آرایه های ادبی زبان انگلیسی


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار

Establishing certain attributes of a character by his or her facial or physical features.


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار

designating or characteristic of a kind of fiction that originated in Spain and deals episodically with the adventures of a hero who is or resembles such a vagabond or rogue


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار

To use a word humorously to emphasize a different meaning or application of another word that sound alike.

Don't trust those who do acupuncture, they're backstabbers!
آخرین ویرایش:


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار

A repeated part of a poem, particularly when it comes either at the end of a stanza or between two stanzas.


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار

The part of the plot where the central tension is resolved. The problem is seen as solved, the outcome of the conflict in a plot


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار

a character in fiction whose personality, background, motives, and other features are fully delineated by the author.


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار

The use of irony to mock or convey contempt


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار

To use irony, sarcasm or ridicule to denounce a character.


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار

the time, place, physical details, and circumstances in which a situation occurs.


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار

To compare two or more subjects to one another by using like or as.

Her face was bright like the sun.
آخرین ویرایش:


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار

a character speaks to himself, relating his thoughts and feelings, and in so doing reveals them to the audience


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار

A poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes, in English typically having ten syllables per line.


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار

A group of lines forming the basic recurring metrical unit in a poem; a verse


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار

a literary or dramatic character who undergoes little or no inner change; a character who does not grow or develop.


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Stream of Consciousness

the continuous flow of sense perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and memories in the human mind


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار

A symbol is a person, place, or thing comes to represent an abstract idea or concept -- it is anything that stands for something beyond itself.


عضو جدید
شعر انگلیسی:situational irony

شعر انگلیسی:situational irony

:smile:situational irony:

.generally means difference between appearance and reality
.more specifically as discrepancy between expectation and fulfilment.
.we can see opposite of what we know or opposte of what we expect


difference between ................paradox->shocking effect of paradox is more immediate and sudden
...............irony of situation->irony of situation may have a lapse of time between expectation avd fulfilment
the effect of shock in irony isn't sudden and immediate

why isn't the effect of shock in irony sudden and immediate?
because recognition of irony isn't enough ; the reader should seek the effect........achieve.

effect of irony.........whether the effect is for emphasis
...........for intensification of satiric mood
..........for leading of us experience the total meaning

understatement: important thing in our mind is underestimated more effective
for the sake of effectرا مي خواهيم بيان كن يم

irony of situation:you expect s.th and then the fulfilment is the opposite of what you think
situational irony leeads the reader to the central meaning our expectation often deflated


intelligence human being cause his own destruction
براي نابودي انسانnuclear energy
what he means :
اهميت داشتن intelligenceرا براي نابودي خود انسان استفاده مي كردند.
tone relax-<ادم هايي كه همه پول شده اند.

paradoxخيلي شبيه irony نوع دوم يعني irony of situation است.
paradox (همان (situational irony است.

verbal irony->when you say s.yh to mean another thing
pour cup of coffee on the which carpet-> your father -> well-done meaning->this is silly of you
situational irony irony of situation
cat catch the fish
turn the page
fish eat the cat
water water every where
از تشنگي وسط دريا مردن
expectationدور و برش اب است
violationولي از تشنگي مي ميرد
dramatic irony:
.شخصيت داستان بداند .نويسنده بداند .مابدانيم
.خواننده نداند .شخصيت داستان نداند .شخصيت نداند

.شخصيت نداند-<- schools for scandals
-<-charls with his uncle (خوب حالا پولي كه به تو مي دهم مي تواني برگرداني
گفت من يك عموي ثروتمندي دارم كه مريض است وقتي مرد به شما مي دهم
در حالي كه با عموي خودش صحبت مي كند ما مي دانيم مردي كه با او صحبت مي كند عموي اوست ولي او نمي داند.
knowledge براي ما
ignorance براي charls

هرجا understatement داريم---- < irony of situation و violation of expectation را داريم----- life is complex (many sidedness )of life <
يك چيز با اهميت خيلي ساده به نظر مي رسد منفجر شدن كره زمين dazing off the earth
the earth doesn't exploded itself
به خاطر ادم هاي exploded ,intelligence شده ----------- < براي effective بودن در قالب شعر مي ايد اگر نه در قالب prose مي توان بيان كرد.

paradox ---------> abropt
شما براي فهميدن truth نيازي به داستان نداريد و سريع حقيقت را مي يابيم.
انچه تضاد دارد در يك خط واحد قرار مي گيرد ---------------oxi- morone < است.
lines for a christmas card
may all my enemies go to hell,
Noel,Noel, Noel, Noel. Hilaire Belloc
shock type of expectation:
is that whom you open the Christmas card, as rule, you confront the best wishes for friends and relatives
contrary to your expectation
the fulfilment is the opposite of your expectation
you find that the speaker sends his enemies to hell.
the reader will probably burst to laugher when she actually comes acrooss different fulfilment.

.......... itself means christmath
..........father of christmath
انتظار مرغ و خروس و اردك عيد شما مبارك/نمك در نمكدان شوري ندارد دل من طاقت دوري ندارد
irony of situation --------> violation of expectation
<........... open happy new year ..........> انتظار
>.........شروع سال كارت را دريافت مي كنيد
خدايا مي شه يك روزي همه ي دشمنانم به جهنم برن.
* شروع سال نو يك لحظه مقدس براي ما و ان ها (مسيحي ها) اغاز سال نو يك چيز نو بابانوئل برايمان بياورد.
however the prayer sent the enemies to hell.
a mad answer of a madman:
one asked a madman if a wife he had.
''A wife?'' quote he.'' I never was so mad.''
از دیوانه پرسید " زن داری .....> گفت ....> هنوز ان قدر دیوانه نشدم.
how do you interpret the poem?in two ways
the mad man claims that he has not been so mad to get married;
the appearance says one
the reality is anotherthing
at first galance : we may burst into laugher for his literal meaning.
irony :adopted the mad for sure
1- against having wife the reason is mad.
marriage as being stupid.
2- I was never so mad to have wife.
از دید شاعر یک کم عاقلانه است (که یک دیوانه می تواند زن بگیرد.)
اما از یک ادم دیوانه چنان انتظاری را ندارید
a mad man to provide such a witty answer.
as soon as i could speak

as soon as i could speak -i was told to listen
enjoy the pleasure of speaking
as soon as i could play- they thaught e to work
enjoy the pleasure of playing
as soon as i found a job- i married.
experiencing independence and self- sufficient of working
as soon as I married -came the children.
have romantic pleasure of marriage
as soon as i understood them ....>they left me
mature joy of understanding her children 's needs and demands
as soon as i had learned to live -life gone.

theme....> invite us to ponder over the nature of life deeply
speaker go through different phases of life

emphasis on the depth is partly due to the poet's appropriate use of irony of situation
the fact that we struggle a life time to become mature and experienced aequately to digest life; when we suceed in achieving such a depth, death comes and we have no time to utilize our experience for which we have labored somuch.
...tone.....>sarcastic and bitter.. ..

all the meaning aren't conveyed by words and sentences.
the use of punctuation very aptly does half the job in transferring the meaning to us.

advantages of punctuation in poems:partial transferring of the meaning
refrain "as soon as".....> reinforces the intrusion of one phase upon the other.
punctuation"dash".....>represent the interuptions beautifully
show how one phase is interrupted by another before it is acomplished and completed.

the speaker remembers that before she could enjoy the pleasure op speaking
she was forced into the next phase of her life, have not appreciating any of the stages completely.

last line:
when all is done ,and maturity is accomplished ,depth
comes and make all the struggles of life futile.
زمانی می رسد که چمدان ها را بست و عازم سفر شد.
زمان زیادی باید هدر برد تمرین کنند پدر ئ مادر شدن را.

you have to intrusion all the time-you have phase awaiting you.
left they the word for another places.

* یک phaseتمام نشده یک کار دیگر........>ان تمام نشده یک کار دیگر

حکایت ادم ها و دنیا........>repeat the words
you don't have time to finish a phase completely.
one phase is left in finish await the another phase.
و باید sufisticatedبشه
زندگی تمام می شود <.........وقتی که می خواهد زندگی را یاد بگیرد

a young man's epigram on existence
a senseless school ,where we must give
our lives that we may learn to live?
a dolt is he who memorizes
lessons that leaves no time for prize.
theme and concept:
the speaker sees life as a ''senseless school '' whose education only satisfies and feels death:
1 2
tone....> bitter and sarcastic
irony.....> life prepares us for death.

attitude of speaker towards life........> the speaker very explicitly expresses his disappointment with life

why has such an attitude
he pessimistically sees life as a school at which, instead of learning to live better , we have to learn how to give our lives.

*school (education).......> the expectation is that education should bring us rewards and prizes, but the school of life the
*school of life : the result is the opposit and therefore the speaker believes the students of such a school feels to memorize lessons which them vainly. the prepration is for death.

life (a senseless school)
در ان هزینه ای
انچه باید صرف شد در زندگی تا زندگی را ید بگیرد کسی که این را خوب یاد بگیرد درس ها را خوب یاد گرفته باشد یک stupid person

انتقاد شدید بهdeterminismذارد tomas hardy.......> ......تن شعر sarcastic
Tessمعروف ترین <.......antagonistانسان همانند papet هستند که با ما بازی می کنند.
ما در دست خدایان همانند مگس در دست بچه ها هستیم که برای لذت خود چشم های ما را در می اورند......blosterدر می اورند.

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