تفاوت کاربرد عبارات هم معنی


عضو جدید
خیلی از کلمات انگلیسی هستن که به ظاهر هم معنی هستن اما کاربردشون متفاوته
بیاید اینجا تفاوتهای کاربردیه این کلمات رو بنویسیم
البته من همه جا رو گشتم، همچین چیزی تو باشگاه نبود، اگه تکراریه ببخشید :redface:


عضو جدید
تفاوت کاربرد I was و I were

تفاوت کاربرد I was و I were

I was very cold last night. That is a statement of fact. I was is simple past tense.

If I were taller, I could reach the shelf. This is not fact but conditional (subjuctive mood) meaning if one thing is true then another is true.

Ues I was to state simple fact. Use I were if it is conditional. (If is a key word in subjunctive mood.)


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز
معذرت میخوام من دقیقا متوجه منظور تاپیکتون نشدم
اگه قراره گرامر باشه یه تاپیک هست مربوط بهش
اگه قراره چیز متفاوتی باشه که ادامه بدین. در غیر این صورت و در صورت شباهت، تاپیکتون حذف میشه


عضو جدید


معذرت میخوام من دقیقا متوجه منظور تاپیکتون نشدم
اگه قراره گرامر باشه یه تاپیک هست مربوط بهش
اگه قراره چیز متفاوتی باشه که ادامه بدین. در غیر این صورت و در صورت شباهت، تاپیکتون حذف میشه
نه منظورم گرامر نبود، این یکی گرامر شد
منظورم کلماتی مثل glad و happy ویا only و just و ... هست. راجع به اینم تاپیکی هست؟؟؟
آخرین ویرایش:


عضو جدید
glad to meet u و nice to meet u

glad to meet u و nice to meet u

Nice meeting you is used more when saying goodbye than when greeting someone
Nice to meet you and glad to meet you would therefore apply when greeting someone or rather when you're introduced to someone.
glad meeting you, wouldn't really use at all


عضو جدید
travel and trip

travel and trip

travel and trip:

Travel is the most general word that stands for the act of going from one place to another. It does not necessarily imply a return.

Trip is a journey of relatively short duration for some purpose (vacation, business), usually including the return.



عضو جدید
تفاوت trip و journey

تفاوت trip و journey

A trip is going somewhere, like i took a trip to the beach.
trip is a word to talk about a return journey. It also refers to the activity which is the reason for the journey.

A journey is how long some thing took, like the journey took forever!

note: The word travel i
s usually uncountable​
The plural form travels is sometimes used to talk about a long tour in which several places are visited.



کاربر بیش فعال
کاربر ممتاز
I was very cold last night. That is a statement of fact. I was is simple past tense.

If I were taller, I could reach the shelf. This is not fact but conditional (subjuctive mood) meaning if one thing is true then another is true.

Ues I was to state simple fact. Use I were if it is conditional. (If is a key word in subjunctive mood.)

در جملاتی که wish می آید مثلا I wish I were here. بعد از I همیشه were می آید.
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