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10 Sutherland Falls
Tall: 580m

Sutherland Falls

The waterfalls is located in Fiorland National Park, New Zeland. It is famous for the rough stream, beautiful scenery, and the Milford Track. Loads of people know that this tack is one of the finest track in the world


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9. Dettifoss

Dettifoss Water falls

Dettifoss is 44m tall and 100m wide. The stream is so powerful and you can hear the roar from distance if you visit Jökulsárgljúfur National Park, Iceland. The waterfalls transfers 500 cubic meters of waters per second from Vatnajökull glacier down to the sea. You can snap beautiful objects from the two different side of the waterfalls


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8. Gullfoss

Gullfoss Water falls

Loads of people in Iceland already know this waterfalls for year.if you like to visit this place, I am sure you wont too difficult to find it after asking some people. Gullfoss has 2 tiered beds. The first tier drops 11m and second tier drops 21m. This waterfalls was planned to be converted as a hydroelectricity plan. Luckily, that plan was failed by the daughter of the landowner of the Gullfoss and it is good for us that we can enjoy the view of the waterfalls till this day


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7. Kaieteur Falls

Kaieteur Falls

If you have enough money, you can go to Kaieteur falls in Postaro river, Guyana. Because the transportation is poor, not so many people know about this beautiful object. The Kaieteur Falls drops 221m and spreads 100m from one side to the others. The current is so strong so that the power is often matched with Iguazu falls, Niagara falls and Victoria falls


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06.Yosemite falls

Yosemite falls

The waterfalls is known as one of the tallest in the world and it stands 2425ft from the lower course. Yosemite Falls is the eye of Yosemite national park and if you come in a right time, you can get this waterfall flowing its hard and rough stream from the cliff


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5.Angel Falls (Salto Ángel)

Angel Falls

Angel falls plunging 979m down and it is known as the tallest waterfalls on earth. Local people named this place as Auyantepuy (Devil’s Mountain). This waterfalls hides many histories and stories. You can see this place at the rain forest of Canaima National Park, Venezuela


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4. Plitvice Waterfalls

Plitvice Waterfalls

Plitvice Waterfalls is renowned since the late of 19th century. Plitvice Waterfalls offers the beauty of 2 lakes and green areas around it on this area, you can find a 70m tall waterfalls and beautiful Boardwalks. If you like to visit Plitvice Waterfalls, you should go to Northern Dalmatia. It is located at 2-hour drive south Zagreb, the capital city of Croatia actually


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3.Niagara falls

Niagara Falls

(Ontario,Canada/New york, USA)
Niagara falls is known for centuries as one of the most beautiful object in North America. It is very easy to go to this spot because loyal authorities already prepared great infrastructure and transportation for every tourists who like to spend some time in this beautiful place


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2: Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls

David Livingstone, a famous and the first European who saw this waterfalls, was so struck with the beauty of the waterfalls and he decided to name this waterfalls “Victoria” to honor Queen Victoria in 1855. Victoria falls is part of Zambezi River and it drops 108m down below to a narrow Gorge. The current of the waterfalls is so strong so that we can see the mist of Victoria falls from 11km away


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1: Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls Means “big water”. Iguazu Falls is a place where 3 km wide-275 different waterfalls comes and falls together to the lower bed of Iguazú River. This river has a power to deliver 1.3 million liters of waters every second. You should visit this place if you travel to Argentina/Brazil


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1: Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls Means “big water”. Iguazu Falls is a place where 3 km wide-275 different waterfalls comes and falls together to the lower bed of Iguazú River. This river has a power to deliver 1.3 million liters of waters every second. You should visit this place if you travel to Argentina/Brazil


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1: Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls Means “big water”. Iguazu Falls is a place where 3 km wide-275 different waterfalls comes and falls together to the lower bed of Iguazú River. This river has a power to deliver 1.3 million liters of waters every second. You should visit this place if you travel to Argentina/Brazil
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