layer that is a subhorizon of
A horizon, similar to the A2 horizon, but
also transitional to the
B horizon, with visually
distinguishable changes from either.

Abbreviation for the American Arbitration

Abbreviation for the American Association
of Nurserymen
(now known as the ANLA).

AAN Standards​
The American Standard for
Nursery Stock,
as published by the American
Association of Nurserymen

Abbreviation for All-American Rose

Abbreviation for All-American Selection.

A slab or division that forms the uppermost
portion of the
capital of a column, usually
wider than the column.

A word often used in contract
law to describe the failure of both parties to
abide by the terms of a contract.

Removal of material, usually in making a
design or producing a product from wood, metal,
stone, etc. In metal work, this may be descriptive
of the beating or pounding of a design into the

Angled members with some space
between them in an opening of an exterior wall
fence used for access to light while blocking
wind and screening views.
See also louver.

In botanical terms, the side away from
the axis.

ABC 1.​
Abbreviation for aggregate base
. 2. A reference to a type of soil profile.
See ABC soil.) 3. Abbreviation for Associated
Builders and Contractors.

ABC soil​
A mature soil profile that contains
the three major
soil horizons.

A descriptive term given to individual
plants or species different in some way from the
group they are associated with.

Not living.

In botanical terms, an imperfectly
developed portion of a plant.

Abram’s law​
The strength of concrete is
directly influenced by the ratio of water to

The act of wearing away by friction.

A substance harder than the material
it is used against in rubbing or grinding to create



عضو جدید
ادامه دیکشنری

ادامه دیکشنری

accelerated erosion​
The movement of
earthen particles in water runoff increased by
human activities influencing the land. Activities
causing increased erosion include removal of
vegetation, loosening of soil, concentrating
areas of runoff, or interruption of natural
drainage patterns.

A material or substance added to
concrete, grout, or mortar to increase its rate of
hardening, and/or decrease its
setting time.

A way of vehicular, pedestrian, or other
approach, entry, or exit.

access door​
A door that provides access to
equipment for maintenance, inspection, or

access panel​
or access plate A removable
panel or plate (usually secured with screws or
bolts) in a frame that is usually mounted in a
ceiling or wall and provides access to concealed
items or equipment. It permits inspection of an
otherwise inaccessible area. Wires and/or pipes
for irrigation systems or pumps are sometimes
concealed behind these panels in buildings.

access panel​
They are also sometimes designed into park
restrooms and pavilions for infrequent access to
areas in ceilings or behind walls.​
accessibility standards​
Parameters and recommendations
regarding accessibility of handicapped
persons to walks, structures, etc.

Americans with Disabilities Act​
and Uniform
Federal Accessibility Standards

accessible 1.​
Easily accessed. 2. Reachable by
removal of a cover, panel, plate, or similar
3. Easily accessed by those disabled
in wheelchairs or walkers.

accessible means of egress​
A path of travel,
usable by a person who has impaired mobility,
that leads to a
public way.

accessory building​
A building with a secondary
use to that of the main building located
on the same plot. Refer to local jurisdictional
agencies for their definition.

accessory structure​
A subordinate structure
detached from, but located near, a principal
building. Accessory structures usually include
garages, decks, fences, sheds, etc.

A slope above; an upward slope.

Placement of posts, columns,
or pillars in sets of two (paired).

A botanical term, something that
increases in size with age.

Abbreviation for an automatic closing

Abbreviation for Agricultural Conservation

In botanical terms, a plant part shaped
like a needle or having a needle-like tip.

A highly volatile solvent often used in
lacquers, paint removers, thinners, etc.



عضو جدید


A colorless gas, that when mixed
with oxygen, burns at a temperature of about
・・C; used in welding.

acetylene torch​
A metal-cutting and welding
instrument that operates on compressed acetylene
(a colorless hydrocarbon) and oxygen.

In botanical terms, a small, dry, onecelled,
indehiscent fruit. In technical
terms, it does not include those fruits with
specialized features such as a
samara, caryopsis,

, or utricle.

A flower without a perianth

(outside envelope,​
calyx, corolla).

achromatic color​
White light; a color that
does not elicit hue.

Abbreviation for American Concrete

In botanical terms, needle-shaped.

acid 1.​
In reference to soil, this indicates a pH
below 7.0 (neutral).
2. A chemical substance
capable of releasing excess protons (hydrogen

acid copper chromate (ACC)​
A waterborne
salt preservative for wood. Wood must be
pressure treated for this preservative to be effective.
It is highly recommended by experts as it is
odorless, clean, does not leach, and its color can
be masked easily when dry by painting or applying
a solid color stain. This stain is not only good
for preserving wood above grade, but can also be
used for preservation of wood to be placed

acid etched​
A reference to a metallic surface,
glass, or concrete that has been treated in an
acid bath to provide a rough surface or to
remove a portion of its surface.

acidic 1.​
Soil or water with a pH less than 7.0.
Some only consider acidic to be 6.6 or less.

Igneous rocks containing more than 65%

The measure of a substance’s pH below
neutral (7.0).

acid rain​
Any rain that contains sulfur dioxide.

acid soil​
having an acid reaction. It is usually
in reference to a soil having a
pH value of
less than 6.6, but is technically applicable to any
value lower than 7.0, which is neutral. These
soils are common in areas of high rainfall. The
most common cure for highly acidic soils is the
addition of lime.

An old term for a small mason’s pick,
with a flat face and pointed peen.

Abbreviation for asbestos-containing
material. Any material with over 1% asbestos

AC pipe​
Asbestos-cement pipe that was commonly
used for buried pipelines. It combines
strength with light weight and is immune to rust
and corrosion. It is no longer made because of
the health hazards associated with asbestos.

acquiescence 1.​
An act of concurrence by
adjoining property owners that resolves a
boundary dispute or establishes a common
boundary, where the definite or more accurate
position of same has not or cannot be defined by
2. The tacit consent of one owner, by
not making a formal objection, to what might
be an encroachment by an adjoining property
owner over a questionable boundary.

English or U.S. measurement of area equal
to 4840 sq yd; 43,560 sq ft; 0.405
4046.85 sq m.

acre-foot 1.​
A reference to a quantity of water
required to cover one acre to a depth of one foot.



عضو جدید
سلام دوستان سوالی داشتم:)
اِلمان به انگلیسی چی میشه ؟؟ (eleman)


کاربر فعال
Foil arch : قوس دالبری
Exit corridor : راهروی خروجی
Cross valt : طاق چهار بخش
Boffer : ضربه گیر
Arrectarium : ستون باربر رومی
آخرین ویرایش:


کاربر حرفه ای
کاربر ممتاز
ببخشید یه سوالی ... تا الان به نظرتون بیشتر از 504 تا لغت نگفتید ؟ آیا کتاب این لغات رو یه جا نمیشه پیدا کرد ؟ که برای کنکور ارشد بخونیم یا باید همین ها رو کپی کنیم ؟ آخه میخوام پرینت کنم همرو هرجا بیکار بودن بخونم ...


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
ببخشید یه سوالی ... تا الان به نظرتون بیشتر از 504 تا لغت نگفتید ؟ آیا کتاب این لغات رو یه جا نمیشه پیدا کرد ؟ که برای کنکور ارشد بخونیم یا باید همین ها رو کپی کنیم ؟ آخه میخوام پرینت کنم همرو هرجا بیکار بودن بخونم ...
504 هم به صورت کتاب و راهنماش هست و هم به صورت فلش کارت.تو کتابش علاوه بر کلمات تو هر درسی یه سری تمرین هم هست.42 تا درسه و هر درسی 12 تا لغت به اضافه ی تمرینای مربوط به همون لغتا.
فلش کارتش ولی بهتره.اونم درس درس هست و برای هر کلمه هم سه تا جمله مثال زده . در کل به نظر من اگه برای وقتای مرده ات میخوای فلش کارتشو بخر که بیشتر به دردت میخوره.


کاربر حرفه ای
کاربر ممتاز
نه نه این فرق داره ... من کتاب 504 رو دارم ولی اصلا معماری نیست رو ربطی به کلمه های این تاپیک نداره ... من کلمات این تاپیک رومیخوام بصورت یه پی دی اف که پرینت کنم و سرحوصله بخونم


عضو جدید
دوستان عزیزم در صورت تمایل برای دانلود دیکشنری های معماری به صورت کامل می توانید به تاپیک زیر مراجعه بفرمائید
تاپیک: Architectural dictionary
تشکر از مدیر تالار معماری .
دیکشنری ای که منم یه قسمتش رو گذاشتم توی تاپیک معرفی شده هست. پس دیگه تکرارش نمیکنم.


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز


Synagogue : کنیسه => ساختمان یا محل ملاقات برای عبادت و آموزش های مذهبی در دین یهود است.
Acoustic : آکوستیک =>طراحی شده برای جذب و یا کنترل صدا
beat arch : طاق ضربی =>برای اعتصاب بارها
lime mortar :ملات آهک => ملات آهک نوع ملات متشکل از آهک ، دانه ها مانند شن و ماسه ، آب و. این یکی از قدیمی ترین نوع شناخته شده از ملات ، قدمت آن به قرن 4 قبل از میلاد و به طور گسترده ای در روم باستان و یونان استفاده می شود ، زمانی که آن را تا حد زیادی جایگزین خاک رس و ملات گچ معمول به ساخت و ساز های مصر باستان
Drainage : زهکشی =>زهکشی حذف از سطح و زیر سطح آب طبیعی یا مصنوعی از یک منطقه است. بسیاری از خاک های کشاورزی نیاز به زهکشی به منظور بهبود تولید و یا مدیریت منابع آب دارند.



عضو جدید
I'm from mohaggeg university(second year)...
this topic is really good for me...
good luck


عضو جدید
سلام بچه ها. خیلی خیلی ممنونم از همتون. خیلی زحمت کشیدید.:gol:
من از کل واژه هایی که تو این تاپیک زحمت جمع آوریش رو کشیدید یه فایل PDF تهیه کردم. که تو هر صفحه ش 8 تا باکس هست و تو هر باکس لغت های یک پست رو قرار دادم. کلا 13 صفحه شد. یعنی 104 تا باکس.
و تعداد کل واژه ها هم 527 تا شده. امیدوارم به عنوان جمع بندی این تاپیک مفید باشه.


اینم یه لینک دیگه واسه دانلود

آخرین ویرایش:


عضو جدید
کاربر ممتاز
سلام بچه ها. خیلی خیلی ممنونم از همتون. خیلی زحمت کشیدید.:gol:
من از کل واژه هایی که تو این تاپیک زحمت جمع آوریش رو کشیدید یه فایل PDF تهیه کردم. که تو هر صفحه ش 8 تا باکس هست و تو هر باکس لغت های یک پست رو قرار دادم. کلا 13 صفحه شد. یعنی 104 تا باکس.
و تعداد کل واژه ها هم 527 تا شده. امیدوارم به عنوان جمع بندی این تاپیک مفید باشه.


دست شما درد نکنه دوست گرامی
برای دانلود گذاشتید؟ دان نشد که اصلا لینکی نیومد!

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