مطالب کوتاه و خواندنی


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
زبان نیاکان ما

زبان نیاکان ما

زبان های مدرن را می توان توسّط زبان شناسان تجزیه و تحلیل کرد.‬ ‫از روش های مختلفی برای انجام این کار استفاده می شود.‬ ‫اما مردم در هزاران سال پیش چگونه صحبت می کردند؟‬ ‫پاسخ به این سئوال بسیار مشکل تر است.‬ ‫با وجود این، دانشمندان سالها در این مورد مشغول به تحقیق بوده اند.‬

‫آنها می خواهند کشف کنند که مردم در زمان های قدیم چگونه سخن می گفته اند.‬ ‫بدین منظور، آنها در تلاش برای بازسازی اشکال مکالمه در دوران گذشته هستند.‬ ‫دانشمندان آمریکایی کشف جالبی کرده اند.‬ ‫آنها بیش از 2000 زبان را تجزیه و تحلیل کردند.‬ ‫آنها خصوصا ساختار جلمه را در این زبان ها را مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار دادند.‬

‫نتایج حاصل از مطالعه آنها بسیار جالب است.‬ ‫ساختار جمله حدود نیمی از این زبانها ساختار S-O-S (فاعل-مفعول-فعل) است.‬ ‫بدین معنی که، ترتیب جمله فاعل، مفعول و فعل است.‬ ‫بیش از 700 زبان مختلف از الگوی، فاعل-فعل-مفعول، استفاده می کنند.

‬ ‫و حدود 160 زبان بر اساس سیستم، فعل-فاعل-مفعول، عمل می کنند.‬ ‫و تنها حدود 40 زبان از الگوی فعل-مفعول-فاعل، استفاده می کنند.‬ ‫حدود 120 زبان دیگر ترکیب های دیگر هستند.‬ ‫از سوی دیگر، الگوهای مفعول-فاعل-فعل و مفعول-فعل-فاعل مشخصا نادر هستند.‬

‫اکثر زبان هائیکه مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند از اصل فاعل-مفعول-فعل استفاده می کنند.‬ ‫فارسی، ژاپنی و ترکی از این نمونه است.‬ ‫اکثر زبان های زنده از الگوی فاعل-فعل-مفعول تبعیّت می کنند.‬ ‫این ساختار جمله، امروز در غالب خانواده زبان های هند و اروپایی وجود دارد.‬ ‫محقّقان بر این باورند که در این زبانها قبلا از الگوی فاعل-مفعول-فعل استفاده می شده است.‬ ‫تمام زبان ها بر پایه این سیستم عمل می کنند.‬ ‫اما پس از آن زبان ها شاخه شاخه شدند.‬

‫ما هنوز نمی دانیم چه زمانی این اتفّاق افتاده است.‬ ‫به هر حال، تنوع در ساختار جمله باید دلیلی داشته باشد.‬ ‫زیرا در تکامل، تنها آنچه مزیت دارد غالب می شود ...



مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
[h=2]احساسات هم زبان های مختلفی دارند!‬[/h]
‫در سراسر جهان به زبان های مختلفی صحبت می شود.‬ ‫هیچ زبان جهانی انسانی وجود ندارد.‬ ‫اما این موضوع در مورد حالات چهره ما چگونه است؟‬ ‫آیا زبان احساسات جهانی است؟‬ ‫خیر، در اینجا نیز تفاوت وجود دارد!‬ ‫مدت ها اعتقاد بر این بود که همه مردم احساسات خود را به یک نحو ابراز می کنند.‬ ‫به نظر می رسید که زبان حالات چهره به صورت جهانی درک می شود.‬ ‫چارلز داروین بر این باور بود که احساسات برای انسان از یک اهمیّت حیاتی برخوردار بود.‬

‫بنابراین، باید آنها در تمام فرهنگ ها به طور یکسان قابل درک باشند.‬ ‫اما نتیجه مطالعات چیز دیگری است.‬ ‫این نتایج نشان می دهد که تفاوت در زبان احساسات نیز وجود دارد.‬ ‫بدین معنی که، حالات چهره تحث تأثیر فرهنگ قرار دارد.‬ ‫بنابراین، مردم سراسر جهان احساسات خود را به طور متفاوت نشان می دهند و تفسیر می کنند.‬ ‫دانشمندان شش احساس اولیّه را تشخیص داده اند.‬

‫این احساسات عبارتند از: شادی، غم، خشم، نفرت، ترس و تعجب.‬

‫اما اروپایی ها حالات چهره مختلفی نسبت به آسیایی ها دارند.‬ ‫و از حالات یکسان برداشت های متفاوت دارند.‬ ‫تجربیات مختلف این امر را تأیید کرده اند.‬ ‫برای انجام این کار، به افراد تحت آزمایش چهره هائی بر روی یک کامپیوتر نشان داده شد.‬ ‫این افراد می بایست آنچه که در این چهره ها می دیدند را توصیف کنند.‬ ‫دلایل بسیاری بر متفاوت بودن نتایج وجود دارد.‬ ‫احساسات در برخی از فرهنگ ها بیشتر از فرهنگ های دیگر نشان داده می شود.‬

‫بنابراین، شدّت حالات صورت در همه جا یکسان درک نمی شود.‬ ‫همچنین، مردم فرهنگ های مختلف، به عوامل مختلفی توجّه می کنند.‬ ‫آسیایی ها در هنگام خواندن حالات چهره به چشم ها توجّه می کنند.‬ ‫اروپایی ها و آمریکایی ها، از سوی دیگر، به دهان نگاه می کنند.‬

‫امّا، تنها یک حالت صورت در تمام فرهنگ ها به طور یکسان قابل درک است ...‬ ‫و آن یک لبخند خوب است!


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
[h=2]آیا یک دستور زبان جهانی وجود دارد؟‬[/h]

‫هنگامی که یک زبان را یاد می گیریم، دستور زبان آن را هم می آموزیم.‬ ‫امّا، وقتی که کودکان زبان مادری خود را می آموزند، این کار به طور خودکار اتّفاق می افتد.‬ ‫آنها متوجّه نیستند که مغزشان در حال یادگیری قواعد مختلف است.‬ ‫با وجود این، انها زبان مادری خود را از ابتدا به درستی می آموزند.‬ ‫با توجه به این که زبان های بسیاری وجود دارند، دستور زبان های گوناگونی هموجود دارد.‬ ‫امّا، آیا یک دستور زبان جهانی هم وجود دارد؟‬ ‫دانشمندان مدتهاست که در حال مطالعه بر روی این موضوع هستند.‬ ‫مطالعات جدید می توانند به این پرسش پاسخ دهند.‬ ‫زیرا محقّقان مغز به کشف جالبی نائل شده اند.‬ ‫آنها از افراد تحت آزمایش خواسته اند تا قواعد دستور زبان را مطالعه کنند.

‬ ‫این افراد دانش آموزان مدارس زبان بودند.‬ ‫آنها در رشته زبان ژاپنی یا ایتالیایی تحصیل می کردند.‬ ‫نیمی از قواعد دستور زبان کاملا ساختگی بود.‬ ‫امّا، افراد مورد آزمایش از آن اطلاع نداشتند.‬ ‫پس از پایان مطالعه، جملاتی در اختیار دانش آموزان قرار گرفت.‬ ‫آنها می بایست درستی یا نادرستی جملات را ارزیابی کنند.‬ ‫زمانی که آنها بر روی این جملات کار می کردند، مغزشان مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت.‬ ‫بدین معنی که، محقّقان فعّالیت مغز آنها را اندازه گیری می کردند.‬

‫به این ترتیب آنها توانستند چگونگی واکنش مغز به جملات را بررسی کنند.‬ ‫و به نظر می رسد که مغز ما، دستور زبان را می شناسد!‬ ‫در هنگام سخن گفتن، مناطق خاصی از مغز فعّال هستند.‬ ‫مرکز بروکا یکی از آنها است.‬ ‫این مرکز در سمت چپ مغز واقع شده است.‬ ‫هنگامی که دانش آموزان با قواعد دستور زبان واقعی مواجه شدند، این قسمت بسیار فعاّل بود.‬ ‫از سوی دیگر، هنگام روبرو شدن با قوانین ساختگی، این فعّالیت ها به طور قابل ملاحظه ای کاهش یافت.‬ ‫پس می توان نتیجه گرفت که تمام سیستم های دستور زبان بر یک اساس قرار دارند.‬ ‫و همه آنها باید این اصول را دنبال کنند.‬ ‫و این اصول در ما ذاتی خواهد بود ...



مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
[h=2][/h] ‫‫زبان مادری همیشه مهم ترین زبان است‬

زبان مادری اولّین زبانی است که ما می آموزیم.‬ ‫این حادثه به طور خودکار و بدون آن که متوجّه شویم اتفاق می افتد.‬ ‫اکثر مردم فقط یک زبان مادری دارند.‬ ‫سایر زبان های دیگر به عنوان زبان خارجی تلقّی می شوند.‬ ‫البته افرادی هم وجود دارند که با چند زبان بزرگ شده اند.‬ ‫در عین حال، آنها معمولا به این زبان در سطوح مختلف با تسلّط صحبت می کنند.‬ ‫اغلب، از زبان به صورت های مختلف استفاده می شود.‬ ‫برای نمونه، از یک زبان در محل کار استفاده می شود.‬ ‫زبان دیگر در منزل مورد استفاده قرار می گیرد.‬ ‫کیفیّت مکالمه ما به یک زبان، بستگی به عوامل متعدّدی دارد.‬ ‫هنگامی که زبان را در خردسالی می آموزیم، معمولا آن را به خوبی یاد می می گیریم.‬ ‫مرکز گفتار ما در این دوره از زندگی مؤثر عمل می کند.‬ ‫تعداد دفعاتی که به یک زبان صحبت می کنیم نیز مهم است.‬ ‫هرچه بیشتر از آن استفاده کنیم، بهتر به آن زبان صحبت می کنیم.‬ ‫اما محقّقان بر این باورند که یک فرد هیچگاه نمی تواند دو زبان را به یک اندازه خوب صحبت کند.‬ ‫همیشه یک زبان از اهمیّت بیشتری برخوردار است.‬ ‫تجربیات انجام شده ظاهرا این فرضیه را تأیید می کنند.‬ ‫افراد مختلفی در یک مطالعه مورد آزمایش قرار گرفتند.‬ ‫نیمی از این افراد با تسلّط به دو زبان صحبت می کردند.‬ ‫چینی به عنوان زبان مادری و انگلیسی به عنوان زبان دوم .‬ ‫نصف دیگر افراد تنها به زبان انگلیسی به عنوان زبان مادری خود صحبت می کردند.‬ ‫این افراد می بایست ترجمه ساده ای را به زبان انگلیسی انجام دهند.‬ ‫فعّالیت مغزی این افراد وقتی در حال انجام این کار بودند، اندازه گیری شد.‬ ‫و در مغز این افراد تفاوت هائی دیده شد.‬ ‫در افراد چند زبانه، یک منطقه از مغز بخصوص فعّال بود.‬ ‫از سوی دیگر، در این منطقه مغز افراد تک زبانه، هیچ فعّالیتی مشاهده نشد.‬ ‫هر دو گروه کارها را با یک سرعت و کیفیّت انجام دادند.‬ ‫با وجود این، چینی ها تمام کلمات را به زبان مادری خود ترجمه کردند...



مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
5Toxic Behaviors You Shouldn’t Tolerate From Others

5Toxic Behaviors You Shouldn’t Tolerate From Others

If you are trying to create a better life for yourself, it’s a good idea to evaluate the people you are close with to make sure they don’t exhibit any chronic, toxic behaviors.
Toxic behaviors are not only unpleasant to be around, but left unchecked, the negativity they likely elicit from you can snowball and bleed into all areas of your life. It’s hard to be positive and optimistic when you are in a relationship that isn’t good for your soul.Here are 5 behaviors you shouldn’t tolerate from others. We all can be a little negative from time to time, so please don’t assume that everyone you are close to must be “perfect” and never do any of these things. However, if you are close with someone who exhibits toxic behaviors on a consistent basis, you might want to consider removing yourself from the relationship:

1) Gossip

Avoid relationships that center around gossip. As has famously been said: “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” Quality relationships are based on an exchange of ideas and excitement; this is what helps us grow, evolve and achieve our dreams.

2) Backhanded compliments

Backhanded compliments are a form of passive aggression (e.g. “it’s nice to meet someone who doesn’t care about the way they look” or “I don’t care what they say, you’re alright”). These hidden insults come from people who are radiating low vibrational energy. Good relationships will only uplift you with kind and genuine feedback.

3) Competitiveness

Constantly being one-upped or having someone nip at your heels is not healthy. People who are happy for your successes and confident in their own accomplishments are the only ones capable of providing you with quality support. The only person anyone should be competing with is himself or herself.

4) One-sidedness

Individuals who only come around when it suits them or who demand that things should always be done their way will likely leave you feeling marginalized and unloved. Good relationships demonstrate a solid balance of compromise and mutual respect.

5) Pointing out your flaws

Being close with someone who tells humiliating stories about you, criticizes your looks or likes to post ugly pictures of you on social media can be damaging to your self-esteem. The best friends and lovers will focus on your positive qualities and care about your feelings.If you feel that you are in a relationship with someone who exhibits toxic behaviors, you might want to think about distancing yourself from it. Even if you find that you can’t fully end the relationship you will benefit from pulling away a bit and resolving to spend more time with people who are good for your soul.
You deserve to be happy and you deserve to be respected. Anyone who tries to make you feel otherwise should be held at arm’s length

Source: “5 Toxic Behaviors You Shouldn’t Tolerate From Others,”
fromraiseyourvibrationtoday.com, by Andrew Kuznetsov



مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
27Things I Wish I Had Known When I Was Younger

27Things I Wish I Had Known When I Was Younger


[FONT=&quot]While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die. – Leonardo Da Vinci

[h=3]1. The world is open to you[/h]
[FONT=&quot]This is one of those points that I REALLY wish I knew when I was younger. You can open a business, you can write, you can go to school, you can travel, you can even study at a Buddhist monastery as a monk if you want.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]You can do so much more than just go to college, get a basic degree, find a job, and live out your life in a 9-5. And this is truer today than ever before.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]It might not always be clear exactly how you can make something like say, travel without a decent income, possible. But if you get creative you can find out a way to follow whatever path you choose.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Maybe it’s not physically possible for you to be an NBA player. That’s OK, you don’t need something so specific to be happy and fulfilled, the real point I want to make is that you’re not chained down like you might think you are.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]I thought I had only one of a few options, and I wasn’t aware of any desirable option that existed outside of going to school and getting a degree. But this couldn’t have been further from the truth. Look around, get creative, talk to people, and you’ll find you have more options than you think.

[h=3]2. Work hard[/h]
[FONT=&quot]Do you know that the harder thing to do and the right thing to do are usually the same thing? Nothing that has meaning is easy. – The Weather Man[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The value of hard work wasn’t instilled in me until I was in my 20’s. All throughout school I had no concept of hard work, and never had any idea that whatever I applied myself to, however difficult, I’d be able to do.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]I’d later find this out in my 20’s, and it was nothing short of a revelation for me. It’s not just some old played out saying, you really can do (just about) anything you put your mind to. That is, as long as you back it up with hard work.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Make sure to keep things in perspective though. I don’t mention this point so that you can be compelled to go out and work for a sports car and a mansion, as this is misguided for other reasons.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Rather, I say this because anything of value takes hard work, even a daily meditation practice done for the purpose of removing negative self-talk and finding peace within yourself. The knowledge that not only is hard work required to accomplish anything of real value, but that with hard work you can actually do anything, is one of the most powerful lessons I think a person can learn in their lifetime.

[h=3]3. Value your friendships[/h]
[FONT=&quot]I never fully appreciated the friendships I’d made growing up, and at one point I really grew to regret that. A few years after high school I was all but alone and had not a single soul I could call even a decent friend (except for old best friends, which I didn’t know at the time, but you always maintain some level of connection with).[/FONT][FONT=&quot]That was a real bummer. The feeling of loneliness took a while to shake off, but I vowed never to make that same mistake again.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]I’d later reconnect with many of my old friends via Facebook, and in some ways redeem myself. It really felt great to connect with old friends again, even if it was mostly online. This reminded me of the power and importance of friendship.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]It’s not easy to find a genuine good friend, but when you do, hold onto them with dear life. Treat your good friends as family, and above all else do not hesitate to let them know just how much they mean to you. Opening up in this way strengthens bonds, and sometimes, when emotional storms appear overhead, this can make all the difference.

[h=3]4. Believe in your own ability[/h]
[FONT=&quot]This one might sound obvious or played out, but for my younger self this would have been one of the most powerful points on this list.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Developing belief in yourself is so important, I really couldn’t exaggerate it’s importance if I tried.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Why didn’t I word this point “believe in yourself”? Because that’s too vague. Everyone says, “believe in yourself”, but what do they really mean? To believe in yourself means to believe in your own ability. Your ability to carry out difficult tasks, your ability to overcome challenges, and your ability to persist in the face of adversity.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Developing belief in yourself is a gradual process of building up or “stacking” little victories.

[h=3]5. No matter what you do, you’ll make enemies (so learn from them)[/h]
[FONT=&quot]And who creates such opportunities? Not our friends, of course, but our enemies. They are the ones who give us the most trouble, So if we truly wish to learn, we should consider enemies to be our best teacher! – The Dalai Lama[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Even the Dalai Lama has enemies. Don’t sweat it, it’s just the way life is. People will see things in you that they want, that they wish they were, or things in you about themselves that they hate and project it off on you.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]And then there’s ignorance, the greatest source of all enemies. All of these things lead to people hating others, and naturally becoming some sort of shining light leads people who have something within themselves that they need to let go of want to unload that issue off on you.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]There is a silver lining though- you can grow more from your enemies than you can from most of life’s other experiences. Compassion, patience, and understanding are all qualities that are tested and therefore can be developed by experiences with our enemies, and these are some of the most valuable qualities a person can develop.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]So don’t shy away from enemies, welcome them with compassion, love, and understanding. Use them to transform yourself and be an example to them of what real greatness is.

[h=3]6. Be careful who and what you surround yourself with[/h]
[FONT=&quot]Think about the way that the mind works for a second. Your thoughts are one of the most powerful forces in your life because each thought is essentially a message being transmitted to your brain.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]The more you think about something, the more you reinforce a particular belief about yourself or the world around you (depending on the thought), and these beliefs affect literally everything you do.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Your associations, the people you associate yourself with on a regular basis, work very much the same way. Just as a thought is a piece of information being transmitted to a section of your brain, the words and actions of your associations are pieces of information being transmitted to your brain in much the same way.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]And just as your thoughts loop and develop themselves into beliefs, and similar thoughts reinforce a general belief, the words and actions of your associations reinforce certain ideas and develop beliefs in you as well.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]And the same works for everything else: watching T.V. and videos online, social media, reading, and any other information you absorb. Be careful who and what you surround yourself with- because it affects who you become.

[h=3]7. Don’t stop living your life because of someone else[/h]
[FONT=&quot]I embarrassingly admit to being victim to this myself. OK, maybe I was just in high school, but the lessons was still served.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]I had planned to go to a private high school after my last year of middle school. I finished the sign up process, took a tour, and did the first session of the necessary community service hours (some 8 hours or so, since we couldn’t afford the ridiculous tuition), and ended up deciding to go to my cities public high school because I didn’t want to be separated from my girlfriend at the time.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Looking back, I just laugh at the experience. That was fool’s love for sure, but it taught me a really valuable lesson, a lesson I saw a lot of my friends make later in high school:[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Don’t stop living your life because of someone else.1[/FONT][FONT=&quot]I saw it time and time again: two people would get together and they’d stop all personal goals and plans altogether. They would, in a very literal way, stop being themselves.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Many of these people, including myself to a small extent (although luckily, not as bad as some people I knew), would even begin distancing themselves from their friends. This always turned out to be a bad mistake, even if the two people stayed together.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]This isn’t the only way you can lose yourself in someone else, but the most common especially when you’re younger. Don’t lose yourself in other people, or you’ll come to regret it.

[h=3]8. Be self-sufficient[/h]
[FONT=&quot]This has a very wide meaning to me. This means know how to take care of your mind first and foremost, but also how to take care of your body and how to survive on your own in the world.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Becoming self-sufficient is important not only for your own well-being and overall life, but also it’s important for the lives of others. To be able to live self-sufficiently means that you’re, in large part, able to take care of yourself. This requires you to depend on others less and consequently help support others more.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]The easiest way to think about it is that you’re a shining light. Depending on how bright your light is, you can either barely light yourself, often needing assistance from others, or you’re so bright that you can help light others around you as a lit candle helps light unlit candles.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]To see the true importance of being self-sufficient isn’t just to see the importance of tending to your own well-being, but to see the truth of your interbeing with all other beings.

[h=3]9. The internet is an invaluable tool, learn how to use it[/h]
[FONT=&quot]If the internet were a country, it would be one of the world’s largest. I remember 10 years ago people used to scoff at the idea of finding legitimate answers to real world problems on the internet. Now? It’s the first place people look.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]But while most people know how to use Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter to entertain themselves, and Google for the occasional stumped brain, many people don’t know how or don’t realize they can use it to find solutions (or the gateway to a solution) to many of their more complex problems.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Nowadays, there’s a blog or website out there with valuable insights to just about every topic imaginable. Do a little searching around and you can find helpful information for a lot of problems you’d be otherwise stuck figuring out on your own or depending on old means to figure out (and the primary old mean to solving a problem or getting an answer, books, the internet makes way more convenient with eBooks).

[h=3]10. Be careful who you take advice from[/h]
[FONT=&quot]To accept some idea of truth without experiencing it is like a painting of a cake on paper which you cannot eat. -Suzuki Roshi[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Don’t take advice from just anyone. A lot of people will try, but you need to be careful who you go to regularly for advice, especially important life decisions.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Everyone has an opinion, and a lot of people will think their opinion is the right one (and they really want to tell you about it!). But your own personal experience and insight as a result of that experience is what’s most important.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Do some research, see if the advice initially makes sense and if you think you could really benefit from it. If you think it’s a good idea, test it out in your own life.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Those personal insights from your own experience are what you should really base your judgment off of, instead of just accepting what others say at face value.

[h=3]11. The young life is temporary[/h]
[FONT=&quot]The state our life is in can often be so encapsulating that it never occurs to us our lives could change completely in an instant. We go on almost thinking the way we live will last forever.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]But this is often a cruel trick that life plays on us, because the reality is the entire landscape of our lives often changes every couple of years. This isn’t a bad or a good thing, there’s equal positive to negative, it’s just the way things are.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]It’s easy to lose yourself when you’re young and living the party life. But when the dust settles, the only thing that will matter to you is what state your life is in and what you need to do to get yourself together.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]There’s nothing wrong with having a little fun, but don’t forget what really matters. Don’t get caught up partying, drinking, and everything else that comes with the territory, or you’ll end up regretting it.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]This is not a “you’re older and don’t get it” kind of thing. Don’t mess your life up, seriously. It’s not worth it. Besides, you’ll find there are far more enjoyable things in life than partying and being reckless.

[h=3]12. Let go[/h]
“Pain is inevitable as long as you are identified with your mind” -Eckhart Tolle
[FONT=&quot]You have a mass of ideas about the way that the world works that are absolutely and utterly wrong. What we call “common sense” isn’t common sense at all, it’s often just unquestioned information which has been fed to us from generations ago.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]The most important of these wrong perceptions is the wrong perception of a separate self. A separate “you” which exists unconnected to the rest of the cosmos.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Start the gradual process now of peeling those wrong perceptions away or risk suffering a lot of pain in your lifetime as a result. Be willing to let go of everything you once thought true. Question everything, look deeply, and live with greater awareness, and you’ll find the answers you’re looking for.

[h=3]13. You don’t have to go to college[/h]
[FONT=&quot]I floated semi-consciously through school, ultimately half-assing my way through a year of community college before I quit because I had no real direction in my life at the time.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]It’s because of this that I regretted how I took my shot at college for granted, and was almost too demoralized to think about it. When I considered going back, or just thought about it in general, I’d remember just how much work had to be done, and how behind I’d be compared to my former high school peers and friends.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]This really weighed me down and kept me from taking action. But I’d find out later that there was a larger problem with this: I had the idea that Ineeded to go to college to do anything of significance.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]When I finally realized that this couldn’t be further from the truth, I felt completely relieved. Sure college can be a great experience. And depending on what you want to do with your life, college may be necessary. But for the most part, it’s not. And many of the greatest opportunities have little, if anything, to do with college.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]I don’t have anything against college, quite the opposite. I still to this day wish I could have experienced a university when I was younger and look forward to visiting some campuses in the future if nothing but for
a fun visit, but I know better now. College is a tool, but it’s not a necessary tool.1

[h=3]14. Everything in life is impermanent[/h]
[FONT=&quot]You’re not going to live forever, your dog isn’t going to live forever, you’re not going to have that job forever, you’re not going to be angry forever, you’re not going to be heartbroken forever, and everything else in your life is going to change at some point or another.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]The way I see it, this is cause for celebration. Celebrate life now in all its beauty and understand that tomorrow everything can change. The great part about that is, it not only means you should cherish those things which you enjoy and make the most of each moment, but also that any hard times you’re going through won’t last forever.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]This is one of the great truths of life, and the sooner you come to realize this the sooner you can find greater peace in your everyday life.

[h=3]15. Everyone you know might disagree with your future life-changing decision[/h]
[FONT=&quot]Most people are quick to judge. We hate the unknown, and like to think we’ve figured a thing or two out about life, and we also just like to talk and attract attention whenever we can.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Because of this, when you have that amazing and possibly life-changing idea, it’s highly likely that everyone around you is going to look at you like you’re crazy and not support you in your decision.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]It doesn’t mean you’re wrong, it just means that they don’t see what you see. Don’t be discourage by this. If you believe in something wholeheartedly, if you think you have an idea that can change your life and bring something positive to other people, then go for it.

[h=3]16. Take care of your mind (not just your body)[/h]
[FONT=&quot]Don’t neglect your mind or body. Both the mind and body, two sides of one whole, need regular nourishment. For this, a daily practice which nourishes your mind and body should be adopted. In fact, there’s few things as fulfilling as a practice such as this that brings mind and body back together and grounds your being.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Most of us know to take care of our bodies, but few of us know how to take care of our minds. Towards this end, a daily practice of sitting meditation is key, and mindfulness in one’s everyday life is a direct extension of that.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Another important practice is the practice of looking and living deeply. This is the practice of seeing deeply into the things you eat and drink and the various other actions you take in your daily life. Realizing your own interbeing (living interconnected with all other beings) is a big part of this.

[h=3]17. Your most important work is to achieve peace[/h]
[FONT=&quot]Striving to find peace within yourself and to live in peace with others is the most important thing you can do in your life. Nothing else even comes close.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]When it comes down to it, to live in peace is the ultimate wish of all people, whether they realize it or not. This is because inner peace is the happiness we all truly wish to have.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Strive diligently towards your own inner peace, and live with compassion, love, and understanding towards others and you’ll be rewarded with a joyous and fulfilling life while laying the seeds for peace with others.

[h=3]18. Appreciate your pain and suffering[/h]
[FONT=&quot]Don’t run from your challenges. If it weren’t for them you wouldn’t be able to find peace and wouldn’t even know what joy was. This is because pain and suffering and peace and happiness are two sides of the same coin. Without one, there wouldn’t be the other.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Everything in life has an opposite correlation with something else. This is simply a truth about the way that the world works. The sooner you come to realize this the sooner you’ll discover the true way to finding peace. In order to rest in peace you must be able to live not just with the good but with the bad as well.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]You don’t need to erase the challenges in your life to find peace and happiness- in fact you couldn’t even if you tried- you simply need to learn how to live with those challenges and transform them.

[h=3]19. Compassion is the bridge that connects people of all positions, colors, and beliefs[/h]
[FONT=&quot]You won’t always agree with everyone you meet, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get along with them. By striving to express compassion and understanding towards all living beings throughout your life you’ll lead a trail of peace and cooperation.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]We need to learn to live with compassion and understanding for others and stop trying to constantly convert everyone to our side of thinking. Just as there’s two sides to every coin, these opposite views naturally bouncing off of one another are a part of life as well.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]It’s through these very differences that we find ourselves. If it weren’t for the differences between us, we’d have no idea who we were. You can try a simple meditation on compassion, also called lovingkindness meditation (or LKM for short).

[h=3]20. You’re basically good[/h]
[FONT=&quot]You’re not bad, you’re good enough. You’re not evil, messed up, or lacking- you’re perfectly whole. If you’ve ever, or do ever, question this about yourself then quiet the thought right now.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]At the very heart of “you” exists a basic goodness that can’t ever be shaken. It’s a part of you so deep that it’s at the very core of your being. No matter what happens, this basic goodness will never go away.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Never tell yourself that you’re not worthy, that you’re not deserving, or that you should be punished. Mistakes are mistakes, and in a real-world sense if you do something wrong then there will be consequences for your actions, but this basic goodness lives inside of you and will never disappear no matter what happens.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]It’s a part of your very essence, and during tough times you should revert back to it and remind yourself of it.

[h=3]21. Strive to live with mindfulness[/h]
[FONT=&quot]If I seem to talk about living with mindfulness, or greater awareness, a lot, it’s because of how important it is. It was a cornerstone of the Buddha’s teaching and continues to be a cornerstone of all Buddhist teaching around the world.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]There’s different levels of mindful awareness, and you should use them all to make it as easy as possible to adopt mindfulness into your everyday life. You can’t always focus your mindfulness as intently on your steps when you’re walking out of the grocery store as opposed to when you’re doing walking meditation in private, but you should still rest in greater awareness.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Living with mindfulness shines a light on the negative self-talk that binds us in place, makes it rise to the surface, and allows us to transform it. It gradually breaks down the various wrong perceptions held within our minds and brings us back to the present moment- reality itself.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]The present moment is where peace exists, nowhere else. By learning to live with mindfulness you’ll be able to unlock the peace and joy that exists from being present for this moment.

[h=3]22. Sometimes it’s important to gain perspective[/h]
[FONT=&quot]At times, we can get so enveloped in our own problems that we feel like they’re bigger than the world. This happens throughout life, but I think more so when you’re younger and you haven’t had as many varied life experiences.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Because of this, it can be very beneficial to take a step back from time to time and remember just how vast the world you live in really is.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]When you do this, the opposite effect happens: your problems begin to shrink back to their true size. This makes them feel manageable and greatly reduces the mental burden associated with said problem.

[h=3]23. Live simply[/h]
[FONT=&quot]I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best both for the body and the mind. – Albert Einstein[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Adult life can get really complicated, really fast. People grow up at different speeds, and go through different things at different ages, but unless you make a conscious effort to thwart it, eventually modern life will put on the full-court press.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]When this happens, without efforts to combat it, you’re liable to develop a lot of added stress, confusion about your life’s path in general, and become distant to those things that will bring you peace and happiness.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Make the conscious effort to live simply (or rather, the simple effort to live consciously). Living simply will ward off the complications of modern life and bring you peace.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Imagine you have an internal GPS system. This GPS system keeps you in control of yourself and aware of where you are and where you’re going.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]When the typical complications of modern life take hold, your internal GPS system is thrown for a loop. It goes completely haywire and until you calm the chatter, you’ll feel lost and disoriented. Simplify your life and you’ll gain back control of your internal GPS.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]I don’t mean necessarily move to the mountains and live in a log cabin off of the land or anything, but I do mean to control your relationship with technology, make sure to connect with nature regularly, learn when to say no, ward off clutter, slow down, and quiet your mind.

[h=3]24. The condition of your mind and body is directly connected to the condition of your breathing[/h]
[FONT=&quot]Learning how to breathe is one of the most important skills you can learn in your lifetime. This isn’t an overstatement either, your breath literally controls your state of mind.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Most of the time, simply becoming mindful of the quality of your breathing is all you need. In the instant that you become mindful of your breathing, you’ll often notice that it’s fast and shallow, and that by simply staying aware of your breathing your breath naturally slows and deepens.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Even just this simple trick is life changing, as it can calm our nerves, bring peace in the face of anger, and help us regain our center. Our breath has the ability to reunite mind and body as one force and bring us peace in any situation. Never forget your breath and you’ll never lose yourself.

[h=3]25. Productivity is not what’s most important in life[/h]
[FONT=&quot]Depending on your profession, at some point in your life, you’re likely to become concerned with your productivity. It’s only natural, and the thought itself shouldn’t be cause for concern, but you do have to watch yourself.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]It’s really easy to become obsessed with productivity, and an obsession with productivity usually means you’re sacrificing everything around you in order to accomplish it. This includes your peace of mind, your relationships, and your health.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]I know how it feels, I was this way myself. But I learned that you don’t have to sacrifice these things to become more productive. In fact, by living in a way that you’re constantly mindful of your well-being, you tend to unlock greater creativity and efficiency in everything that you do, and end up becomingmoreproductive.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Even so, don’t make productivity your highest priority. Always put your well-being, and the well-being of your loved ones, first before anything else. Doing things faster isn’t what life’s about. Never forget that.

[h=3]26. What others think of you doesn’t matter[/h]
[FONT=&quot]One of the most debilitating fears that exists is the fear of what others might think of us. At the heart of much of what holds us back in life is this very fear, so it goes without saying that overcoming it can be life-changing.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]How can you begin to overcome it? By identifying it in yourself. Practicing mindfulness in your everyday life is the key to identifying where the fear has rested its prickly hands. If you can begin to identify the fear, you can defeat it by resting with it, and the issues it arises from, in meditation.

[h=3]27. Don’t Blame[/h]
[FONT=&quot]Placing the blame or judgment on someone else leaves you powerless to change your experience. – Byron Katie1[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Don’t blame others when something crappy happens to you. Don’t blame yourself when something goes wrong. Don’t blame anyone, ever, under any circumstance.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Blame is destructive as well as absolutely and completely unproductive. Even blaming yourself gets you nowhere. It’s not strong to turn blame you would point at others off on yourself, it’s damaging and degrading.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]When something wrong happens, no one needs to be blamed. Blame doesn’t have to exist in your life, in any fashion. Sure, identifying where a problem exists so that you can fix it can be beneficial and productive, but associating blame isn’t.
[FONT=&quot]OK, perfect world, I know. But the point is to make your best effort, not to be perfect. Will you blame someone else for something during the rest of your lifetime? Yeah, you probably will. But as with all good intentions, they’re just that- intentions. Intend to do the right thing in any situation, and don’t kick yourself for not being perfect.

[FONT=&quot]Source: “27 Things I Wish I Had Known When I Was Younger,”
from buddhaimonia.com, by Matt Valentine


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
[h=2]هر کس که می خواهد صحبت کند باید بنویسد!‬ [/h]
‫آموختن زبان های خارجی همیشه آسان نیست.‬ ‫سخن گفتن برای اغلب دانشجویان رشته زبان به ویژه در آغاز دشوار است.‬ ‫بسیاری از آنها جرأت گفتن جملات به زبان جدید را ندارند.‬ ‫آنها از اشتباه کردن بیش از حد در هراس هستند.‬

‫برای چنین دانش آموزانی، نوشتن می تواند یک راه حل باشد.‬ ‫کسی که می خواهد صحبت کردن را خوب بیاموزد باید تا حدّ ممکن بنویسد!‬ ‫نوشتن به ما برای پذیرش یک زبان جدید کمک می کند.‬ ‫دلایل زیادی برای این امر وجود دارد.‬

‫نوشتن با صحبت کردن متفاوت است.‬ ‫و فرایند بسیار پیچیده تری دارد.‬ ‫هنگام نوشتن، ما زمان بیشتری را صرف انتخاب کلمات می کنیم.‬ ‫برای انجام این کار، مغز ما با زبان جدید به شدّت کار می کند.‬ ‫ما نیز در هنگام نوشتن بسیار راحت تر هستیم.‬ ‫هیچ کس انتظار پاسخی از ما ندارد.‬ ‫بنابراین، ما ترس از زبان را به آهستگی از دست می دهیم.‬ ‫علاوه بر این، نوشتن خلاقیّت را افزایش می دهد.‬ ‫ما احساس آزادی بیشتری داریم و با زبان جدید بیشتر بازی می کنیم.‬ ‫نوشتن همچنین به ما وقت بیشتری از صحبت کردن می دهد.‬ ‫و حافظه ما را تقویّت می کند!‬ ‫

اما بزرگترین مزیت نوشتن غیرشخصی بودن آن است.‬ ‫بدین معنی که، ما از نزدیک می توانیم نتیجه بیان خود را ببینیم.‬ ‫ما همه چیز را به وضوح در مقابل خود می بینیم.‬ ‫به این ترتیب ما می توانیم در جریان نوشتن اشتباهات خود را رفع کنیم و نکات تازه بیاموزیم.‬ ‫مطلبی که شما را به زبان جدید می نویسید از لحاظ نظری اهمیّت ندارد.‬ ‫مهم تنظیم کردن جملات نوشته شده به طور منظم است.‬ ‫برای تمرین می توانید یک دوست از را دور در خارج از کشور برای خود پیدا کنید.‬ ‫بعد شما باید گاهگاهی باهم ملاقات حضوری داشته باشید.‬ ‫شما خواهید دید: که اکنون صحبت کردن بسیار آسان تر است!



مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
[h=2]واکنش بدن به سخن‬ [/h]
‫گفتار در مغز ما آماده می شود.‬ ‫مغز ما درهنگام گوش دادن یا نوشتن فعّال است.‬ ‫این فعّالیّت را می توان با استفاده از روش های مختلف اندازه گیری کرد.‬ ‫تنها مغز ما نیست که به محرک های زبانی واکنش نشان می دهد.‬ ‫مطالعات اخیر نشان می دهد که صحبت کردن هم بدن ما را فعّال می سازد.‬

‫بدن ما زمانی که کلمات خاصی را می شنود یا می خواند فعّال می شود.‬ ‫مهمتر از همه، کلماتی که واکنش های فیزیکی را توصیف می کنند.‬ ‫کلمه لبخند مثال خوبی در این مورد است.‬ ‫هنگامی که ما این کلمه را می خوانیم، ما "عضله لبخند" خود را حرکت می دهیم.‬

‫کلمات منفی نیز دارای اثرات قابل اندازه گیری هستند.‬ ‫نمونه آن این واژه درد است.‬ ‫وقتی ما این کلمه را می خوانیم، بدن ما واکنش درد واضحی از خود نشان می دهد.‬ ‫پس می توان گفت که ما هر مطلبی را که می خوانیم یا می شنویم را تقلید می کنیم.‬

‫هرچه بیان روشن تر باشد، واکنش بیشتری به آن نشان می دهیم.‬ ‫یک توصیف دقیق باعث ایجاد یک واکنش قوی می شود.‬ ‫فعّالیّت بدن در یک تحقیق اندازه گیری شد.‬ ‫به افراد شرکت کننده در آزمایش کلمات مختلفی نشان داده شد.‬ ‫این کلمات مثبت و منفی بودند.‬

‫حالات چهره این افراد در طول آزمایش تغییر می کرد.‬ ‫حرکات دهان و پیشانی متفاوت بود.‬ ‫این امر ثابت می کند که بیان اثر قدرتمندی بر ما دارد.‬ ‫واژه ها بیش از یک وسیله ارتباطی هستند.‬ ‫مغز ما گفتار را به زبان بدن ترجمه می کند.‬ ‫در مورد این که این کار دقیقا چگونه انجام می شود هنوز تحقیق نشده است.‬

‫این امکان وجود دارد که نتایج حاصل از این مطالعه دارای تبعاتی باشد.‬ ‫پزشکان در حال بررسی بهترین روش برای درمان بیماران هستند.‬ ‫زیرا بسیاری از افراد بیمار باید یک دوره طولانی درمان را طی کنند.‬ ‫و در این جریان، صحبت های زیادی وجود دارد...



کاربر بیش فعال
کاربر ممتاز
...not all jobs are suitable for women

...not all jobs are suitable for women

John Piper: not all jobs are suitable for women [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Tue 25 Aug 2015 [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]By Sam Hailes [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Well known reformed pastor John Piper has caused shock and outrage by suggesting women should not work jobs where they have "very personal influence" over men.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"If a woman’s job involves a good deal of directives toward men, they will need to be non-personal in general, or men and women won’t flourish in the long run in that relationship without compromising profound biblical and psychological issues," he said in answer to a question about whether women could be police officers.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"If a woman’s relationship to a man is very personal, then the way she offers guidance and influence will need to be more non-directive. And my own view is that there are some roles in society that will strain godly manhood and womanhood to the breaking point" he said.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The pastor declined to give a list of jobs which women could not work, and recognised he would be viewed as an "absolute dinosaur" for making the remarks.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"I doubt that moving away from dinosaur truth has been good for the world or would be good in the long run no matter how sweeping the day is in regard to making negligible ***uality and gender issues in role relationships."[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Writing on his blog Benjamin L. Corey called the pastor's words "absolutely dangerous".[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"It appears that Piper actually thinks biblical womanhood disqualifies women from the vast majority jobs in the world, unless those jobs took place inside a giant lady bubble."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Where could one work, what vocation could one hold, where one wouldn’t be in the position of giving instructions to men? I can’t think of many..."[/FONT]


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
[h=2]افراد نابینا کلام را بهتر آماده می کنند‬[/h]
‫نابینایان بهتر می شنوند.‬ ‫در نتیجه، می توانند در زندگی روزمره خود راحت تر حرکت کنند.‬ ‫اما افراد نابینا می توانند صحبت را نیز بهتر آماده کنند!‬ ‫تعداد زیادی از مطالعات علمی به این نتیجه رسیده است.‬ ‫محقّقان از افراد مورد آزمایش خواسته اند تا به مطالب ضبط شده کنند.‬ ‫پس از آن سرعت گفتار به طور قابل ملاحظه ای افزایش یافت.‬ ‫با وجود این، شرکت کنندگان نابینا مطالب ضبط شده را درک می کردند.‬ ‫بر عکس، افرادی که دارای قدرت بینائی بودند، به سختی می توانستند مطالب ضبط شده را درک کنند.‬ ‫سرعت صحبت کردن آنها بیش از حد بالا بود.‬ ‫آزمایش دیگری هم به نتایج مشابهی رسید.‬ ‫.افراد بینا و نابینای مورد آزمایش به جملات مختلفی گوش دادند‬ ‫بخشی از هر جمله تغییر داده شده بود.‬ ‫به جای آخرین کلمه یک کلمه بی معنی گذاشته شده بود.‬ ‫افراد مورد آزمایش می بایست این جملات را ارزیابی کنند.‬ ‫آنها می بایست جمللات معقول را از جملات بی معنی تشخیص دهند.‬ ‫زمانی که آنها مشغول کار بر روی جملات بودند، مغز آنها مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار می گرفت.‬ ‫محقّقان امواج خاصی از مغز را اندازه گیری کردند.‬ ‫به این ترتیب، آنها می توانند سرعت مغز را در حین کار اندازه گیری کنند.‬ ‫در مورد نابینایان مورد مطالعه، یک علامت خاص به سرعت ظاهر شد.‬ ‫این علامت نشان می دهد که یک جمله مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفته است.‬ ‫در مورد افراد بینای تحت آزمایش، این علامت بسیار دیرتر ظاهر شد.‬ ‫این که چرا افراد نابینا گفتار را با کارائی بیشتری آماه می کنند هنوز شناخته نشده است.‬ ‫اما دانشمندان یک تئوری برای آن ارائه کرده اند.‬ ‫این دانشمندان معتقدند که مغز این افراد به شدّت از منطقه خاصی استفاده میکند.‬ ‫این همان منطقه ای است که افراد بینا محرّک های بصری را پردازش می کنند.‬ ‫در افراد نابینا از این منطقه برای دیدن استفاده نمی شود.‬ ‫ولی برای انجام کارهای دیگر آماده استد.‬ ‫به همین دلیل، افراد نابینا دارای ظرفیت بیشتری برای آماده کردن سخن دارند...



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10Major Differences between Rural and Urban Societies

10Major Differences between Rural and Urban Societies

By Smriti Chand Society


The main difference between the two societies as under:

Rural society was one which has not industrialized, whereas present day urban society is highly urbanized and industrialized.

Sl No.
Rural Society (Pre-industrial Society)
Urban Society (Industrial Society)
Life in the society was very simple and reflected in the way of living, dressing, food habits, shelter and manners etc.
Life in the city is not simple but very complex and complicated.
The people in the society had homogeneity and thus enjoyed more or less the same social status.
The people in the city belong to different castes, creeds, religions and cultures, thus do not enjoy the same social status.
In the rural society there was very little scope for occupational mobility.
In cities there are many occupations, so occupational mobility is as well as frequent.
Here the family played a very significant and predominant role. Its hold was very strong.
In the cities hold of families is not strong, and many functions which the families used to perform have been taken away by other institutions and associations.
In villages there is no fast change and as such no necessity for social adaptability.
In the cities there must be fast mobility and adaptability to suit ever changing fast life.
In the rural society culture was very deep-rooted. Everyone loved culture and cultural heritage above everything else.
In the cities it is different to find pure culture.
In a rural society there is no division of labour.
In an urban community there is always division of labour and specialisation in job allotment.
Rural society did not give due and proper respect to the womenfolk.
In urban communities women enjoys comparatively high social status.
In this society people loved nature and natural bounties. They were religious minded and afraid of gods and goddesses.
In cities, people have no time to stand and gaze at the nature. They are not religious minded but more materialistic.

There were very few chances of providing employment and incentives to the unemployed by the society.
The cities provide both incentive and employment to the people and thus frustrated villages find solace in the cities which respects ability and judges their worth.




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I will never forget. This meant the world to me !!!​

Future Note : Just to remember who were and stayed with me during hard time. They are true friends and feeling s bless to have them !!​



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[h=2]Why Overworking Is Bad For Your Health (And Who's to Blame)[/h]

[h=2]Why Overworking is Bad For Your Health[/h]
There are numerous research studies out there showing the overwork -- and the resulting stress -- can lead to all matter of health problems.
[h=3]It impairs your sleep.[/h]
[h=3]It gets in the way of good habits[/h]

[h=3]It's really bad for your hear.[/h] [h=3]It can cause heavy drinking.[/h] [h=3]It can lead to type 2 diabetes in low-income workers.[/h] [h=2]Why Overworking is Bad for Business[/h]
If better health and happiness isn't enough of an incentive to do something about chronic overwork, it turns out overworking can have a legitimately negative impact on a business' bottom line. Sarah Green Carmichael of Harvard Business Review calls the story of overwork "the story of diminishing returns": keep overworking, and you'll keep making avoidable mistakes and getting lost in the weeds -- all while not actually producing more.​
[h=3]More input doesn't necessarily mean more output.[/h]
Do longer work hours equate to more work getting done? From time to time, yes -- but not when "overtime" becomes "all the time."​
Research by the Business Roundtable found employees saw short-term gains when they pushed their workweek to 60 or 70 hours for a few weeks at a time if, for example, they needed to meet a critical production deadline. But increasing the number of hours worked in the office from 40 to 60 hours doesn't result in more output: "In fact, the numbers may typically be something closer to 25–30% more work in 50% more time," writes Sara Robinson for Salon.
Why? Robinson explains that most people do their best work between hours two and six of working in a given day. By the end of an eight-hour day, their best work tends to be behind them -- and by hour nine, fatigue begins to set in and productivity levels drop. They won't be able to deliver to their full potential -- especially if they aren't invigorated by something like a rare, critical deadline -- and they'll end the day completely exhausted.​
Interestingly, one study out of Boston University's Questrom School of Business found that managers actually couldn't tell the difference between employees who actually worked 80 hours per week and those who just pretended to. What's more, managers tended to punish employees who were transparent about working less -- but there was no evidence that those employees actually accomplished less, nor were there any signs that the overworking employees accomplished more.​
[h=3]You're more likely to make mistakes.[/h]
Speaking of exhaustion, researchers have found that overwork -- and the resulting stress and exhaustion -- can make it far more difficult to do everything that a modern office requires, including interpersonal communication, making judgment calls, reading people, or managing one's own emotional reactions.​
[h=3]You lose sight of the bigger picture.[/h]
Ever heard of the term "goal reactivation?" According to a 2011 study from the University of Illinois, people can easily lose focus and get lost in the weeds of a task or project if they work on it continuously without stopping.​
The breaks we take to recharge, eat meals, or spend time with the people we love help us step back from our work and stay mindful of how our work contributes to our goals. The study cites that these things reliably contribute to overall better performance at work.​
[h=2]Who's to Blame?[/h]
Chronically overworking isn't fun. It doesn't feel good to realize you have to work through yet another family dinner or relaxing weekend. So why do people do it? Is it because our bosses told us to? Or because we want to make more money? Or do we have some deep-seated psychological need? In her article for Harvard Business Review, Carmichael asks, "who's to blame?"​
[h=3]Our managers?[/h]
In many cultures, bosses want and expect employees to put in long days, make themselves available on email 24/7, and work nights, weekends, and during vacation without protest. In this version, writes Carmichael, we overwork because we're told to. This is especially evident in the three countries in which employees work the longest hours of all advanced countries in the world: America, South Korea, and Japan.​
[h=3]... Or ourselves?[/h]
But most of us can't place all the blame on others. More often than not, working long hours is a way for us to prove something to ourselves.
Maybe working late makes us feel ambitious or important. Maybe it's because we think it's the only way to get a promotion, make more money, or avoid falling behind. Maybe we straight up feel guilty when we get up and leave at 5:00 P.M. Several studies have even shown some of us consider work a safe haven -- a place in which we feel confident and in control as compared with stresses outside the office.
And who could blame us? More and more, working beyond normal business hours has become something people brag about. In some cases, it becomes an addiction.
"We live in a competitive society," writes Laura Vanderkam for The Wall Street Journal, "and so by lamenting our overwork and sleep deprivation -- even if that requires workweek inflation and claiming our worst nights are typical -- we show that we are dedicated to our jobs and our families."
Sometimes, working long hours can feel rewarding -- even invigorating. Other times, especially when we make a habit out of it, it can make us feel stressed, mad, lonely, and generally unhealthy. The key is paying attention to how it makes you feel. If it's interfering with your mental, physical, or emotional help, it may be time to reprioritize.

Written by Lindsay Kolowich


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Wildest dreams...

Wildest dreams...


Say you'll see me again
بگو که دوباره من رو میبینی
Even if it's just in your Wildest dreams, Wildest dreams
حتی اگه توی رویاهات باشه:gol::gol: