طراحی یک فونت


عضو جدید
میخواستم بپرسم چطور میشه یک فونت سیستمیو لود کرد(با چه وقفه ای؟)و symbol هر حرفو به صورت بزرگ شده نشان داد(به صورت مجموعه ای از پیکسل های روشن) و باکلیک روی هر پیکسل اگه اون روشنه خاموش شه و اگه خاموشه روشن شه و در نهایت چطور میشه این تغییرات رو برای هر حرف ذخیره کرد؟
قسمتایی که بولد شده اولویت بالاتری دارن.ممنون میشم اگه کسی میتونه راهنمایی بکنه:smile: قسمتایی هم که بولد نشدرو هم اگه کسی میدونه بگه بازم ممنون میشم


عضو جدید
شايد اين به دردت بخوره. فقط با نرم افزار emu8086 استفاده بكن

push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
mov ah,0fh
int 10h
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
mov cx,char_cnt1
mov di,pointer1
mov dh,line_on1
mov dl,col_on1
mov cx,char_cnt2
mov di,pointer2
mov dh,line_on2
mov dl,col_on2
mov cx,char_cnt
mov di,pointer
mov dh,line_on
mov dl,col_on
mov char_cnt,cx
mov pointer,di
mov line_on,dh
mov col_on,dl
push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,09
int 10h
pop cx
add di,4
mov Bcount0,4
mov Bcount,5
lea di,Bstar
mov dh,3
mov dl,2
call move_shape
dec Bcount0
lea di,Bstar1
mov dh,17
mov dl,76
call move_shape
dec Bcount0
lea di,Bjeep
mov dh,4
mov dl,2
call move_shape
dec Bcount0
lea di,Bcar
mov dh,16
mov dl,76
call move_shape
mov Hline1,dh
mov Hcol1,dl
add di,4
mov Hpot1,di
mov Hline2,dh
mov Hcol2,dl
add di,4
mov Hpot2,di
mov dh,Hline1
mov di,Hpot1
mov dl,Hcol1
mov dh,Hline2
mov di,Hpot2
mov dl,Hcol2

;--<<<***************>>>DATA_SEGMENT<<<*************>>>-- ;DATA_SEGMENT²¿·ÖΪ¶¨ÒåÊý¾Ý¶Î
data_seg segment
Scar db 26
db 3dh,0eh,0,0
db 40h,0ah,1,0
db 9 dup(02ah,0bh,1,0)
db 40h,0ah,1,0
db 3dh,0eh,1,0
db 3ch,0eh,0,-1
db 2ah,0bh,-1,0
db 9 dup(40h,0bh,-1,0)
db 2ah,0bh,-1,0
db 3ch,0eh,-1,0
Scar1 db 26
db 3dh,0eh,0,0
db 11 dup(40h,0bh,1,0)
db 3dh,0eh,1,0
db 3eh,0eh,0,1
db 11 dup(02ah,0bh,-1,0)
db 3eh,0eh,-1,0
Sjeep db 26
db 3dh,0eh,0,0
db 40h,0ah,1,0
db 9 dup(02ah,0bh,1,0)
db 40h,0ah,1,0
db 3dh,0eh,1,0
db 3eh,0eh,0,1
db 2ah,0bh,-1,0
db 9 dup(40h,0bh,-1,0)
db 2ah,0bh,-1,0
db 3eh,0eh,-1,0
Sjeep1 db 26
db 3dh,0eh,0,0
db 11 dup(40h,0bh,1,0)
db 3dh,0eh,1,0
db 3ch,0eh,0,-1
db 11 dup(02ah,0bh,-1,0)
db 3ch,0eh,-1,0
Sleft db '_',0ch,0,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 4 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 5ch,0ch,2,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-9,-1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,3,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,2,0
db '_',0ch,-9,-1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,3,0
db '_',0ch,2,0
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-7,-1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,3,0
db '_',0ch,2,0
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,-10,-1
db 9 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db 2ah,0ch,-10,-1
db 9 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-7,-1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,3,0
db '_',0ch,2,0
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-7,-1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,3,0
db '_',0ch,2,0
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-7,-1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,3,0
db '_',0ch,2,0
db 2 dup(2fh,0ch,1,0)
db 5ch,0ch,-8,-1
db 4 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 2ah,0ch,2,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 7ch,0ch,-9,-1
db 5 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 2fh,0ch,3,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,-9,-2
db 5ch,0ch,8,0
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-10,-1
db 2 dup(2fh,0ch,1,0)
db 2fh,0ch,7,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-12,-1
db 7ch,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,7,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,-12,-1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,3,0
db 2 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,2,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,-12,-1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 2 dup(3eh,0ch,1,0)
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 3 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db '_',0ch,2,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-12,-1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 3 dup(3dh,0ch,1,0)
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db 3eh,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,2,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-12,-1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 3 dup(3dh,0ch,1,0)
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 2 dup(2ah,0ch,1,0)
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,2,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-12,-1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 3 dup(3dh,0ch,1,0)
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 2 dup(2ah,0ch,1,0)
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 2 dup(7dh,0ch,1,0)
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-12,-1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 3 dup(3dh,0ch,1,0)
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 2 dup(2ah,0ch,1,0)
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 3 dup(2ah,0ch,1,0)
db '_',0ch,-12,-1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 2 dup(3ch,0ch,1,0)
db 3ch,0ch,2,0
db 3ch,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 2 dup(7bh,0ch,1,0)
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-12,-1
db 2 dup(3dh,0ch,1,0,7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 7ch,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,4,0
db '_',0ch,-9,-1
db 2 dup(3dh,0ch,1,0,2bh,0ch,1,0)
db 2bh,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,2,0
db 3dh,0ch,2,0
db '_',0ch,-9,-1
db 2 dup(3dh,0ch,1,0,7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 7ch,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-9,-1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 2 dup(3eh,0ch,1,0)
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 7dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-10,-1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 3 dup(3dh,0ch,1,0)
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 2 dup(2ah,0ch,1,0)
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-11,-1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 3 dup(3dh,0ch,1,0)
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 2 dup(2ah,0ch,1,0)
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 7bh,0ch,1,0
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db 3eh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-12,-1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 3 dup(3dh,0ch,1,0)
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 2 dup(2ah,0ch,1,0)
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,2,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-12,-1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 3 dup(3dh,0ch,1,0)
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db 3ch,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,3,0
db '_',0ch,-12,-1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 2 dup(3ch,0ch,1,0)
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 3 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 3dh,0ch,3,0
db '_',0ch,-12,-1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,4,0
db 2 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 3dh,0ch,3,0
db 2fh,0ch,-11,-1
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 3ch,0ch,9,0
db 2fh,0ch,-9,-1
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 3ch,0ch,8,0
db 2fh,0ch,-8,-1
db 3ch,0ch,8,0
Sright db 189
db '_',0ch,0,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 3 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,3,0
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-11,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 40h,0ch,9,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 2 dup('_',0ch,-11,1,3dh,0ch,1,0,3dh,0ch,10,0)
db '_',0ch,-11,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 9 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-11,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 9 dup(2bh,0ch,1,0)
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-11,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 9 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 3 dup('_',0ch,-11,1,3dh,0ch,1,0,3dh,0ch,10,0)
db '_',0ch,-11,1
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,10,0
db 5ch,0ch,-10,1
db 2fh,0ch,10,0
db 2fh,0ch,-6,1
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 2ah,0ch,4,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,-7,1
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,3,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 7ch,0ch,-6,1
db 7ch,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,3,0
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,-2,1
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db 7ch,0ch,-9,1
db 5 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 7bh,0ch,1,0
db 40h,0ch,1,0
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,-8,1
db 8 dup(2ah,0ch,1,0) ;101
db '_',0ch,-8,1
db 5 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 7dh,0ch,1,0
db 40h,0ch,1,0
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,-4,1
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,3,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,-6,1
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,4,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,-7,1
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,5,0
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-10,1
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,8,0
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-10,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,8,0
db '^',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-10,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,8,0
db '^',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-10,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,8,0
db '^',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-10,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,8,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-10,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 7 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 40h,0ch,1,0
db '^',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-11,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 8 dup(2bh,0ch,1,0)
db 2 dup(2ah,0ch,1,0)
db '_',0ch,-11,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 8 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 7dh,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-11,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-1,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-1,1
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,0,1
III db 65 ;´ÓIIIµØÖ·¿ªÊ¼´æ·ÅµÄÊÇд×Ö·û'I'ʱËùÓõÄËùÓзûºÅ
db 7ch,0ch,0,0 ; ¼°Ã¿¸ö×Ö·ûµÄÏÔʾÑÕÉ«ÊôÐÔºÍλÖÃ
db '_',0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 7ch,0ch,-8,0
db '_',0ch,-1,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,8,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 3dh,0ch,-8,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,8,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 8 dup(7ch,0ch,-1,0) ;ʹÓø´ÖƲÙ×÷·ûÀ´¸´ÖƲÙ×÷Êý
db 3dh,0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 8 dup(2bh,0ch,1,0)
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 8 dup(7ch,0ch,-1,0)
db 3dh,0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,8,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 3dh,0ch,-8,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,8,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 7ch,0ch,-8,0
db 7ch,0ch,9,1
AAAA db 57 ;´ÓAAAAµØÖ·¿ªÊ¼´æ·ÅµÄÊÇд×Ö·û'A'ʱËùÓõÄËùÓзûºÅ
db '_',0ch,0,0 ; ¼°Ã¿¸ö×Ö·ûµÄÏÔʾÑÕÉ«ÊôÐÔºÍλÖÃ
db 7ch,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,0,1
db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
db 2fh,0ch,-1,1
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 2 dup(2fh,0ch,-1,0)
db 2fh,0ch,-1,1
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,2,0
db 7ch,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-3,1
db 2 dup(2fh,0ch,-1,0)
db 2fh,0ch,-1,1
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 2 dup('_',0ch,1,0)
db '_',0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 2fh,0ch,-2,0
db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,-1,1
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,3,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 5ch,0ch,-2,0
db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,1
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 2 dup('_',0ch,1,0)
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 2 dup(5ch,0ch,-1,0)
db 5ch,0ch,1,1
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,2,0
db 7ch,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 2 dup(5ch,0ch,-1,0)
db 5ch,0ch,1,1
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,0,1
db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 7ch,0ch,0,1
QQQ db 90 ;´ÓQQQµØÖ·¿ªÊ¼´æ·ÅµÄÊÇд×Ö·û'Q'ʱËùÓõÄËùÓзûºÅ
db 7ch,0ch,0,0 ; ¼°Ã¿¸ö×Ö·ûµÄÏÔʾÑÕÉ«ÊôÐÔºÍλÖÃ
db 5 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 5ch,0ch,1,1
db 6 dup(7ch,0ch,-1,0)
db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
db 2fh,0ch,-1,1
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,7,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 2fh,0ch,-8,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,7,0
db 2 dup('_',0ch,1,0)
db '_',0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 2 dup(2fh,0ch,-1,0)
db '_',0ch,-6,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,5,0
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,2,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,-3,0
db '_',0ch,-5,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,5,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,2,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 5ch,0ch,-2,0
db '_',0ch,-6,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,6,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
db 5ch,0ch,-7,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,1
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,7,0
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,0,1
db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
db 6 dup(7ch,0ch,-1,0)
db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
db 7ch,0ch,1,1
db 5 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 5ch,0ch,2,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 2 dup(2fh,0ch,0,1)
db '_',0ch,-1,0
NNN db 68 ;´ÓNNNµØÖ·¿ªÊ¼´æ·ÅµÄÊÇд×Ö·û'N'ʱËùÓõÄËùÓзûºÅ
db 7ch,0ch,0,0 ; ¼°Ã¿¸ö×Ö·ûµÄÏÔʾÑÕÉ«ÊôÐÔºÍλÖÃ
db 3dh,0ch,0,1
db 9 dup(7ch,0ch,-1,0)
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 9 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 7ch,0ch,0,1
db 5ch,0ch,-9,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,1
db 8 dup(5ch,0ch,1,0,5ch,0ch,0,1)
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 9 dup(7ch,0ch,-1,0)
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 10 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 2fh,0ch,-9,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
GGG db 91 ;´ÓGGGµØÖ·¿ªÊ¼´æ·ÅµÄÊÇд×Ö·û'G'ʱËùÓõÄËùÓзûºÅ
db 7ch,0ch,0,0 ; ¼°Ã¿¸ö×Ö·ûµÄÏÔʾÑÕÉ«ÊôÐÔºÍλÖÃ
db 5 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 5ch,0ch,1,1
db 6 dup(7ch,0ch,-1,0)
db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
db 2fh,0ch,-1,1
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,7,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 2fh,0ch,-8,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,8,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,-8,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,8,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 7ch,0ch,-3,0
db '_',0ch,-5,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,4,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,3,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 3dh,0ch,-3,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,-4,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 7ch,0ch,3,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,3,0
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,0,1
db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
db 3dh,0ch,-3,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 3dh,0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 2 dup(5ch,0ch,-1,0)
db 5ch,0ch,1,1
db 7ch,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 2 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 7ch,0ch,-1,1
db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
db 3dh,0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 3dh,0ch,-1,0
db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,1
db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
db 5ch,0ch,2,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,0,1
JJJ db 58 ;´ÓJJJµØÖ·¿ªÊ¼´æ·ÅµÄÊÇд×Ö·û'J'ʱËùÓõÄËùÓзûºÅ
db 7ch,0ch,0,0 ; ¼°Ã¿¸ö×Ö·ûµÄÏÔʾÑÕÉ«ÊôÐÔºÍλÖÃ
db 2ah,0ch,7,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,1
db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
db 3dh,0ch,-8,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,8,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 3dh,0ch,-8,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,8,0
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 2bh,0ch,0,1
db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
db 7 dup(7ch,0ch,-1,0)
db 3dh,0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 8 dup(2bh,0ch,1,0)
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,-1,1
db 7 dup(7ch,0ch,-1,0)
db 3dh,0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 7ch,0ch,0,1

DDD db 77 ;´ÓDDDµØÖ·¿ªÊ¼´æ·ÅµÄÊÇд×Ö·û'D'ʱËùÓõÄËùÓзûºÅ
db '_',0ch,0,0 ; ¼°Ã¿¸ö×Ö·ûµÄÏÔʾÑÕÉ«ÊôÐÔºÍλÖÃ
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,9,0
db 2fh,0ch,0,1
db 8 dup(7ch,0ch,-1,0)
db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 8 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 4 dup(3dh,0ch,1,0,3dh,0ch,0,1,'_',0ch,-1,0,3dh,0ch,-8,0,'_',0ch,-1,0,'_',0ch,0,1,3dh,0ch,1,0,'_',0ch,8,0)
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 3dh,0ch,0,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db 5ch,0ch,-7,0
db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,1
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,6,0
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,-1,1
db 28h,0ch,-1,0
db 4 dup(7ch,0ch,-1,0)
db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
db 7ch,0ch,1,1
db 3 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 29h,0ch,1,0

UUU db 77 ;´ÓUUUµØÖ·¿ªÊ¼´æ·ÅµÄÊÇд×Ö·û'U'ʱËùÓõÄËùÓзûºÅ
db '_',0ch,0,0 ; ¼°Ã¿¸ö×Ö·ûµÄÏÔʾÑÕÉ«ÊôÐÔºÍλÖÃ
db 7ch,0ch,1,0
db '_',0ch,-1,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 7 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 5ch,0ch,1,1
db 7 dup(7ch,0ch,-1,0)
db 3dh,0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 7ch,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,8,0
db 5ch,0ch,1,0
db 5ch,0ch,0,1
db 3 dup('_',0ch,-1,0,'_',0ch,0,1,'_',0ch,1,0,'_',0ch,0,1)
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 2bh,0ch,0,1
db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
db 7ch,0ch,-8,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 7 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 2ah,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,1,0
db 2fh,0ch,-1,1
db 7 dup(2bh,0ch,-1,0)
db 3dh,0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1
db 3dh,0ch,1,0
db 7 dup(7ch,0ch,1,0)
db 7ch,0ch,-7,1
db '_',0ch,-1,0
db '_',0ch,0,1

Ajeep db 6
db 3dh,0eh,0,0
db 40h,0bh,1,0
db 3dh,0eh,1,0
db 3ch,0eh,0,-1
db 02ah,0bh,-1,0
db 3ch,0eh,-1,0
Bcar db 2
db 40h,0bh,0,0
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
Bjeep db 2
db 40h,0bh,0,0
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
Bstar db 2
db 40h,0bh,0,0
db 02ah,0,0,1
Bstar1 db 2
db 40h,0bh,0,0
db 02ah,0,0,-1

Bcar1 db 2
db 40h,0bh,0,0
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
Bjeep1 db 2
db 40h,0bh,0,0
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
Cstar2 db 26
db 40h,0bh,0,0
db 12 dup(02ah,0bh,0,1,40h,0bh,1,-3)
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
Cstar3 db 26
db 40h,0bh,0,0
db 12 dup(02ah,0bh,0,-1,40h,0bh,1,3)
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
car db 29
db 40h,0bh,0,0
db 14 dup(40h,0bh,1,0)
db 40h,00h,0,1
db 13 dup(02ah,0bh,-1,0)
jeep db 28
db 40h,0bh,0,0
db 14 dup(40h,0bh,1,0)
db 02ah,0bh,-1,-1
db 12 dup(02ah,0bh,-1,0)
Estar2 db 8
db 40h,0bh,0,0
db 40h,0bh,1,0
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 02ah,0bh,-1,0
db 40h,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,1,0
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 02ah,0bh,-1,0
Estar3 db 8
db 40h,0bh,0,0
db 40h,0bh,1,0
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 02ah,0bh,-1,0
db 40h,0bh,0,-1
db 40h,0bh,1,0
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 02ah,0bh,-1,0
Gstar2 db 18
db 40h,0bh,0,0
db 2 dup(40h,0bh,1,0,40h,0bh,1,0,40h,0bh,3,0)
db 2 dup(40h,0bh,1,0)
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 2 dup(02ah,0bh,-1,0,02ah,0bh,-1,0,02ah,0bh,-3,0)
db 2 dup(02ah,0bh,-1,0)
Gstar3 db 8
db 40h,0bh,0,0
db 40h,0bh,1,0
db 40h,0bh,4,0
db 40h,0bh,1,0
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 02ah,0bh,-1,0
db 02ah,0bh,-4,0
db 02ah,0bh,-1,0
Hstar2 db 26
db 40h,0bh,0,0
db 12 dup(02ah,0bh,0,-1,40h,0bh,-1,3)
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
Hstar3 db 26
db 40h,0bh,0,0
db 12 dup(02ah,0bh,0,1,40h,0bh,-1,-3)
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
Istar2 db 26
db 40h,0bh,0,0
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,12,-1
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,-1,-3
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,-10,-1
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,1,-3
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,8,-1
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,-1,-3
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,-6,-1
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,1,-3
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,4,-1
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,-1,-3
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,-2,-1
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,1,-3
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
Istar3 db 26
db 40h,0bh,0,0
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 40h,0bh,12,1
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 40h,0bh,-1,3
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 40h,0bh,-10,1
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 40h,0bh,1,3
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 40h,0bh,8,1
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 40h,0bh,-1,3
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 40h,0bh,-6,1
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 40h,0bh,1,3
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 40h,0bh,4,1
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 40h,0bh,-1,3
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 40h,0bh,-2,1
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 40h,0bh,1,3
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
Istar1 db 2,8,14,20,26,32,38
Kstar2 db 26
db 40h,0bh,0,0
db 02ah,0bh,0,1

db 40h,0bh,-1,-3
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,2,-1
db 02ah,0bh,0,1

db 40h,0bh,1,-3
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,-4,-1
db 02ah,0bh,0,1

db 40h,0bh,-1,-3
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,6,-1
db 02ah,0bh,0,1

db 40h,0bh,1,-3
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,-8,-1
db 02ah,0bh,0,1

db 40h,0bh,-1,-3
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,10,-1
db 02ah,0bh,0,1

db 40h,0bh,1,-3
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,-12,-1
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
Kstar3 db 26
db 40h,0bh,0,0
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1

db 40h,0bh,-1,3
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 40h,0bh,2,1
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1

db 40h,0bh,1,3
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 40h,0bh,-4,1
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1

db 40h,0bh,-1,3
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 40h,0bh,6,1
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1

db 40h,0bh,1,3
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 40h,0bh,-8,1
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1

db 40h,0bh,-1,3
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 40h,0bh,10,1
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1

db 40h,0bh,1,3
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
db 40h,0bh,-12,1
db 02ah,0bh,0,-1
Kstar1 db 38,32,26,20,14,8
Mstar db 46
db 02ah,0bh,0,0
db 40h,0ch,0,1

db 02ah,0bh,-1,-2
db 40h,0bh,0,1
db 02ah,0bh,2,-1
db 40h,0bh,0,1
db 02ah,0bh,1,-2
db 40h,0bh,0,1
db 02ah,0bh,-4,-1
db 40h,0bh,0,1
db 02ah,0bh,-1,-2
db 40h,0bh,0,1
db 02ah,0bh,6,-1
db 40h,0bh,0,1
db 02ah,0bh,1,-2
db 40h,0bh,0,1
db 02ah,0bh,-8,-1
db 40h,0bh,0,1
db 02ah,0bh,-1,-2
db 40h,0bh,0,1
db 02ah,0bh,10,-1
db 40h,0bh,0,1

db 40h,0eh,1,-1
db 40h,0eh,-12,0

db 40h,0bh,1,-1
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,10,-1
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,-1,-2
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,-8,-1
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,1,-2
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,6,-1
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,-1,-2
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,-4,-1
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,1,-2
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
db 40h,0bh,2,-1
db 02ah,0bh,0,1

db 40h,0ch,-1,-2
db 02ah,0bh,0,1
Mstar1 db 16
db 40h,0ch,0,1
db 40h,0fh,-1,1
db 40h,0fh,2,0
db 40h,0fh,1,1
db 40h,0fh,-4,0
db 40h,0fh,-1,1
db 40h,0fh,6,0
db 40h,0eh,1,1
db 40h,0eh,-8,0
db 40h,0fh,1,1
db 40h,0fh,6,0
db 40h,0fh,-1,1
db 40h,0fh,-4,0
db 40h,0fh,1,1
db 40h,0fh,2,0
db 40h,0ch,-1,1
Mcar db 4
db 3eh,0bh,0,0
db 40h,0bh,0,-1
db 3dh,0bh,0,-1
db 3dh,0bh,0,-1
Pstar db 1
db 02ah,0ch,0,0
char_cnt dw ?
pointer dw ?
line_on db ?
col_on db ?
char_cnt1 dw ?
pointer1 dw ?
line_on1 db ?
col_on1 db ?
char_cnt2 dw ?
pointer2 dw ?
line_on2 db ?
col_on2 db ?
char dw ?
col dw ?
point1 dw ?
point2 dw ?

Sline db ?
Scol db ?
Scount db ?
Scount1 dw ?
Schar0 db ?

A_Xchar db ?
A_Xcount db ?
A_Xcount0 db ?
A_Xcount1 db ?
A_Xchar0 db ?
A_Xcool0 db ?
A_Xcool1 db ?
A_Xcool2 db ?
A_Xcount_cx dw ?

Acount db ?
Acount0 db ?
Acount1 db ?

Bcol db ?
Bchar db ?
Bchar0 db ?
Bchar1 db ?
Bchar2 db ?
Bcount0 db ?
Bcount db ?
Bcount_cx dw ?

Ccol db ?
Ccol0 db ?
Ccol00 db ?
Ccol01 db ?
Ccount db ?
Ccount0 db ?
Ccount1 db ?
Ccount2 db ?
Cchar0 db ?
Cchar1 db ?
Cchar01 db ?
Cchar2 db ?
Ccount_cx db ?

Dchar1 db ?
Dchar2 db ?
Dchar3 db ?
Dchar4 db ?
Dcount db ?
Dcount_cx dw ?

Echar0 db ?
Echar1 db ?
Echar2 db ?
Ecount db ?
Ecount1 db ?
Ecount0 db ?
Ecount_cx dw ?

Fcount db ?
Fchar1 db ?
Fchar2 db ?

Hcol db ?
Hcol0 db ?
Hcol00 db ?
Hcol01 db ?
Hcount db ?
Hcount0 db ?
Hcount1 db ?
Hcount2 db ?
Hchar0 db ?
Hchar1 db ?
Hchar01 db ?
Hchar2 db ?
Hline1 db ?
Hcol1 db ?
Hpot1 dw ?
Hline2 db ?
Hcol2 db ?
Hpot2 dw ?
Hcount_cx db ?

Icol db ?
Icol0 db ?
Icol01 db ?
Icount0 db ?
Icount db ?
Icount1 db ?
Ichar0 db ?
Ichar01 db ?
Ichar02 db ?
Ichar1 db ?
Ichar2 db ?
Icount_cx db ?

cool dw ?
Jcool0 db ?
Jcool1 db ?
Jcool3 db ?
Jcount db ?

Lchar1 db ?
Lchar2 db ?
Lchar0 db ?
Lchar10 db ?
Lcount_cx dw ?

Ncount_cx1 dw ?
Ocount_cx2 db ?

Pchar3 db ?
Pchar4 db ?

C_F db ?
E_B db ?
count db ?
data_seg ends ;½áÊøÊý¾Ý¶Î
;--<<<*****************>>CODE_SEGMENT<<***************>>>-- ;CODE_SEGMENT²¿·ÖΪ¶¨Òå´úÂë¶Î
code_seg segment
assume cs:code_seg,ds:data_seg ;ÓÃASSUMEα²Ù×÷À´Ö¸¶¨Ä³¸ö¶Î·ÖÅä¸øÄÄÒ»¸ö¶Î¼Ä´æÆ÷
main proc far ;main part of program
push ds ;save old data segment
sub ax,ax ;put zero in AX
sub cx,cx
push ax
push cx
mov ax,data_seg ;ÏȽ«Êý¾Ý¶ÎµØÖ·ÊäÈëAXÊý¾Ý¼Ä´æÆ÷
mov ds,ax ; ÔÙ½«AXÊý¾Ý¼Ä´æÆ÷µÄÖµ×°ÈëÊý¾Ý¶Î¼Ä´æÆ÷
mov count,2
;--<<<****************>>VARIABLE<<***************>>>-- ;VARIABLE²¿·ÖΪ¸ø¸÷¸ö×Ó³ÌÐò¶ÀÓеıäÁ¿¸½³õʼֵ
mov Schar0,2
mov Scount,2
mov Scount1,500
mov A_Xchar,2
mov A_Xcount,2
mov A_Xchar0,4
mov A_Xcool1,0eh
mov A_Xcool2,0ah
mov A_Xcount0,8
mov A_Xcount1,10
mov Acount1,2
mov Acount0,11
mov Bchar,2
mov Bchar0,2
mov Bchar1,16
mov Bchar2,4
mov Bcount,5
mov Bcount0,4
mov Bcount_cx,13
mov C_F,2
mov Ccol,2
mov Ccol0,2
mov Ccol01,2
mov Cchar0,2
mov Cchar01,2
mov Ccount,1
mov Cchar1,40
mov Cchar2,38
mov Ccount0,4
mov Ccount1,2
mov Ccount_cx,2
mov Dchar1,1
mov Dchar2,77
mov Dchar3,2
mov Dchar4,76
mov Dcount,2
mov E_B,3
mov Ecount0,4
mov Ecount1,3
mov Echar1,4
mov Echar2,6
mov Ecount_cx,2
mov Fcount,5
mov Fchar1,1
mov Fchar2,77
mov Hcol,2
mov Hcol0,2
mov Hcol01,2
mov Hchar0,2
mov Hchar01,2
mov Hcount,1
mov Hchar1,1
mov Hchar2,77
mov Hcount0,4
mov Hcount1,2
mov Hcount_cx,2
mov Icount0,10
mov Icol,4
mov Icol0,4
mov Icol01,4
mov Ichar0,2
mov Ichar01,2
mov Icount,5
mov Ichar1,39
mov Ichar2,39
mov Icount1,2
mov Icount_cx,2
mov Jcount,15
mov Jcool3,4
mov Lchar1,3
mov Lchar2,77
mov Lchar0,38
mov Lcount_cx,2
mov Pchar3,4
mov Pchar4,16

call clear_screen ;µ÷ÓÃÇåÆÁ×Ó³ÌÐò
lea di,Scar
mov dh,4
mov dl,38
call move_shape1
lea di,Sjeep
mov dh,4
mov dl,39
call move_shape2
dec Scount
lea di,Sleft
mov dh,5
mov dl,38
call move_shape1
lea di,Sright
mov dh,5
mov dl,39
call move_shape2
call Smust_2
inc Scount
lea di,Sjeep1
mov dh,4
mov dl,75
call move_shape1
lea di,Scar1
mov dh,4
mov dl,3
call move_shape2
mov Schar0,2
***it01: call dly_qrtr
dec Scount1
jne ***it01
call Smust_2
mov line_on1,4 ;±äÁ¿line_on1 ÓÃÒÔ´æ·ÅÖ¸¶¨¹â±ê³õʼÏÔʾµÄÐкÅ
mov col_on1,4 ;±äÁ¿col_on1 ÓÃÒÔ´æ·ÅÖ¸¶¨¹â±ê³õʼÏÔʾµÄÁкÅ
call A_Xmust_2
mov A_Xcount,1
mov line_on1,4
mov col_on1,4
call A_Xmust_21
cmp A_Xcount,1
jne A_Xexit0
mov A_Xcool1,0eh
mov A_Xcool2,0ah
inc A_Xcount
jmp A_Xexit12
A_Xexit0: mov A_Xcool1,0ch
mov A_Xcool2,03h
dec A_Xcount
A_Xexit12: dec A_Xcount1
jne A_Xagain1

mov line_on1,4
mov col_on1,4
mov line_on2,16
mov col_on2,3
call A_Xmust_22
lea di,QQQ ;½«QQQµÄÖµ¸½¸øÄ¿µÄ±äÖ·¼Ä´æÆ÷DI
mov dh,8 ;½«QQQµÄÖµ¸½¸øÄ¿µÄ±äÖ·¼Ä´æÆ÷DI
mov dl,4 ;dlÊý¾Ý¼Ä´æÆ÷´æ·ÅÁкÅ
call move_shape1
call Amust_2

Aagain0: lea di,III
mov dh,15
mov dl,23
call move_shape1
call Amust_2

lea di,AAAA
mov dh,13
mov dl,38
call move_shape1
call Amust_2

lea di,NNN
mov dh,15
mov dl,58
call move_shape1
call Amust_2

lea di,Ajeep
mov dh,4
mov dl,75
call move_shape1
call Amust_21
cmp Acount1,1
jne Aagain1
jmp Bagain1
lea di,JJJ
mov dh,6
mov dl,3
call move_shape1
call Amust_2

lea di,III
mov dh,15
mov dl,14
call move_shape1
call Amust_2

lea di,AAAA
mov dh,12
mov dl,24
call move_shape1
call Amust_2

lea di,NNN
mov dh,15
mov dl,42
call move_shape1
call Amust_2

lea di,GGG
mov dh,8
mov dl,58
call move_shape1
call Amust_2

lea di,Ajeep
mov dh,4
mov dl,75
call move_shape1
call Amust_21
lea di,DDD
mov dh,5
mov dl,3
call move_shape1
call Amust_2

lea di,AAAA
mov dh,13
mov dl,18
call move_shape1
call Amust_2

lea di,JJJ
mov dh,6
mov dl,36
call move_shape1
call Amust_2

lea di,III
mov dh,15
mov dl,47
call move_shape1
call Amust_2

lea di,UUU
mov dh,5
mov dl,59
call move_shape1
call Amust_2

lea di,Ajeep
mov dh,4
mov dl,75
call move_shape1
call Amust_21
lea di,DDD
mov dh,5
mov dl,5
call move_shape1
call Amust_2
dec Acount1
jmp Aagain0
Bagain1: mov Bcount,5
mov Bchar2,4
mov Bchar,2
mov Bchar0,2
lea di,Bcar1
mov dh,4
mov dl,2
call move_shape1

lea di,Bjeep1
mov dh,4
mov dl,76
call move_shape2
call Bmust_2
dec Bcount_cx
jne Bagain1
lea di,Cstar2
mov dh,4
mov dl,3
call move_shape1
lea di,Cstar3
mov dh,4
mov dl,75
call move_shape2
dec Ccount_cx
call Cmust_2
mov Dchar1,1
mov Dchar2,77
mov Dcount_cx,cx
lea di,car
mov dh,3
mov dl,38
call move_shape1
lea di,jeep
mov dh,3
mov dl,40
call move_shape2
call Dmust_2
dec Dcount
jne Dagain
Eagain2: mov Echar0,4
Eagain1: dec Echar0
je Eexit0
lea di,Estar2
mov dh,Echar1
mov dl,2
add Echar1,4
call Emust_2
dec Echar0
je Eexit0
lea di,Estar3
mov dh,Echar2
mov dl,76
add Echar2,7
call Emust_2
jmp Eagain1

Eexit0: dec Ecount1
je Eexit02
dec Echar1
lea di,Bjeep
mov dh,10
mov dl,76
call Emust_2
dec Ecount1
jmp Eagain2

Eexit02: mov Ecount,5
mov Ecount0,4
mov Ecount1,3
mov Echar1,4
mov Echar2,6
dec Ecount_cx
Eagain25: mov Echar0,4
Eagain15: dec Echar0
je Eexit05
lea di,Estar3
mov dh,Echar1
mov dl,75
add Echar1,4
call Emust_2
dec Echar0
je Eexit05
lea di,Estar2
mov dh,Echar2
mov dl,3
add Echar2,7
call Emust_2
jmp Eagain15

Eexit05: dec Ecount1
je Eexit025
dec Echar1
lea di,Bcar
mov dh,10
mov dl,3
call Emust_2
dec Ecount1
jmp Eagain25
Eexit025: dec E_B
mov Ccol,2
mov Ccol0,2
mov Ccol01,2
mov Cchar0,2
mov Cchar01,2
mov Ccount0,4
mov Ccount1,2
mov Ccount_cx,2
mov dl,Fcount
mov Ccount,dl
mov dl,Fchar1
mov Cchar1,dl
mov dl,Fchar2
mov Cchar2,dl
dec C_F

lea di,Cstar2
mov dh,4
mov dl,2
call move_shape1
lea di,Cstar3
mov dh,4
mov dl,76
call move_shape2
call Cmust_2
lea di,Cstar2
mov dh,4
mov dl,40
call move_shape1
lea di,Cstar3
mov dh,4
mov dl,38
call move_shape2
mov Ccol,2
mov Ccol0,2
mov Ccol01,2
mov Cchar0,2
mov Cchar01,2
mov Cchar1,1
mov Cchar2,77
dec Ccount_cx
call Cmust_2
mov Ccount,5
mov Ccount1,2
mov Ccount_cx,2
Gagain: lea di,Gstar2
mov dh,4
mov dl,2
call move_shape1
lea di,Gstar3
mov dh,7
mov dl,76
call move_shape2
call Gmust_2
dec Ccount1
dec Ccount_cx
jne Gagain
lea di,Hstar2
mov dh,16
mov dl,38
call move_shape1
lea di,Hstar3
mov dh,16
mov dl,40
call move_shape2
dec Hcount_cx
call Hmust_2
mov Icol,4
mov Icol0,4
mov Icol01,4
mov Hchar0,2
mov Hchar01,2
mov Icount,5
mov Ichar1,39
mov Ichar2,39
mov Hcount1,2
mov Hcount_cx,2
lea di,Istar2
mov dh,4
mov dl,2
call move_shape1
lea di,Istar3
mov dh,4
mov dl,76
call move_shape2
call Imust_2
dec Icount0
jne Iagain1
mov Icol,4
mov Icol01,4
mov Ichar0,2
mov Ichar01,2
mov Ichar02,2
mov Ichar1,39
mov Ichar2,39
mov Icount0,4
mov Icount1,2
mov Icount_cx,8
mov Jcool3,4
mov Icol0,4

lea di,Istar2
mov dh,4
mov dl,2
call move_shape1
lea di,Istar3
mov dh,4
mov dl,76
call move_shape2
call Jmust_21
dec Jcount
jne Jagain
mov Icount0,13
mov Icol,2
mov Icol0,2
mov Icol01,2
mov Ichar0,2
mov Ichar01,2
mov Icount,5
mov Ichar1,76
mov Ichar2,2
mov Icount1,2
mov Icount_cx,2

lea di,Kstar2
mov dh,10
mov dl,40
call move_shape1
lea di,Kstar3
mov dh,10
mov dl,38
call move_shape2
call Kmust_2
dec Icount0
jne Kagain1
lea di,car
mov dh,3
mov dl,39
call move_shape1
lea di,jeep
mov dh,3
mov dl,41
call move_shape2
call Lmust_2
cmp Lchar1,40
jb Lagain

dec Lcount_cx
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
lea di,car
mov dh,3
mov dl,40
call move_shape1
lea di,jeep
mov dh,3
mov dl,40
call move_shape2
call Lerase
mov Icount,2
mov cool,2000
lea di,Mcar
mov dh,10
mov dl,3
call move_shape1
call Mmust_2

lea di,Mstar
mov dh,10
mov dl,75
call move_shape1
call Mmust_21

lea di,Mstar1
mov dh,10
mov dl,65
call move_shape1
dec Icount
call Mmust_2

lea di,Mstar
mov dh,10
mov dl,3
call move_shape1
dec Icount
call Mmust_21
mov Lcount_cx,80
mov Ncount_cx1,5
mov Lchar1,2
Nagain: lea di,car
mov dh,3
mov dl,2
call Nmust_2
Nagain1: lea di,car
mov dh,3
mov dl,4
call Nmust_21
dec Lcount_cx
jne Nagain1
mov Lcount_cx,30
mov Ncount_cx1,3
mov Ocount_cx2,9
mov Lchar1,2
lea di,car
mov dh,3
mov dl,2
call Omust_1
Oagain1: lea di,car
mov dh,3
mov dl,4
call Omust_2
dec Lcount_cx
jne Oagain1
lea di,car
mov dh,3
mov dl,2
mov Lchar1,2
call Omust_21
mov Lcount_cx,30
mov Ncount_cx1,3
mov Ocount_cx2,9
mov Lchar1,2
lea di,jeep
mov dh,3
mov dl,77
call Omust_1
Oagain2: lea di,jeep
mov dh,3
mov dl,75
call Omust_2
dec Lcount_cx
jne Oagain2
lea di,jeep
mov dh,3
mov dl,77
mov Lchar1,2
call Omust_21
mov Icol,1
mov Ichar0,2
mov Ichar1,7
mov Ichar2,74
mov Pchar3,4
mov Pchar4,16
mov Icount_cx,5
mov Ncount_cx1,5
mov Ocount_cx2,6
Pagain: lea di,car
mov dh,3
mov dl,2
call Pmust_2
lea di,jeep
mov dh,3
mov dl,73
call Pmust_2
lea di,Pstar
mov dh,4
mov dl,8
call Pmust_21
lea di,jeep
mov dh,3
mov dl,76
call Pmust_22
mov Lchar1,1
mov Lchar2,78
mov Icount,0
mov Lchar0,2
Qagain: mov Lcount_cx,38
lea di,car
mov dh,3
mov dl,1
call move_shape1
lea di,jeep
mov dh,3
mov dl,78
call move_shape2
cmp Lchar0,1
je Qexit11
call Qmust_2
call dly_qrtr
dec Lchar0
jmp Qagain
Qexit11: call Qerase1
pop cx
ret ;return to main program
main endp ;end of main part of program
;--<<<***************>>>CLEAR_SCREEN<<<**************>>>-- ;CLEAR_SCREEN³ÌÐò²¿·ÖʵÏÖÇåÆÁ
clear_screen proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ah,6 ;scroll up function
mov al,0 ;code to blank screen
cmp count,1
je exit
mov ch,0 ;upper left row
mov cl,0 ;upper left column
mov dh,24 ;lower right row
mov dl,79 ;lower right column
mov bh,7
jmp exit1
exit: mov ch,4
mov cl,3
mov dh,16
mov dl,63
mov bh,7
exit1: int 10h
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
clear_screen endp
move_shape proc near ;move_shape³ÌÐò²¿·ÖʵÏÖд·½¿ò¹¦ÄÜ
sub ch,ch
mov cl,[di]
inc di
add dh,[di+2] ;update row pointer
add dl,[di+3] ;update column pointer
cmp Bcount0,3
je exit2R
cmp Bcount0,2
je exit9R
cmp Bcount0,1
je exit10R
cmp dl,78
jb mov_crsrR
jmp exit1R
exit2R: cmp dl,1
jnb mov_crsrR
jmp exit1R
exit9R: cmp dh,17
jb mov_crsrR
jmp exit1R
exit10R: cmp dh,3
ja mov_crsrR
exit1R: HONG1
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di] ;fetch char value
mov bl,[di+1] ;fetch char attribute
loop plot_nextR
exit4R: dec Bcount
je exit3R
call dly_qrtr ;µ÷ÓÃÑÓ³Ù×Ó³ÌÐò
jmp exit4R
exit3R: call Berase1 ;µ÷ÓÃÇå³ý»ò¸Ä±ä¹â±êλÖõÄ×Ö·û»òÆäÊôÐÔ×Ó³ÌÐò
mov Bcount,5
jmp short plot_nextR
move_shape endp
move_shape1 proc near ;move_shape1ºÍmove_shape2³ÌÐòΪ´æ·Å¹â±êµÄÆðʼλÖÃ
cmp Scount,1
je ***it20
sub ch,ch
mov cl,[di]
inc di
mov char_cnt1,cx
mov pointer1,di
mov line_on1,dh
mov col_on1,dl
mov char,cx
jmp ***it21

***it20: mov point1,di
mov Hline1,dh
mov Hcol1,dl
***it21: HONG1
move_shape1 endp
move_shape2 proc near
sub ch,ch
mov cl,[di]
inc di
cmp Scount,1
je ***it23
mov char_cnt2,cx
mov pointer2,di
mov line_on2,dh
mov col_on2,dl
mov char,cx
jmp ***it22

***it23: mov point2,di
mov Hline2,dh
mov Hcol2,dl

***it22: HONG1
move_shape2 endp
;--<<<****************>>>MUST_2<<<***************>>>-- ;MUST_2²¿·ÖÓÃÓÚÏÔʾͼÐÎ

Smust_2 proc near
***it4: sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Splot_next
***it3: sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Splot_next
***it5: call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call Serase
mov Schar0,2
jmp ***it4

Splot_next: add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
cmp Scount,1
jne ***it1
cmp dl,3
je ***it2
jmp ***it
***it1: cmp dl,39
je ***it2
***it: mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
loop Splot_next
cmp Schar0,1
je ***it5
dec Schar0
jmp ***it3

***it2: call Serase
Smust_2 endp
A_Xmust_2 proc near
push ax
push bx
push dx
mov ah,0fh
int 10h
mov A_Xcool0,1
mov dh,line_on1
mov dl,col_on1
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,40h
mov bl,0ch
push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,09
int 10h
pop cx
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
mov dl,A_Xcool0
cmp A_Xchar0,dl
je A_Xexit3
call A_Xerase
jmp A_Xplot_next

A_Xexit3: cmp col_on1,74
je A_Xexit1
cmp col_on1,38
jne A_Xexit7
add col_on1,2
mov A_Xcool0,1
mov line_on1,4
jmp A_Xplot_next

A_Xexit7: add col_on1,2
mov A_Xcool0,1
mov line_on1,4
cmp A_Xcount,1
je A_Xexit5
cmp A_Xchar0,5
je A_Xexit4
inc A_Xchar0
jmp A_Xplot_next
A_Xexit5: cmp A_Xchar0,1
je A_Xexit6
dec A_Xchar0
jmp A_Xplot_next
A_Xexit4: dec A_Xcount
dec A_Xchar0
jmp A_Xplot_next
A_Xexit6: inc A_Xcount
inc A_Xchar0
jmp A_Xplot_next
pop dx
pop bx
pop ax
A_Xmust_2 endp
A_Xmust_21 proc near
push ax
push bx
push dx
mov ah,0fh
int 10h
mov dh,line_on1
mov dl,col_on1
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov ah,8 ;¶Á¹â±êλÖõÄ×Ö·ûºÍÊôÐÔ²¢·µ»ØÊôÐÔ²ÎÊýAH¡¢×Ö·û²ÎÊýAL
int 10h

cmp al,' '
je A_Xexit9
cmp al,40h
jne A_Xexit10
mov bl,A_Xcool1
jmp A_Xexit11
A_Xexit10: mov al,'*'
mov bl,A_Xcool2
A_Xexit11: push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,09
int 10h
pop cx
A_Xexit9: cmp col_on1,74
je A_Xexit8
add col_on1,2
jmp A_Xplot_next1
A_Xexit8: call dly_qrtr
dec A_Xcount0
jne A_Xexit8
mov A_Xcount0,10
mov col_on1,4
inc line_on1
cmp line_on1,9
jne A_Xplot_next1
pop dx
pop bx
pop ax
A_Xmust_21 endp
A_Xmust_22 proc near
push ax
push bx
push dx
mov A_Xcount,10
mov dh,line_on1
mov dl,col_on1
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,40h
mov bl,0ch
push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,09
int 10h
pop cx
cmp A_Xchar,1
je A_Xexit17
cmp dl,74
je A_Xexit19
jmp A_Xexit18
A_Xexit17: cmp dl,75
je A_Xexit19
A_Xexit18: add dl,2
jmp A_Xplot_next2

A_Xexit19: cmp A_Xchar,1
je A_Xexit14
mov dh,line_on2
mov dl,col_on2
dec A_Xchar
jmp A_Xplot_next2

A_Xexit14: cmp line_on2,4
je A_Xexit16
call dly_qrtr
dec A_Xcount
jne A_Xexit14
call A_Xerase1
mov dh,line_on1
mov dl,col_on1
mov A_Xchar,2
mov A_Xcount,10
call dly_qrtr
jmp A_Xplot_next2
A_Xexit16: pop dx
pop bx
pop ax
A_Xmust_22 endp
Amust_2 proc near
sub cx,cx
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
call dly_qrtr
loop Aplot_next0
Aexit6: HONG1
Amust_2 endp
Amust_21 proc near
mov Acount,20
Aexit1: call dly_qrtr
dec Acount
je Aexit5
jmp Aexit1
Aexit5: sub cx,cx
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
cmp dl,2
je Aexit4
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,09
int 10h
pop cx
cmp al,40h
je Aexitx0
cmp al,02ah
je Aexitx0
jmp Aexitx1
Aexitx0: dec Acount0
jne Aplot_next
mov Acount0,11
Aexitx1: add di,4
loop Aplot_next
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call Aerase
jmp Aexit5
Aexit4: call Aerase
Amust_21 endp
Bmust_2 proc near
Bexit4: sub cx,cx
jmp Bplot_next
Bexit3: sub cx,cx
jmp Bplot_next

Bexit5: dec Bcount
je Bexit7
call dly_qrtr
jmp Bexit5
Bexit7: inc Bchar
call Berase
mov Bcount,5
cmp Bchar0,1
jne Bexit11
inc Bchar0
Bexit11: jmp short Bexit4

Bplot_next: add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
cmp dh,Bchar1
jne Bmov_crsr1
dec Bchar2
jmp Bmov_crsr1
Bexit2: HONG1
Bexit10: call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
jmp Bexit4
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
loop Bplot_next

cmp Bchar,1
je Bexit8
dec Bchar
jmp Bexit3
Bexit8: cmp Bchar2,0
je Bexit9
cmp dl,39
jne Bexit5
dec Bchar0
jmp Bexit5
Bexit9: cmp col_on2,2
je Bexit12
add col_on1,2
sub col_on2,2
mov Bchar2,4
inc Bchar
jmp Bexit10
Bexit12: dec Bchar1
jmp Bexit2
Bmust_2 endp
;---C-->F--*******************************--C-->F--- ;C¡¢F³ÌÐò¹«Óò¿·Ö
Cmust_2 proc near
Cexit41: sub cx,cx
mov Ccol,2
mov Ccol01,2
mov Cchar0,2
mov Cchar01,2
mov char,cx
jmp Cplot_next1
Cexit31: sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Cplot_next1
Cexit61: call dly_qrtr
mov Cchar0,2
mov Cchar01,2
mov Ccol01,2
mov Ccol,2
mov dl,col_on2
dec dl
cmp Cchar1,dl
je Cexit71
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call Cerase1
cmp Ccol0,26
je Cexit41
add Ccol0,2
jmp Cexit41
Cexit71: cmp Ccount1,1
je Cexit93
cmp line_on1,4
jne Cexit91
cmp Ccol0,26
jne Cexit92
Cexit91: sub Ccol0,2
je Cexit82
inc line_on1
inc line_on2
sub col_on1,2
add col_on2,2
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call Cerase1
mov Ccount1,2
jmp Cexit41
Cexit82: cmp Ccount_cx,1
je Cexit22
jmp Cexit81
Cexit92: mov al,26
sub al,Ccol0
mov Ccount2,al
add Ccount2,2
mov dl,Ccol0
mov Ccol00,dl
Cexit93: sub Ccount2,2
je Cexit91
inc line_on1
inc line_on2
sub col_on1,2
add col_on2,2
sub Ccol0,2
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call Cerase1
mov dl,Ccol00
mov Ccol0,dl
dec Ccount1
cmp Ccount1,1
je Cexit94
mov Ccount1,1
Cexit94: jmp Cexit41
Cexit22: jmp Cexit21
Cexit81: add Cchar1,2
sub Cchar2,2
cmp Cchar1,39
je Cexit21
mov line_on1,4
mov line_on2,4
mov dl,Cchar1
inc dl
mov col_on1,dl
mov dl,Cchar2
dec dl
mov col_on2,dl
mov Ccol0,2
mov Ccount1,2
jmp Cexit41
Cexit01: HONG9
mov dl,Ccol01
cmp Ccol0,dl
je Cexit02
add Ccol01,2
mov Ccol,2
mov Cchar01,2
dec Cchar01
jmp Cexit410
Cexit02: jmp Cexit61
Cexit21: HONG1
Cexit03: jmp Cexit01
Cexit410: HONG10
jmp Cplot_next1
Cexit310: HONG11
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
cmp C_F,1
je CF
mov al,[di]
mov bl,0ch
jmp CF1
CF: mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
CF1: push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,09
int 10h
pop cx
dec Ccol
je Cexit51
add di,4
jmp Cplot_next1

Cexit51: cmp Cchar01,0
je Cexit03
cmp Cchar01,1
je Cexit12
cmp Cchar0,1
je Cexit03
mov Ccol,2
dec Cchar0
jmp Cexit31

Cexit12: HONG8
mov Ccol,2
dec Cchar01
jmp Cexit310
Cmust_2 endp
Dmust_2 proc near
Dexit4: sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Dplot_next

Dexit3: sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Dplot_next
Dexit5: cmp Dchar1,dl
je Dexit2
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call Derase
jmp Dexit4
Dexit2: cmp Dcount,1
je Dexit1
cmp Dchar1,37
je Dexit1
add Dchar1,2
sub Dchar2,2
add Dchar3,2
mov dl,Dchar3
mov col_on1,dl
sub Dchar4,2
mov dl,Dchar4
mov col_on2,dl
call dly_qrtr
jmp Dexit4
Dexit1: call Derase

Dplot_next: add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
loop Dplot_next
cmp char,28
je short Dexit5
jmp Dexit3
Dmust_2 endp
Emust_2 proc near
sub ch,ch
mov cl,[di]
inc di
cmp Ecount_cx,1
je Eplot_next2
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
cmp Echar0,2
je Eexit12
cmp Ecount1,2
je Eexit12
cmp dl,78
jb Emov_crsr1
sub dl,2
jmp Eexit13
Eexit12: cmp dl,0
ja Emov_crsr1
add dl,2
jmp Eexit13
Eexit13: HONG1
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
cmp Echar0,2
je Eexit122
cmp Ecount1,2
je Eexit122
cmp dl,2
ja Emov_crsr2
add dl,2
jmp Eexit13
Eexit122: cmp dl,76
jb Emov_crsr2
sub dl,2
jmp Eexit13
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
loop Eplot_next1
jmp Eexit41
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,0
loop Eplot_next2
Eexit41: dec Ecount
je Eexit31
call dly_qrtr
jmp Eexit41
Eexit31: cmp Ecount_cx,1
je Eexit51
call Eerase1
mov Ecount,5
jmp Eplot_next1
Eexit51: call Eerase2
mov Ecount,5
jmp Eplot_next2
Emust_2 endp
Gmust_2 proc near
Gexit4: sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Gplot_next
Gexit3: sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Gplot_next

Gplot_next: add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
cmp char,8
je Gexit1
cmp dl,78
jb Gmov_crsr
jmp Gexit2
Gexit1: cmp dl,0
ja Gmov_crsr
Gexit2: HONG1
mov ah,2
int 10h
cmp Ccount1,1
je Gexit5
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
jmp Gexit11
Gexit5: mov al,[di]
mov bl,0
Gexit11: HONG6
loop Gplot_next
cmp char,8
je short Gexit12
jmp Gexit3
Gexit12: dec Ccount
je Gexit6
call dly_qrtr
jmp Gexit12
Gexit6: add col_on1,2
sub col_on2,2
mov Ccount,5
jmp Gexit4
Gmust_2 endp
Hmust_2 proc near
Hexit41: sub cx,cx
mov Hcol,2
mov Hcol01,2
mov Hchar0,2
mov Hchar01,2
mov char,cx
jmp Hplot_next1
Hexit31: sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Hplot_next1
Hexit61: call dly_qrtr
mov Hchar0,2
mov Hchar01,2
mov Hcol01,2
mov Hcol,2
mov dl,col_on2
inc dl
cmp Hchar2,dl
je Hexit71
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call Herase1
cmp Hcol0,26
je Hexit41
add Hcol0,2
jmp Hexit41
Hexit71: cmp Hcount1,1
je Hexit93
cmp line_on1,16
jne Hexit91
cmp Hcol0,26
jne Hexit92
Hexit91: sub Hcol0,2
je Hexit82
dec line_on1
dec line_on2
add col_on1,2
sub col_on2,2
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call Herase1
mov Hcount1,2
jmp Hexit41
Hexit82: cmp Hcount_cx,1
je Hexit22
jmp Hexit81
Hexit92: mov al,26
sub al,Hcol0
mov Hcount2,al
add Hcount2,2
mov dl,Hcol0
mov Hcol00,dl
Hexit93: sub Hcount2,2
je Hexit91
dec line_on1
dec line_on2
add col_on1,2
sub col_on2,2
sub Hcol0,2
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call Herase1
mov dl,Hcol00
mov Hcol0,dl
dec Hcount1
cmp Hcount1,1
je Hexit94
mov Hcount1,1
Hexit94: jmp Hexit41
Hexit22: jmp Hexit21
Hexit81: add Hchar1,2
sub Hchar2,2
cmp Hchar1,39
je Hexit21
mov line_on1,4
mov line_on2,4
mov dl,Hchar1
inc dl
mov col_on1,dl
mov dl,Hchar2
dec dl
mov col_on2,dl
mov Hcol0,2
mov Hcount1,2
jmp Hexit41
Hexit01: HONG9
mov dl,Hcol01
cmp Hcol0,dl
je Hexit02
add Hcol01,2
mov Hcol,2
mov Hchar01,2
dec Hchar01
jmp Hexit410
Hexit02: jmp Hexit61
Hexit21: HONG1
Hexit03: jmp Hexit01
Hexit410: HONG10
jmp Hplot_next1
Hexit310: HONG11
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,0ch
push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,09
int 10h
pop cx
dec Hcol
je Hexit51
add di,4
jmp Hplot_next1
Hexit51: cmp Hchar01,0
je Hexit03
cmp Hchar01,1
je Hexit12
cmp Hchar0,1
je Hexit03
mov Hcol,2
dec Hchar0
jmp Hexit31
Hexit12: HONG8
mov Hcol,2
dec Hchar01
jmp Hexit310
Hmust_2 endp
Imust_2 proc near
Iexit41: sub cx,cx
mov Icol,4
mov Icol01,4
mov Ichar0,2
mov Ichar01,2
mov char,cx
jmp Iplot_next1
Iexit31: sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Iplot_next1
Iexit61: call dly_qrtr
mov Ichar0,2
mov Ichar01,2
mov Icol01,4
mov Icol,4
mov si,0
mov dl,col_on1
Iexit66: cmp dl,Istar1[si]
je Iexit71
inc si
cmp si,7
jne Iexit66
cmp dl,38
ja Iexit72
Iexit75: call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call Ierase1
cmp Icol0,26
je Iexit81
cmp Icol0,24
je Iexit91
add Icol0,4
jmp Iexit41
Iexit91: add Icol0,2
Iexit81: jmp Iexit41

add col_on1,2
sub col_on2,2
cmp Icol0,26
je Iexit81
add Icol0,4
jmp Iexit41

Iexit72: cmp dl,44
je Iexit71
cmp dl,50
je Iexit21
jmp Iexit75

Iexit01: HONG9
mov dl,Icol01
cmp Icol0,dl
je Iexit02
cmp Icol01,24
je Iexit73
add Icol01,4
jmp Iexit74
Iexit73: add Icol01,2
mov Icol,2
jmp Iexit70
Iexit74: mov Icol,4
Iexit70: mov Ichar01,2
dec Ichar01
jmp Iexit410
Iexit02: jmp Iexit61
Iexit21: HONG1
Iexit410: HONG10
jmp Iplot_next1
Iexit310: HONG11
jmp Iplot_next1
Iexit03: jmp Iexit01
Iplot_next1:add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
cmp Ichar0,1
je Iexit77
cmp dl,39
ja Iexit76
jmp Iexit78
Iexit77: cmp Ichar01,1
je Iexit79
cmp Ichar01,0
je Iexit82
cmp dl,39
jb Iexit76
jmp Iexit78
Iexit79: cmp dl,39
ja Iexit76
jmp Iexit78
Iexit82: cmp dl,39
jb Iexit76
jmp Iexit78
Iexit78: mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,09
int 10h
pop cx
dec Icol
je Iexit51
add di,4
jmp Iplot_next1
Iexit51: cmp Ichar01,0
je Iexit03
cmp Ichar01,1
je Iexit12
cmp Ichar0,1
je Iexit03
mov Icol,4
dec Ichar0
jmp Iexit31

Iexit12: HONG8
dec Ichar01
cmp Icol01,26
je Iexit83
mov Icol,4
jmp Iexit310
Iexit83: mov Icol,2
jmp Iexit310
Imust_2 endp
Jmust_21 proc near
Jexit710: sub cx,cx
mov Icol,4
mov Icol01,4
mov Ichar0,2
mov Ichar01,2
mov Ichar02,2
mov Jcool0,dl
mov Icount_cx,8
jmp Jplot_next10
Jexit711: sub cx,cx
mov Jcool1,dl
dec Ichar0
jmp Jplot_next10

Jexit610: dec Icount0
je Jexit210
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call Jerase2
add Jcool3,4
mov dl,Jcool3
mov Icol0,dl
jmp Jexit710
Jexit210: HONG1

Jexit010: HONG9
mov dl,Icol01
cmp Icol0,dl
je Jexit0210
cmp Icol01,24
je Jexit730
add Icol01,4
jmp Jexit740
Jexit730: add Icol01,2
mov Icol,2
jmp Jexit700

Jexit740: mov Icol,4
Jexit700: mov Ichar01,2
dec Ichar01
jmp Jexit720

dec Icount_cx
je Jexit610
add Jcool0,6
sub Jcool1,6
cmp Icol0,26
je Jexit733
mov dl,Icol0
add dl,12
cmp dl,26
jae Jexit732
mov Icol0,dl
jmp Jexit733
Jexit732: mov Icol0,26
jmp Jexit733

Jexit720: HONG10
jmp Jplot_next10
Jexit721: HONG11
jmp Jplot_next10
Jexit733: sub cx,cx
mov Icol,4
mov Icol01,4
mov Ichar01,2
mov Ichar02,2
mov di,pointer1
mov dh,line_on1
mov dl,Jcool0
dec Ichar02
jmp Jplot_next10
Jexit734: sub cx,cx
mov di,pointer2
mov dh,line_on2
mov dl,Jcool1
jmp Jplot_next10

Jexit031: jmp Jexit010

add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
cmp Ichar0,0
je Jexit770
cmp dl,39
ja Jexit760
jmp Jexit780
Jexit770: cmp Ichar01,1
je Jexit790
cmp Ichar01,0
je Jexit820
cmp Ichar02,1
je Jexit790
cmp Ichar02,0
je Jexit820
Jexit790: cmp dl,39
ja Jexit760
jmp Jexit780
Jexit820: cmp dl,39
jb Jexit760
jmp Jexit780
Jexit780: mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,09
int 10h
pop cx
jmp Jexit760
Jexit032: jmp Jexit031
dec Icol
je Jexit510
add di,4
jmp Jplot_next10

Jexit510: cmp Ichar01,0
je Jexit032
cmp Ichar01,1
je Jexit120
cmp Ichar02,1
je Jexit520
cmp Ichar02,0
je Jexit032
cmp Ichar0,0
je Jexit032
mov Icol,4
dec Ichar0
jmp Jexit711
Jexit520: HONG8
mov Icol,4
dec Ichar02
jmp Jexit734

Jexit120: HONG8
dec Ichar01
cmp Icol01,26
je Jexit830
mov Icol,4
jmp Jexit721
Jexit830: mov Icol,2
jmp Jexit721
Jmust_21 endp
Kmust_2 proc near
Kexit41: sub cx,cx
mov Icol,2
mov Icol01,2
mov Ichar0,2
mov Ichar01,2
mov char,cx
jmp Kplot_next1
Kexit31: sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Kplot_next1
Kexit61: call dly_qrtr
mov Ichar0,2
mov Ichar01,2
mov Icol01,2
mov Icol,2
mov si,0
mov dl,col_on2
Kexit66: cmp dl,Kstar1[si]
je Kexit71
inc si
cmp si,6
jne Kexit66
cmp dl,2
je Kexit72
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call Kerase1
cmp Icol0,26
je Kexit81
add Icol0,4
Kexit81: jmp Kexit41

Kexit71: add col_on1,2
sub col_on2,2
cmp Icol0,26
je Kexit81
add Icol0,4
jmp Kexit41
Kexit02: jmp Kexit61
Kexit72: jmp Kexit21
Kexit01: HONG9
mov dl,Icol01
cmp Icol0,dl
je Kexit02

add Icol01,4
mov Icol,4
mov Ichar01,2
dec Ichar01
jmp Kexit410

Kexit21: HONG1
Kexit410: HONG10
jmp Kplot_next1
Kexit310: HONG11
jmp Kplot_next1
Kexit03: jmp Kexit01
Kplot_next1:add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov ah,8
int 10h
cmp dl,3
jb Kexitx0
cmp dl,76
jae Kexitx0
cmp ah,0bh
je Kexitx
cmp ah,0dh
je Kexitx2
cmp ah,0ah
je Kexitx3
cmp ah,0eh
je Kexitx4
Kexitx0: mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
jmp Kexitx1
Kexitx: mov bl,0dh
jmp Kexitx1
Kexitx2: mov bl,0ah
jmp Kexitx1
Kexitx3: mov bl,0eh
jmp Kexitx1
Kexitx4: mov bl,0ch
Kexitx1: push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,09
int 10h
pop cx
dec Icol
je Kexit51
add di,4
jmp Kplot_next1

Kexit51: cmp Ichar01,0
je Kexit03
cmp Ichar01,1
je Kexit12
cmp Ichar0,1
je Kexit03
mov Icol,2
dec Ichar0
jmp Kexit31

Kexit12: HONG8
dec Ichar01
mov Icol,4
jmp Kexit310
Kmust_2 endp
Lmust_2 proc near
Lexit4: sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Lplot_next
Lexit3: sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Lplot_next

Lexit5: call dly_qrtr
call Lerase
jmp Lexit4

Lplot_next: add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
cmp char,28
je Lexit1
cmp dl,Lchar2
jb Lmov_crsr
jmp Lexit2
Lexit1: cmp dl,Lchar1
ja Lmov_crsr
Lexit2: mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
loop Lplot_next
cmp char,28
jne short Lexit3
add Lchar1,2
sub Lchar2,2
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
loop Lplot_next
cmp char,28
je Lexit5
jmp Lexit3
Lmust_2 endp
Mmust_2 proc near
sub cx,cx
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
cmp dl,64
je Mexit6
cmp dl,3
jb Mexit7
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
call dly_qrtr
loop Mplot_next0
cmp Icount,1
je Mexit6
Mexit7: call dly_qrtr1
call Merase
jmp Mplot_next0
Mexit6: HONG1
Mmust_2 endp
Mmust_21 proc near
Mexit5: sub cx,cx
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
cmp Icount,0
jne Mexit8
cmp dl,3
jb Mexit1
mov ah,2
int 10h
cmp dl,64
jae Mexit2
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,09
int 10h
pop cx
jmp Mexit2
Mexit0: jmp Mexit5
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
call dly_qrtr
loop Mplot_next
jmp Mexit4
add di,4
loop Mplot_next
dec cool
je Mexit4
sub dl,2
mov cx,char_cnt1
mov di,pointer1
mov dh,line_on1
jmp Mplot_next
call Merase2
mov count,1
call clear_screen
cmp col_on1,77
jne Mexit0

mov col_on1,62
jmp Mplot_next
Mexit4: HONG1
Mmust_21 endp
Nmust_2 proc near
sub ch,ch
mov cl,[di]
inc di
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
cmp dl,78
jb Nmov_crsr
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
loop Nplot_next
call dly_qrtr
cmp dl,3
je Nexit3
cmp dl,5
je Nexit3
cmp dl,77
je Nexit3
dec Ncount_cx1
je Nexit2
call Nerase
jmp Nexit3
Nexit2: mov Ncount_cx1,5
Nexit3: add col_on,2
jmp short Nplot_next
Nmust_2 endp
Nmust_21 proc near
sub ch,ch
mov cl,[di]
inc di
mov Lchar0,dl
mov Ncount_cx1,5
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
loop Nplot_next1
dec Ncount_cx1
je Nexit21
add Lchar0,14
mov dl,Lchar0
mov cx,char_cnt
mov di,pointer
mov dh,line_on
jmp Nplot_next1

Nexit21: call dly_qrtr
cmp col_on,18
je Nexit1
mov Ncount_cx1,5
add col_on,2
mov dl,col_on
mov Lchar0,dl
mov cx,char_cnt
mov di,pointer
mov dh,line_on
jmp Nplot_next1
dec Lchar1
mov Ncount_cx1,5
mov dl,Lchar0
mov col_on,dl
call Nerase
inc Lchar1
Nmust_21 endp
Omust_1 proc near
sub ch,ch
mov cl,[di]
inc di
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
cmp char_cnt,28
je Oexitr1
cmp dl,78
jb Omov_crsr
jmp Oexitr2
Oexitr1: cmp dl,1
ja Omov_crsr
Oexitr2: HONG1
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
loop Oplot_next
call dly_qrtr
cmp char_cnt,28
je Oexitr3
cmp dl,3
je Oexit3
cmp dl,5
je Oexit3
cmp dl,77
je Oexit3
dec Ncount_cx1
je Oexit2
call Oerase
jmp Oexit3
Oexit2: mov Ncount_cx1,3
Oexit3: add col_on,2
jmp short Oplot_next
cmp dl,76
je Oexit3r
cmp dl,74
je Oexit3r
cmp dl,2
je Oexit3r
dec Ncount_cx1
je Oexit2r
call Oerase
jmp Oexit3r
Oexit2r: mov Ncount_cx1,3
Oexit3r: sub col_on,2
jmp Oplot_next
Omust_1 endp
Omust_2 proc near
sub ch,ch
mov cl,[di]
inc di

mov Lchar0,dl
mov Ocount_cx2,9
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
loop Oplot_next1
dec Ocount_cx2
je Oexit21
cmp char_cnt,28
je Oexitr4
add Lchar0,8
jmp Oexitr5
Oexitr4: sub Lchar0,8
Oexitr5: mov dl,Lchar0
mov cx,char_cnt
mov di,pointer
mov dh,line_on
jmp Oplot_next1
cmp char_cnt,28
je Oexitr9
cmp col_on,12
je Oexit1
jmp Oexit9r
Oexitr9: cmp col_on,67
je Oexit1
Oexit9r: dec Lchar1
mov Ocount_cx2,9
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call Oerase
inc Lchar1
mov Ocount_cx2,9
jmp Oplot_next1
Oexit1: HONG1
Omust_2 endp
Omust_21 proc near
sub ch,ch
mov cl,[di]
inc di
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
cmp char_cnt,28
je Oexitr6
cmp dl,78
jb Omov_crsr2
jmp Oexit6r
Oexitr6: cmp dl,1
ja Omov_crsr2
Oexit6r: call Oerase
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
loop Oplot_next2
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call dly_qrtr
call Oerase
jmp short Oplot_next2
Omust_21 endp
Pmust_2 proc near
sub ch,ch
mov cl,[di]
inc di
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
cmp char_cnt,28
je Pexit1
cmp dl,77
jb Pmov_crsr
jmp Pexit2
Pexit1: cmp dl,5
ja Pmov_crsr
Pexit2: HONG1
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
loop Pplot_next
call dly_qrtr

cmp char_cnt,28
je Pexit3

cmp dl,3
je Pexit4
cmp dl,5
je Pexit4
cmp dl,77
je Pexit4
dec Ncount_cx1
je Pexit7
call Perase
jmp Pexit4
Pexit7: mov Ncount_cx1,5
Pexit4: add col_on,2
jmp short Pplot_next
dec Ocount_cx2
je Pexit5
call Perase
jmp Pexit6
Pexit5: sub col_on,2
mov Ocount_cx2,6
Pexit6: sub col_on,2
jmp Pplot_next

Pmust_2 endp
Pmust_21 proc near
sub ch,ch
mov cl,[di]
inc di
mov Ichar0,2
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
cmp Ichar0,1
je Pexit0
cmp dl,18
je Pexit8
cmp dl,32
je Pexit8
cmp dl,46
je Pexit8
cmp dl,60
je Pexit8
cmp dl,Ichar2
je Pexit9
jmp Pmov_crsr1
Pexit9: dec dl
inc dh
cmp dh,Pchar4
je Pexit18
jmp Pmov_crsr1
Pexit8: add dl,4
jmp Pmov_crsr1
Pexit18: dec Ichar0
Pexit0: cmp dl,63
je Pexit10
cmp dl,49
je Pexit10
cmp dl,35
je Pexit10
cmp dl,21
je Pexit10
cmp dl,Ichar1
je Pexit11
jmp Pmov_crsr1
Pexit10: sub dl,4
jmp Pmov_crsr1
Pexit11: inc dl
dec dh
cmp dh,Pchar3
je Pexit12
jmp Pmov_crsr1
Pexit12: inc Pchar3
dec Pchar4
inc Ichar1
cmp Ichar1,18
jne Pexit13
add Ichar1,4
Pexit13: dec Ichar2
cmp Ichar2,63
jne Pexit14
sub Ichar2,4
Pexit14: mov dh,Pchar3
mov dl,Ichar1
inc Ichar0
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,09
int 10h
pop cx
Pexit19: dec Icount_cx
je Pexit20
call dly_qrtr
jmp Pexit19
Pexit20: mov Icount_cx,5
cmp Ichar0,1
je Pexit15
inc dl
cmp dh,10
je Pexit16
jmp Pplot_next1
Pexit16: cmp dl,68
je Pexit17
jmp Pplot_next1
Pexit15: dec dl
jmp Pplot_next1
Pexit17: HONG1
Pmust_21 endp
Pmust_22 proc near
sub ch,ch
mov cl,[di]
inc di
dec Icol
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
cmp dl,1
ja Pmov_crsr2
call Perase
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
loop Pplot_next2
call dly_qrtr
call Perase
jmp Pplot_next2
Pmust_22 endp
Qmust_2 proc near
Qexit4: sub cx,cx
mov Hcol1,dl
mov char,cx
jmp Qplot_next
Qexit9: call dly_qrtr
call Qerase
Qplot_next: add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
cmp char,28
je Qexit2
cmp dl,Lchar2
jb Qmov_crsr
mov Icount,1
jmp Qmov_crsr
Qexit2: cmp dl,Lchar1
ja Qmov_crsr
mov Icount,1
jmp Qmov_crsr
Qexit5: add col_on1,2
add Lchar1,2
dec Icount
dec Lcount_cx
jne Qexit4

Qexit3: sub cx,cx
mov Hcol2,dl
mov char,cx
jmp Qplot_next
Qmov_crsr: mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,[di+1]
loop Qplot_next
cmp Icount,1
je Qexit10
jmp Qexit9
Qexit10: cmp char,28
je Qexit5
sub Lchar2,2
sub col_on2,2
dec Icount
jmp Qexit3
Qmust_2 endp
;--<<<***************>>>ERASE<<<***************>>>-- ;ERASE²¿·ÖΪÇå³ý»ò¸Ä±ä¹â±êËùÔÚλÖûò¹â±êËùÔÚλÖÃ
Serase proc near
push si
sub si,si
mov Schar0,2
***it7: sub cx,cx
push bx
sub bx,bx
mov bl,Hline1
mov Sline,bl
mov bl,Hcol1
mov Scol,bl
pop bx
mov si,point1
jmp Serase_next
***it6: sub cx,cx
push bx
sub bx,bx
mov bl,Hline2
mov Sline,bl
mov bl,Hcol2
mov Scol,bl
pop bx
mov si,point2
jmp Serase_next
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
cmp Scount,2
je ***it31
cmp cx,13
jb ***it31
cmp dl,Scol
jne ***it31
cmp dh,Sline
jne ***it31
mov al,[si]
mov bl,[si+1]
add si,4
cmp Schar0,1
je ***it40
push dx
sub dx,dx
mov dh,[si+2]
add dh,Hline1
mov Hline1,dh
mov Sline,dh
mov al,[si+3]
add al,Hcol1
mov Hcol1,al
mov Scol,al
pop dx
***it41: loop Serase_next
jmp ***it8
***it31: mov al,' '
mov bl,0
jmp ***it41
***it40: push dx
sub dx,dx
mov dh,[si+2]
add dh,Hline2
mov Hline2,dh
mov Sline,dh
mov dl,[si+3]
add dl,Hcol2
mov Hcol2,dl
mov Scol,dl
pop dx
jmp ***it41
***it8: cmp Schar0,1
je Sleft0
mov point1,si
dec Schar0
jmp ***it6
Sleft0: mov point2,si
dec col_on1
inc col_on2
pop si
Serase endp
;---A_X--******************************--A_X--- ; µÄ×Ö·ûµÄÏÔʾÊôÐÔ
A_Xerase proc near
mov dh,line_on1
mov dl,col_on1
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,'*'
mov bl,03h
push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h
pop cx
inc A_Xcool0
inc line_on1
A_Xerase endp
A_Xerase1 proc near
mov A_Xchar,2
mov dh,line_on1
mov dl,col_on1
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,'*'
mov bl,03h
push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h
pop cx
cmp A_Xchar,1
je A_Xexit20
cmp dl,74
je A_Xleft
jmp A_Xexit21
A_Xexit20: cmp dl,75
je A_Xleft
A_Xexit21: add dl,2
jmp A_Xerase_next
A_Xleft: cmp A_Xchar,1
je A_Xexit15
mov dh,line_on2
mov dl,col_on2
dec A_Xchar
jmp A_Xerase_next
A_Xexit15: inc line_on1
dec line_on2
mov col_on1,4
mov col_on2,3
A_Xerase1 endp
Aerase proc near
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
cmp dl,2
je Aleft
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov ah,8
int 10h
cmp al,40h
je Aexitx2
cmp al,02ah
je Aexitx2
jmp Aexitx3
Aexitx2: dec Acount0
jne Aexitx3
mov Acount0,11
Aexitx3: cmp Acount1,1
je Aexit0
mov al,'*'
mov bl,03h
jmp Aexit7
Aexit0: mov al,'*'
mov bl,0
Aexit7: push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h
pop cx
cmp Acount0,11
jne Aerase_next
add di,4
loop Aerase_next
dec col_on1
Aleft: ret
Aerase endp
Berase proc near
sub cx,cx
jmp Berase_next

Bexit6: sub cx,cx
jmp Berase_next
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,'*'
mov bl,0
loop Berase_next
cmp Bchar0,1
je Bleft1
cmp Bchar,1
jz Bleft
inc col_on1
dec Bchar
jmp short Bexit6
Bleft: dec col_on2
inc Bchar

Bleft1: cmp Bchar,1
jz Bleft2
inc line_on1
dec Bchar
jmp short Bexit6
Bleft2: inc line_on2
inc Bchar
Berase endp
Berase1 proc near
cmp Bcount0,4
jne exit6R
add col_on,2
jmp exitR
exit6R: cmp Bcount0,3
jne exit7R
sub col_on,2
jmp exitR
exit7R: cmp Bcount0,2
jne exit8R
inc line_on
jmp exitR
exit8R: cmp Bcount0,1
jne exitR
dec line_on
exitR: HONG4
Berase1 endp
Cerase1 proc near
sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Cerase_next1

Cexit62: sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Cerase_next1

Cexit011: HONG9
mov dl,Ccol01
cmp Ccol0,dl
je Cexit021
add Ccol01,2
mov Ccol,2
mov Cchar01,2
dec Cchar01
jmp Cexit4101
Cexit021: jmp Cleft
Cexit012: jmp Cexit011

Cexit4101: HONG10
jmp Cerase_next1
Cexit3101: HONG11
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,'*'
mov bl,0
push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h
pop cx
dec Ccol
je Cexit0
add di,4
jmp Cerase_next1
Cexit0: cmp Cchar01,0
je Cexit011
cmp Cchar01,1
je Cexit121
cmp Cchar0,1
je Cexit012
mov Ccol,2
dec Cchar0
jmp Cexit62

Cexit121: HONG8
mov Ccol,2
dec Cchar01
jmp Cexit3101
Cleft: add col_on1,2
sub col_on2,2
Cerase1 endp
Derase proc near
sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Derase_next

Dexit6: sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,'*'
mov bl,0
loop Derase_next
cmp char,28
jz Dleft
inc col_on1
mov dl,col_on1
jmp short Dexit6
Dleft: dec col_on2
mov dl,col_on2
Derase endp
Eerase1 proc near
cmp Echar0,2
je Eexit15
cmp Echar0,3
je Eexit14
cmp Echar0,1
je Eexit14
cmp Ecount1,2
je Eexit16
jmp Eexit01
Eexit14: add col_on,4
jmp Eexit01
Eexit15: sub col_on,4
jmp Eexit01
Eexit16: sub col_on,2
Eexit01: HONG4
Eerase1 endp
Eerase2 proc near
cmp Echar0,2
je Eexit152
cmp Echar0,3
je Eexit142
cmp Echar0,1
je Eexit142
cmp Ecount1,2
je Eexit162
jmp Eexit012
Eexit142: sub col_on,4
jmp Eexit012
Eexit152: add col_on,4
jmp Eexit012
Eexit162: add col_on,2
Eexit012: HONG4
Eerase2 endp
Herase1 proc near
sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Herase_next1

Hexit62: sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Herase_next1

Hexit011: HONG9
mov dl,Hcol01
cmp Hcol0,dl
je Hexit021
add Hcol01,2
mov Hcol,2
mov Hchar01,2
dec Hchar01
jmp Hexit4101
Hexit021: jmp Hleft
Hexit012: jmp Hexit011

Hexit4101: HONG10
jmp Herase_next1
Hexit3101: HONG11
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,[di]
mov bl,0ah
push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h
pop cx
dec Hcol
je Hexit0
add di,4
jmp Herase_next1
Hexit0: cmp Hchar01,0
je Hexit011
cmp Hchar01,1
je Hexit121
cmp Hchar0,1
je Hexit012
mov Hcol,2
dec Hchar0
jmp Hexit62

Hexit121: HONG8
mov Hcol,2
dec Hchar01
jmp Hexit3101
Hleft: sub col_on1,2
add col_on2,2
Herase1 endp
Ierase1 proc near
sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Ierase_next1

Iexit62: sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Ierase_next1

Iexit011: HONG9
mov dl,Icol01
cmp Icol0,dl
je Iexit021

cmp Icol01,24
je Iexit013
add Icol01,4
jmp Iexit014
Iexit013: add Icol01,2
mov Icol,2
jmp Iexit015
Iexit014: mov Icol,4
Iexit015: mov Ichar01,2
dec Ichar01
jmp Iexit4101
Iexit021: jmp Ileft

Iexit4101: HONG10
jmp Ierase_next1
Iexit3101: HONG11
jmp Ierase_next1
Iexit012: jmp Iexit011
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
cmp Ichar0,1
je Iexit770
cmp dl,39
ja Iexit760
jmp Iexit780
Iexit770: cmp Ichar01,1
je Iexit790
cmp Ichar01,0
je Iexit820
cmp dl,39
jb Iexit760
jmp Iexit780
Iexit790: cmp dl,39
ja Iexit760
jmp Iexit780
Iexit820: cmp dl,39
jb Iexit760
jmp Iexit780
Iexit780: mov al,'*'
mov bl,0
push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h
pop cx
Iexit760: dec Icol
je Iexit0
add di,4
jmp Ierase_next1
Iexit0: cmp Ichar01,0
je Iexit012 ;-------------
cmp Ichar01,1
je Iexit121
cmp Ichar0,1
je Iexit012 ;--------------------
mov Icol,4
dec Ichar0
jmp Iexit62
Iexit121: HONG8
dec Ichar01
cmp Icol01,26
je Iexit122
mov Icol,4
jmp Iexit3101
Iexit122: mov Icol,2
jmp Iexit3101

Ileft: add col_on1,2
sub col_on2,2
Ierase1 endp
Jerase2 proc near
mov dl,Jcool3
mov Icol0,dl
mov Icol,4
mov Icol01,4
mov Ichar0,2
mov Ichar01,2
mov Ichar02,2
sub cx,cx
mov Jcool0,dl
mov Icount_cx,8
jmp Jerase_next2

Jexit62L: sub cx,cx
mov Jcool1,dl
dec Ichar0
jmp Jerase_next2

Jexit011L: HONG9
mov dl,Icol01
cmp Icol0,dl
je Jexit021L

cmp Icol01,24
je Jexit013L
add Icol01,4
jmp Jexit014L
Jexit013L: add Icol01,2
mov Icol,2
jmp Jexit015L
Jexit014L: mov Icol,4
Jexit015L: mov Ichar01,2
dec Ichar01
jmp Jexit4101L

Jexit021L: dec Icount_cx
jne JleftL
add col_on1,2
sub col_on2,2

JleftL: add Jcool0,6
sub Jcool1,6
cmp Icol0,26
je Jexit733L
mov dl,Icol0
add dl,12
cmp dl,26
jae Jexit732L
mov Icol0,dl
jmp Jexit733L
Jexit732L: mov Icol0,26
jmp Jexit733L

Jexit4101L: HONG10
jmp Jerase_next2
Jexit3101L: HONG11
jmp Jerase_next2
Jexit733L: sub cx,cx
mov Icol,4
mov Icol01,4
mov Ichar01,2
mov Ichar02,2
mov di,pointer1
mov dh,line_on1
mov dl,Jcool0
dec Ichar02
jmp Jerase_next2
Jexit734L: sub cx,cx
mov di,pointer2
mov dh,line_on2
mov dl,Jcool1
jmp Jerase_next2
Jexit012L: jmp Jexit011L
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
cmp Ichar0,0
je Jexit77L
cmp dl,39
ja Jexit76L
jmp Jexit78L
Jexit77L: cmp Ichar01,1
je Jexit79L
cmp Ichar01,0
je Jexit82L
cmp Ichar02,1
je Jexit79L
cmp Ichar02,0
je Jexit82L
Jexit79L: cmp dl,39
ja Jexit76L
jmp Jexit78L
Jexit82L: cmp dl,39
jb Jexit76L
jmp Jexit78L
Jexit78L: mov al,'*'
mov bl,0
push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h
pop cx
Jexit76L: dec Icol
je Jexit07L
add di,4
jmp Jerase_next2

Jexit018L: jmp Jexit012L

Jexit07L: cmp Ichar01,0
je Jexit018L
cmp Ichar01,1
je Jexit121L
cmp Ichar02,1
je Jexit01L
cmp Ichar02,0
je Jexit018L ;--------------------
cmp Ichar0,0
je Jexit018L
mov Icol,4
dec Ichar0
jmp Jexit62L
Jexit01L: HONG8
mov Icol,4
dec Ichar02
jmp Jexit734L

Jexit121L: HONG8
dec Ichar01
cmp Icol01,26
je Jexit122L
mov Icol,4
jmp Jexit3101L
Jexit122L: mov Icol,2
jmp Jexit3101L
Jerase2 endp
Kerase1 proc near
sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Kerase_next1

Kexit62: sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Kerase_next1

Kexit011: HONG9
mov dl,Icol01
cmp Icol0,dl
je Kexit021

add Icol01,4
mov Icol,4
mov Ichar01,2
dec Ichar01
jmp Kexit4101

Kexit4101: HONG10
jmp Kerase_next1
Kexit3101: HONG11
jmp Kerase_next1
Kexit012: jmp Kexit011
Kexit021: jmp Kleft

add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,'*'
mov bl,0
push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h
pop cx
dec Icol
je Kexit0
add di,4
jmp Kerase_next1
Kexit0: cmp Ichar01,0
je Kexit012
cmp Ichar01,1
je Kexit121
cmp Ichar0,1
je Kexit012
mov Icol,2
dec Ichar0
jmp Kexit62
Kexit121: HONG8
dec Ichar01
mov Icol,4
jmp Kexit3101
Kleft: add col_on1,2
sub col_on2,2
Kerase1 endp
Lerase proc near
Lexit7: mov Lchar10,10
sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Lerase_next
Lexit6: sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,'*'
mov bl,0
loop Lerase_next

cmp char,28
jz Lleft
inc col_on1
jmp short Lexit6
Lleft: dec col_on2
cmp Lcount_cx,1
jne Lexit8
Lexit9: dec Lchar10
je Lexit10
call dly_qrtr
jmp Lexit9
Lexit10: dec Lchar0
jne Lexit7
Lexit8: ret
Lerase endp
Merase proc near
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
cmp dl,3
jb Mleft0
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,'*'
mov bl,03h
loop Merase_next
Mleft0: inc col_on1
Merase endp
Merase2 proc near
sub cx,cx
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
cmp dl,3
jb Mleft
mov ah,2
int 10h
cmp dl,63
jae Mexit3
mov al,[di]
mov bl,0fh
push cx
mov cx,1
mov ah,9
int 10h
pop cx
add di,4
loop Merase_next2
call dly_qrtr1
sub dl,2
mov cx,char_cnt1
mov di,pointer1
mov dh,line_on1
jmp Merase_next2
Mleft: add col_on1,2
Merase2 endp
Nerase proc near
mov Lchar0,dl
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,'*'
mov bl,0
loop Nerase_next

cmp Lchar1,1
jne Nexit31
dec Ncount_cx1
je Nexitr
sub Lchar0,14
mov dl,Lchar0
mov cx,char_cnt
mov di,pointer
mov dh,line_on
jmp Nerase_next

Nexit31: inc col_on
mov Lchar0,dl
Nexitr: sub col_on,2
mov Lchar0,dl
mov Ncount_cx1,5
cmp col_on,60
jne Nerase_next
Nexit: ret
Nerase endp
Oerase proc near
mov Lchar0,dl
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,'*'
mov bl,0
loop Oerase_next

cmp Lchar1,1
jne Oexit31
dec Ocount_cx2
je Oexit31
cmp char_cnt,28
je Oexitr7
add Lchar0,8
jmp Oexit7r
Oexitr7: sub Lchar0,8
Oexit7r: mov dl,Lchar0
mov cx,char_cnt
mov di,pointer
mov dh,line_on
jmp Oerase_next

Oexit31: cmp char_cnt,28
je Oexitr8
inc col_on
jmp Oexit8r
Oexitr8: dec col_on
Oexit8r: HONG4
mov Lchar0,dl
Oexit: ret
Oerase endp
Perase proc near
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,'*'
mov bl,0
loop Perase_next
mov cx,char_cnt
mov di,pointer
mov dh,line_on
cmp char_cnt,28
je Pexit
inc col_on
mov dl,col_on
Pexit: cmp Icol,0
jne Pleft
dec col_on
mov dl,col_on
Pleft: ret
Perase endp
Qerase proc near
cmp char,28
je Qexit6
Qexit7: sub cx,cx
mov cx,char_cnt1
mov di,pointer1
mov dh,line_on1
mov dl,Hcol1
mov char,cx
jmp Qerase_next
Qexit6: sub cx,cx
mov cx,char_cnt2
mov di,pointer2
mov dh,line_on2
mov dl,Hcol2
mov char,cx
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,'*'
mov bl,0
loop Qerase_next
cmp char,28
je Qleft
inc Hcol1
mov dl,Hcol1
mov cx,char_cnt1
mov di,pointer1
mov dh,line_on1
Qleft: dec Hcol2
mov dl,Hcol2
mov cx,char_cnt2
mov di,pointer2
mov dh,line_on2
Qerase endp
Qerase1 proc near
Qexit15: mov Lchar10,10
sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
jmp Qerase_next1
Qexit14: sub cx,cx
mov char,cx
add dh,[di+2]
add dl,[di+3]
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov al,'*'
mov bl,0
loop Qerase_next1

cmp char,28
jz Qleft1
inc col_on1
jmp Qexit14
Qleft1: dec col_on2
Qexit13: dec Lchar10
je Qexit16
call dly_qrtr
jmp Qexit13
Qexit16: dec Lcount_cx
jne Qexit15
Qerase1 endp
;--<<<***************>>>DLY_QRTR<<<***************>>>-- ;DLY_QRTR³ÌÐò²¿·ÖʵÏÖÑÓ³Ù¹¦ÄÜ
dly_qrtr proc near
push cx
push dx
mov dx,25
dll: mov cx,60000
dl2: loop dl2
dec dx
jnz dll
pop dx
pop cx
dly_qrtr endp
dly_qrtr1 proc near
push cx
push dx
mov dx,25
dll1: mov cx,150
dl21: loop dl2
dec dx
jnz dll
pop dx
pop cx
dly_qrtr1 endp
code_seg ends
end main

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