واژه نامه تخصصی متون مطبوعاتی


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
این واژه نامه مجموعه ای از واژگان و اصطلاحات مطبوعاتی است که بیشترین بسامد را در متون مطبوعاتی انگلیسی داراست.

این واژه نامه به ترتیب الفبای انگلیسی تنظیم شده است و در برابر هر واژه معنی و یا معانی مختلف آن به زبانی ساده توضیح داده شده است.

در مواردی هم که یک واژه در مقوله های دستوری مختلف بکار می رود؛ حوزه های مختلف معنایی آن به تفکیک توضیح داده شده است.

ترجمه متون مطبوعاتی غلامرضا تجویدی


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Abandon = to leave completely with no intention of using again : to stop (متوقف کردن)

Abide = to follow (دنبال کردن)

Abortion = the act of causing a baby to be born too early for it to live

Authority = to use power improperly (استفاده ی غیر مجاز از قدرت)​

Accelerate = to increase speed (سرعت بخشیدن)

Access = the ability to use (دستیابی)

Accomplice = a partner in crime (شریک جرم)

Accord = a formal agreement between two or more countries (توافق)

Accuse = to claim that someone has done something wrong (مقصر دانستن)

Acquit = to determine to be not guilty (تبرئه کردن)


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Active reserve = that part of the armed forces which is kept in frequent training ready to be used in case of a war, but still not part of the regular army

Activist = a person who favors extreme action (عضو فعال)

Adapt = to change in some way to make suitable (وفق دادن)​

Addict = a person who has developed a physical need for something, especially a drug (معتاد)

Administration = the persons managing a government at a particular time (مسئولان ؛ دولت)

Admit = to say to be true (تصدیق کردن)

Advance = to move forward (پیشرفت کردن؛ جلو بردن)

Agenda = a list of subjects to be discussed (دستور جلسه)

Aggression = the wrongful attempt to take over territory belonging to another country (تجاوز ؛ تعرض)

Aide = a helper; an assistant (دستیار)​


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Ail = to trouble (ایجاد مزاحمت کردن)

Ailing = in poor condition : weak (بیمار)

Aim = to point in a particular direction (هدف قرار دادن)

Alarm = a wearing signal or sound (هشدار)

Alert = readiness for action (حالت آماده باش)

Alibi = a claim by an accused person that he was not present at the time a crime happened (ادله و شواهد)

Allegation = an accusation (اتهام)

Allege = to claim to be true (ادعا کردن؛ اظهار داشتن)

Allegedly = it is claimed (که ادعا می شود...)

Alleviate = to make less (کم کردن)


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Alliance = an agreement between two or more countries, especially for military cooperation (اتحاد؛ پیوند)

Allied = united military (متحد؛ هم پیمان)

Allotment = money that has been set aside for a particular purpose (تخصیص پول)

Alternative = a choice (انتخاب)

Alternative energy source = a type of energy not now commonly in use (منبع انرژی جایگزین)

Ambush = an attack from a hidden position (از کمینگاه حمله کردن)

Amendment = a change in a law or a proposed law (اصلاحیه)

Ammunition = material, such as bullets and gunpowder, used in the firing of a weapon (مهمات)

Amphibious = capable of working on land or in the sea (زمینی - دریایی)

Analyst = a person who studies a situation carefully (تحلیلگر)


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Archfoe = chief enemy (دشمن اصلی)

Ardent = having strong feelings about something (مشتاق)

Arid = very dry (خشک؛ بایر)​

Arm = to supply with a weapon (مسلح کردن)

Arm twisting = persuation (اعمال فشار)

Armed = carrying a weapon (مسلح)

Armor = a covering of strong metal for protection (سپر)

Armored car = a vehicle protected with a covering of strong metal (ماشین زره ای)

Armored personnel carrier = a protected vehicle for carrying soldiers

Arrears = the state of being behind in payments (بدهی معوقه)​


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Arrest = to seize a person under the power of the law (بازداشت کردن)

Arsenal = total supply of weapons and military equipment (انبار مهمات)

Articulate = skilled in speech (دارای قدرت بیان)​

Artificial =
1. Man-made : not real (مصنوعی)
2. Done in an unnatural way (غیر طبیعی)

Artillery = guns raised on supports (توپخانه)

Assailant = a person who attacks another person (مهاجم)

Assassination = a planned killing of a person (ترور)

Assault = to attack with violence (هجوم ؛ یورش)

Assembly = a gathering together (تجمع)

Assembly line = an arrangement of men and machines in a factory for the putting together of a product (خط تولید)


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Assembly plant = a building where the various parts of a product are put together

Asset = something of value (دارایی ؛ امتیاز)

Asylum = the right to stay in another country after one has left one's own country for political reasons (پناهندگی)​

Attorney = a lawyer (وکیل)

Authorize = to allow or give the power to do (اختیار دادن به)

Authority = a person who has the power to control or command (مقام صلاحیت دار)

Automatic = a kind of gun that can fire quickly and repeatedly (اسلحه ی خودکار)

Avenge = to give satisfaction for a wrong received by causing harm to the guilty person or group (تلافی کردن)

Avert = to avoid (جلوگیری کردن)

Back = to support (پشتیبانی کردن)​


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Binding arbitration = the settlement of a disagreement by which the disagreeing sides promise to follow the decision of a person approved by both sides (داوری معتبر)

Blackmail = demanding money in return for not telling harmful information (حق السکوت)

Blackout = a loss of electrical power (خاموشی)

Blast =
1. An explosion (انفجار)
2. To explode (منفجر شدن)

Blaze = a fire (آتش)

Blockade = the shutting off of a place, preventing movement in or out (محاصره)

Bloodshed = violence causing injury or death (کشت و کشتار)

Bluntly = directly without attempting to soften (رک)

Bodyguard = a person who is hired to protect another person from harm (محافظ)

Bog down = to cause to function slowly and poorly


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Bond = a paper indicating ownership of a debt due from a government or business organization, usually giving the owner a fixed rate of interest (قرارداد؛ تعهد نامه)

Bonus = something given or paid above what is necessary (پاداش؛ کمک هزینه)

Bonus issue = the issue of stock certificates in addition to dividends paid, usually after a very profitable year​

Boost = to increase : to cause to raise (تقویت کردن)

Bottle up
= to shut in

Bourgeois = a member of the middle class, a person owing property (سرمایه دار)

Breach of contract = the breaking of a legal agreement (نقض قرارداد)

Breeder-reactor = a nuclear reactor that products morefuel than it uses (رآکتور زایا)

Brethren = members of the same group (برادران دینی)

Bribery = something given or promised to a government official in return for favored treatment (رشوه)​


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Bridge = to cross by means of a bridge (پل زدن)

Brink = edge (لبه)

Broker = an agent who buys and sells stock for other people (کارگزار)

Brutal = very cruel (وحشی)

Budget = a plan for spending money (بودجه)

Bullish = stock prices tending to rise (رو به افزایش)
Buoyancy = upward movement (شناوری)

Bureaucrat = a person who works for a government department (مقام اداری)

Burglar = a person who breaks into and enters a building, usually in order to steal something (دزد)

Cabinet = a group of leaders who manage the government of a country (هیئت دولت)​


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Cache = a place where something is kept hidden (مخفی گاه)

Calibre = a measure of the distance across the hole of a gun (کالیبر)

Campaign =
1. The period before an election during which candidates attempt to persuade voters to vote for them
2. To attempt to persuade voters to vote in a particular way​

Cancel = to stop (متوقف کردن)

Cancer = a serious illness involving zbnormal growth in the body (سرطان)

Candidate = a person who is attempting to win an election or a position (کاندیدا)

Cap = to complete (کامل کردن)

Capacity = the total amount able to be produced (گنجایش)

Capital = money (سرمایه)

Capitalist = a person who has put money into private business (سرمایه دار)​


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Capitalize = the provision of money for a company to use to buy equipment, plant, or property when it gets started (به سرمایه ‏تبدیل کردن)

Capsize = to turn over (واژگون کردن)

Cardinal = a high-ranking catholic priest who is a member of the group that chooses the church's leader (کاردینال)​

Cargo = goods carried by a ship (محموله)

Carnage = the killing or injuring of large numbers of people (کشت و کشتار)

Carry out = to do an action that has been planned (تحقق بخشیدن)

Cartel = an international group formed to control output and prices in some field of business (کارتل)

Casualty = killed or injured person (مصدوم)

Catastrophe = a disaster (فاجعه)

Caucus = a meeting of local members of a political party (جلسه سران حزب)​


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Ceasefire = an agreement to stop fighting (آتش بس)

Cell = a room for a prisoner (سلول)

Challenge =
1. To dare (به چالش کشیدن)
2. To compete with (مبارزه کردن)
3. To refuse to yield to (مخالفت کردن)
4. A problem requiring great skill to solve

Chancellor of the exchequer = the minister in charge of finances (وزیر دارایی)

Chaotic = very confused and disorganized (آشفته)

Charge =
1. To say that something is wrong; to accuse of wrongdoing (متهم کردن)
2. A written statement saying that something has been done which is against the law (اتهام)

Charismatic = having qualities that give a person powerful influence over other people (دارای جذبه)

Charred = burnt to a black color (سوخته)

Choke = to prevent from breathing (خفگی)

Circumstantial evidence = indirect evidence; evidence that tends to prove a fact by proving that a situation existed that makes the fact in question reasonably certain (آماره)

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